Congratulations and thank you to the members of the Club who were elected to the Board of Directors at the AGM. We welcome club legend and Life Member David Murrihy to the Club’s board.

Senior Men's & Women's Football and Netball, Junior Boys & Girls Football, Auskick and over 35's Veterans and Masters Football. Affiliated with EFNL. We acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation as the traditional custodians of the land in Boronia.
Are you someone who wants to give back to community sports? Do you have a passion for women’s netball and football? s the BHFNC a club that excites you and you want to make it grow and make it even better?
If you answered YES to those questions, the following new committee role may be of interest to you for next season!
The Senior Vice President – Women’s Program will be a strong advocate for our female football program and our netball program.
The appointed candidate will work closely with the Senior President, Senior Vice President – Men’s Program, the Football and Netball Operations Managers, and the club’s Senior Secretary.
If you are interested in finding out more about one of the advertised positions, please contact Greg Hannon, BHFNC Senior President, at 0438 616 130.
All club members are invited to the 2023 AGM on Monday 30th of October at 7:30pm at the Knox Club.
The agenda will focus on a number of items including our Annual Report, voting on senior and junior committee members and board members and voting on proposed changes to the BHFNC Constitution.
All positions are open to nomination by club members via the following form: NOMINATION FORM
You can view the current BHFNC Constitution here: CLUB CONSTITUTION and the proposed changes here: PROPOSED CHANGES TO CONSTITUTION.
The Annual Report will be provided on the evening.
Our Senior President, Greg “Flash” Hannon has a message for the club community at the mid-point of the season as we head into the June long weekend.
It’s hard to fathom that we are at the halfway point of the season already. What’s not hard to fathom is that our teams are having great success which is not only due to talent but also hard work from the Board, Committee, Coaches, and the army of Volunteers that continue to support our club!
So – I wish to acknowledge and thank the following:
~ Our players are all just quality people and terrific ambassadors for our club! Keep supporting our functions and keep using your drive, energy, and initiatives to make our club grow and improve.
~ Our coaching staff are not just great coaches but they all build meaningful relationships with their players and care about the wellbeing of each individual at our club.
~ Our Incredible volunteers range from Committee Members to Board Members to the many that just give a little of their time to ensure our club can tick along nicely. Without our volunteers, we just don’t have a club so a huge thank you to you all!
~ To our Hawks Nest Coterie leadership, our Coterie members and to all our supportersthat give our club undivided support on and off the field.
~ Our loyal sponsors. Our sponsors give us the funding that we require to operate a successful club. Thank you to all of you!
~ To the families of our players. Your support behind the scenes often goes unnoticed. You feed, clean, and offer emotional support to your child, husband, wife, partner, parent and we thank you for that. I’m sure our players do!
Flash (Greg Hannon) – Senior Club President
We are looking for some extra volunteers who would be able to help spread the load of looking after our social media and other communications like email.
Rather than the responsibility sitting with just one or two, we are looking for a few motivated people across the playing groups and supporter base who can commit to taking on specific tasks on a recurring basis each week to ensure we can communicate all the great things going on at our club in a sustainable way as the club continues to grow. Depending on the time you’d like to commit you could take on one of the tasks or maybe a few.
You may already have some skills in this area, be keen to learn more or are just looking for a way to throw your hat into the ring. Any training you would need on the systems we use would be provided and most items are now templated.
Some of the key tasks include:
If you are interested in putting your hand up, please email me at with your expression of interest!
Jax Phillips, Director of Communications
Players and sponsors, it’s time to lock in your Player Sponsorship Packages for 2023.
There are two levels to choose from which will provide both a discount on the players fees and access to a bunch of value for the business who takes on the sponsorship.
It’s easy to register, the sponsor can either purchase via our online store or fill in this form to be sent an invoice for payment:
For any questions, or if you have a paper form completed, please email
There has been a couple of changes with the Club’s Board of Directors.
Firstly, we farewell Kerryn Westcott, Director of Community & Inclusion. Kerryn is stepping down from the board to focus on her many other volunteer roles. Kerryn has done a phenomenal amount of work for the club, sourcing every grant possible to improve our facilities and offer more to our community. She will be sorely missed but we wish her all the best.
Secondly, we welcome Veronica Rankin into the role of Director of Administration for 2023. Veronica is no stranger to the club, her son has played in our junior ranks and now a member of our Men’s program. Veronica has been a past under 19s Team Manager, one of the most organised, so we are so pleased to have her leading the charge in all things admin this year. Tanya Parkins will step in one last time helping us get Veronica up to speed, we thank her again for her support.
We are still on the hunt for a Director of Finance – if you or you know someone who is interested please reach out to Kat McMahon
At this stage, we won’t formally replace the Director of Community & Inclusion, however if this role is of interest to you please also reach out.
Chairperson, Kat McMahon
Thank you to all of those who took the time to complete our Brand Survey at the end of the 2022 season. The stakeholder survey was in relation to the brand, including the logo, uniform and merchandise colours.
We had a positive level of engagement with approximately 10% of playing members completing the survey, as well as many other stakeholders from across the club.
There were very passionate responses both for and against keeping the logo in its current form and varying opinions about the colours of uniform and off-field items. In the end, it was clear that the logo will remain in its current form.
Confirmation of this allows us to push ahead with other projects like refreshing merchandise and the website.
Thank you again to everyone who participated!
We encourage all players to register ASAP for 2023. This will make sure you are fully covered with the EFNL injury insurance for all of the 2023 preseason as well as the home and away season.
Follow the link and click on the Boronia Hawks Jumper LOGO (not the email address).
We encourage all players to register ASAP for 2023. This will make sure you are fully covered with the EFNL injury insurance for all of the 2023 preseason as well as the home and away season.
Senior Men and Women registration is $25 and its $18 for Junior Boys and Girls. This money all goes to the EFNL for insurance, not to the Club. Club membership fees will be payable down the track.
Registration Enquiries for Seniors: Grant Bertram
Registration Enquiries for Juniors: Carolyn Wood
The 2022 Annual Report from the Club’s Board of Directors was presented at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 26 October at the Knox Club.