Learner Driving Course for Under 17’s

The Under 17.5 boys attended a METEC learner driving course last night which is an initiative through the EFNL.

METEC is METEC Driver Training located at 112 Colchester Rd, Bayswater North.

Thanks to Team Manager, Ellisa Schmidtke, who sent us some pics and a report on the night:

“Great opportunity for these young men tonight. They were super impressive with the way they represented the club, and no doubt they all learnt a lot and have a new found appreciation of what it takes to get behind the wheel.”


A massive THANK YOU to Lakey, Robbo, and Collo who took our U12 and U14 boys for Training tonight! 

The boys were super enthusiastic and loved showing off their skills! They were thrilled with the bonus Hot Dog for Dinner! 

We appreciate you taking the effort to come out on a Friday evening in the cold and wet!! ????


We are looking for some extra volunteers who would be able to help spread the load of looking after our social media and other communications like email.

Rather than the responsibility sitting with just one or two, we are looking for a few motivated people across the playing groups and supporter base who can commit to taking on specific tasks on a recurring basis each week to ensure we can communicate all the great things going on at our club in a sustainable way as the club continues to grow. Depending on the time you’d like to commit you could take on one of the tasks or maybe a few.

You may already have some skills in this area, be keen to learn more or are just looking for a way to throw your hat into the ring. Any training you would need on the systems we use would be provided and most items are now templated.

Some of the key tasks include:

  • Women’s Football & Netball Team Announcements
  • Men’s Football Team Announcements
  • Game Day Score Updates & Saturday Scoreboard Summary
  • Sharing relevant updates during the week e.g., Hawka Lotto, posts from junior page
  • Sharing posts from other relevant pages e.g. EFNL, Premier Data, Media etc
  • Sharing photos after games
  • Promoting club & player sponsors, sharing relevant updates
  • Promoting community partner offers
  • Promoting club events & news
  • Managing and distributing an email newsletter (something new)
  • Replying to messages
  • We’d also be keen to hear from anyone who would like to volunteer their photography, videography or graphic design skills in any way throughout the season or on a regular basis.

If you are interested in putting your hand up, please email me at boroniahawksfc@gmail.com with your expression of interest!


Jax Phillips, Director of Communications


Tonight Robbo & Luke Hannon worked with AFL Goal Umpires at Marvel Stadium, assisting with kicking for goal and participating in game simulation drills while the umps got in their own practice.

Phil WatsonThe umps and their coach were really appreciative of their time and effort and will have them back again! They were awesome and had a great time”

Well done boys!


We’re excited to announce that we’re running our Hawka Lotto for the 2023 season! Hawka Lotto will run over 25 weeks with the opportunity to win the weekly prize jackpot along with the MAJOR & MEGA spins!


• Weekly spin every Thursday night in the clubrooms @ 8pm
• First spin – Thursday 12th April. Last spin – Thursday 28th Sep 
• $10 per week/per number
• 23 x $300 weekly cash spins
• 1 x $600 major cash spin (29th June)
• 1 x $1000 MEGA cash spin (28th September)
• Lotto limited to 100 numbers
• One person can purchase multiple numbers.
• $250 paid upfront or $10 per week payment plans 
(deducted from bank account)
• Winnings paid back into nominated account

Get in quick! Numbers are now on sale on our Online Store: 

Please note: Ticket price will default to $10 per week payment plan, if wanting to pay upfront please select the Upfront Payment modifier of an additional $240.00 ($250.00 Total) 


Players and sponsors, it’s time to lock in your Player Sponsorship Packages for 2023.

There are two levels to choose from which will provide both a discount on the players fees and access to a bunch of value for the business who takes on the sponsorship.

It’s easy to register, the sponsor can either purchase via our online store https://boroniahawks.square.site/ or fill in this form to be sent an invoice for payment: https://forms.gle/eyprVECKGCaZ1JVX6

For any questions, or if you have a paper form completed, please email boroniahawksfc@gmail.com 

What a Way to Finish the Year!

A great crowd for our last training session for 2022! Thank you very much to everyone who turned out tonight and donated to support Knox Infolink Inc in their ‘Share the Joy’ Knox Christmas Appeal. GO HAWKA!!!

Senior captains Harry Burgess and Bree Watson with the generous donations from our club community.
A few of our coaches plus one Head Trainer! Andrew, Craig, Erin, Candyce, Kate, Scott, Matt, Steve and Lachie.