CHAMPIONS OF CHANGE | ALL CLUB VOLUNTEERS, COACHES, MEMBERS AND PARENTS ARE INVITED – presented by Knox City Council and SALT – Sport and Life Training and sponsored by Community Bank Ferntree Gully.



Tormore Reserve is receiving $5 million from the Albanese Labor Government for their brand new pavilion and facilities upgrades!

I was thrilled to join Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government @catherine_kingmp to announce the funding. This $5 million investment will ensure that @boroniahawksfnc,Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club – Junior and @boronia_cc have the facilities they deserve.

Along with the $1.2 million from the Victorian State Government, this combined $6.2 million project is fully funded and ready to be delivered by Knox City Council.

Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club and Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club – Junior are enormously proud of this generous support for our club. We believe it to be a vote of confidence in our ongoing commitment to maintain a strong and inclusive environment for our players, their families and all our members and local supporters. We are very grateful to @marydoylemp @jacksontaylormp, Catherine King MP and @knoxcouncil for their backing of our sporting, social and wellbeing programs.

On behalf of our club and our co-tenants from Boronia Cricket Club, we all thank you so much!

Keep Off the (Artificial) Grass!

Work is now underway at Tormore Reserve on the installation of artificial turf in front of the benches.

Thanks to Knox City Council for getting this done as part of the continual improvement of our Club facilities. Millers will also receive the same upgrade, with work expected to be completed this week – weather permitting!

Please keep off the works areas until work is completed. Thanks to Phil Watson for the photos!

New Nets at Tormore Reserve

The poles have arrived for the new nets behind the goals at the scoreboard end of Tormore Reserve!

A very big thank you to Knox City Council for the installation of nets at both ends of the ground over the past two years. These new nets will protect the neighbours and will save on lost footies for the Club.

Thanks to our roving reporter Phil Watson who always keeps a very close eye on all developments in the surrounds at Tormore Reserve, Home of the HAWKA!

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Annual Report – Director of Administration

Tanya Parkins

Our relationship with Knox City Council has stayed strong though out 2021 despite our interrupted season. Their continued support through their weekly newsletters, emails & phone conversations to keep us connected to our local community is always received well.

We were able to navigate our way through the restrictions outlined with Council and EFNL with greater ease this season; so that made our volunteers, players & community feel safe when around our grounds and facilities. Council has always been a big supporter of our club and all that we are striving to achieve.

Unfortunately, we were not able to make it through the whole 2021 season but we hope to begin arrangements for ground use shortly to kick start our pre-season training and, fingers crossed, 2022 will be a complete season.

Tanya Parkins, Director of Administration

New Defibrillator for Miller Park

In the event of a cardiac arrest, early access to a working defibrillator significantly increases the chance of survival, with the likelihood of a positive outcome reduced by 7-10% every minute defibrillation is delayed.

The defibrillator at Millers was no longer serviceable and in no condition to save lives. We gratefully acknowledge Knox City Council for a grant from the Minor Grant Program that has allowed the purchase of a new unit. Thank you to Tanya Parkins and Kristan Wood who identified this need and are still keeping a check on our facilities even when we’re not able to play football.

Thanks also to Karen Little and Kerryn Westcott for always assisting the Club with our Grants Program.

Boronia Hawks receive new grant from Knox City Council

Boronia Hawks’ Community Programs have received a very generous boost from Knox City Council’s fund for Community Development Grants.

The Club successfully applied for a grant to assist with the funding of programs to support our juniors in the important area of mental health.

Program 1 is to be provided for Junior players by our partners at Outside the Locker Room. Two sessions will be conducted with the first covering Mental Health and the second covering Social Media and Cyberbullying.

Program 2 will be provided by St John Ambulance for our Junior Committee and /or coaches and will cover the essential skills and confidence to recognise and support people with a range of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, suicide and addiction.

Once again the extraordinary skills of Kerryn Westcott in writing a professional grant application have benefitted the Club in funding these two programs. We are very grateful to Kerryn and of course Karen Little, our Director of Community & Inclusion, for their teamwork in developing our Grants Program to support our young players.

Kristan Wood, Junior President, BHFNC

New Sporting Lights at Tormore Reserve

Tormore Reserve is a leading community facility and the addition of new sporting lights through the great support of Alan Tudge MP, AFL Victoria and Knox Council will ensure that reputation is maintained for many years to come.

The new lights provide an outstanding solution for training and matches.

The four 28 metre high poles, with six lights on each, will give our players the opportunity to train on a top-quality oval with state of the art LED lighting for many years to come. The Club’s vision is to always strive to innovate and improve across all aspects of operations, both on and off the field. These new lights will give us tremendous flexibility in relation to the fixturing of matches for our men’s and women’s football teams.

The previous lights had deteriorated rapidly and were inadequate for training.

Planning for the new lights started in 2018 as the old lights were no longer at the required levels for training, let alone night football. With the support of Knox City Council and Alan Tudge MP, the Club lodged a submission for Federal Government funding under the Australian Sports Commission’s Community Sport Infrastructure Program.

It was a great day for the Club when Alan Tudge announced the ASC’s approval of our application for $190,000 to fund the project. The successful application for further funding of $24,000 from AFL Victoria under the Facility Development Program ensured that the Club’s own contribution to the project was manageable, while still significant.

Alan Tudge MP, Federal Member for Aston, with Boronia players.

The Lights were officially switched on by Club great Kristan Wood, accompanied by three other former Club Presidents, at a ceremony on 29 August.

Former Club Presidents: Kristan Wood, Tim Currie, Frank Carroll and Scott Nicholas.
The end of an era as the old lights are taken down and removed. Photo by Kay Kimmitt.

The Club would like to express out gratitude and appreciation to the following people and organisations for their significant contribution to the successful completion of this project.

  • Alan Tudge MP who was the Club’s supporter in our application for Federal Funding through the ASC;
  • Sue McGill, Director, Community Sport & Infrastructure with Sports Australia;
  • Jessie Doull, Facilities and Planning Manager at AFL Victoria;
  • Jake Keogh, the Mayor of Knox;
  • Councillors Peter Lockwood and John Mortimore;
  • Daniel Clarke and the Leisure Development team at Knox City Council;
  • Tim Gates, Managing Director of Wallgates Electrical Services;
  • Stuart McDonald from Nuvo Group;
  • Kerryn Westcott, the Club’s Grants Manager;
  • Kristan Wood, the Club’s Project Manager;
  • David Nicholas; the Club’s Finance Director;
  • Greg Hannon, Senior Club President;
  • Scott Nicholas, Chair of the Club’s Board of Directors.

Landscaping Work Commences at Tormore Reserve!

Knox City Council has just commenced phase 2 of the Tormore Reserve Master Plan that will see additional landscaping and facilities on the grass area between the main gate and the play ground.

Work will continue for 6 weeks, 6 days a week including Saturdays, with a resulting impact on parking availability.

The landscaping will include a picnic area, a multi-purpose flexi pave area, more trees, more paths and pedestrian lighting to improve the overall amenity of the park surrounding the oval.

Tormore Master Plan Phase 2

New Video Scoreboard at Tormore Reserve.

It may have taken a lot longer than we initially planned, but Boronia Hawks are very proud to announce that our brand new full colour electronic video scoreboard has now been installed at Tormore Reserve.

The shutters come up on our new video scoreboard!  

Boronia Hawks are very grateful to Knox City Council for all they do to support football and netball for the Boronia community.  On this occasion, we wish to acknowledge Council’s generous assistance in the grant of funds of $40,000 for the purchase and installation of our new scoreboard.  This will be a tremendous asset for the Club for many years to come and will enable us to provide a far better game day presentation for our supporters and sponsors.

We also wish to thank Sandra Bell for her great work to make the successful submission for the grant on behalf of the Club.  Sandra was of course well supported in the submission by our Chairman, Kristan Wood.

A big thank you to our project team that have worked together to ensure the success of the tricky installation of the new panel into our existing scoreboard structure.  Former Treasurer Brian Nightingale was the key player throughout the whole process, along with Ash Johnston our Football Operations Manager.  They were assisted in the final installation by the crack team of Andrew Catley, Bill Notley, Hans Wennagel, Mark McAlpine, Rob Bell and Stu McDonald.  Many thanks to you all for giving up your time for this important project for the Club.

For the technically minded supporters, our sensational new video scoreboard from AusSport has the following features:

  • GameChanger scoring software for Aussie rules, and other sports as required including Cricket, Soccer, Union, League etc.
  • Ability to display all types of graphics, text & video
  • Player profiles and goal animations
  • Wireless data connection
  • FREE lifetime software updates to enable more features
  • The scoreboard can also do the following with additional hardware/software
    • Include video input such as DVD/Blu-ray players, set top box or live video feed connection
    • Video replay input device.