2019 Senior Awards Night – presented in association with Knox Club

2019 Senior Men’s Football Awards: presented by Matthew Clark (Senior Coach), Steve Teakel (Senior Assistant Coach), Drew O’Hare (Senior Assistant Coach) and Ray Lacey (Club Legend) on behalf of Bob Henry.

Best & Fairest and Winner of the 2019 Bob Henry Medal: Ryan White

B & F Runner Up: Lachie McKernan
Most Consistent Player: Jayden Collins
Coaches’ Award: Jake Godwin
Most Improved: Corey Burgess
Best Finals Player: Luke Hannon

L-R: Matt Clark, Steve Teakel, Jayden Collins, Jake Godwin, Lachie McKernan, Drew O’Hare, Corey Burgess, Ryan White.

2019 Senior Women’s Football Awards: presented by Ray Lacey and Scott Nicholas (Coaches) and Ellen Johnson (Club Great)

Best & Fairest and Winner of the 2019 Ellen Johnson Medal: Amanda Cellante

Joint Runners Up: Tegan Doran and Briar Forrer-Lacey
Coaches’ Award: Stacey Peril
Most Determined: Sam Mellis

L-R: Ray Lacey, Amanda Cellante, Briar Forrer-Lacey, Tegan Doran, Ellen Johnson, Stacey Peril, Samantha Mellis, Scott Nicholas.

2019 Development Team Football Awards: presented by Craig Brockley (Coach), Greg Granland (Assistant Coach) and Ian McKenzie (Club Great).

Best & Fairest and Winner of the 2019 Ian McKenzie Medal: Nathan Allen

Runner Up: Jordan Granland
Most Consistent Player: Sean Bell
Most Improved Player: Julian Rambaldo
Coaches’ Award: Jack Mueller
Best Finals Player: Nathan Allen

L-R: Jack Mueller, Craig Brockley, Nathan Allen, Julian Rambaldo, Sean Bell, Greg Granland.

2019 Under 19’s Football Awards: presented by Craig McKenzie (Coach), Andrew Catley (Assistant Coach) and David Murrihy (Club Legend).

Best and Fairest and Winner of the 2019 David Murrihy Medal and Chris Burgess Perpetual Trophy: Jacob Delrayne

B&F Runner Up: Mason Storr
Most Valuable Player: Harry Fewson
Players Choice Award: Trent Mellis
Most Improved: Jordy Price
Best Finals Player: James Hoffman

L-R: Craig McKenzie, Mason Storr, Andrew Catley, Jordy Price, James Hoffman, Jacob Delrayne, Harry Fewson, Trent Mellis. Front Row: David Murrihy

Alex McKaige: Winner of the 2019 Kellie Newton Newton Medal for Netballer of the Year – presented by Kellie Newton and Kat McMahon.

L-R: Kat McMahon, Kellie Newton, Alex McKaige

2019 Netball Awards for Boronia Hawks (Premier Division) – presented by Kat McMahon (Senior Secretary)

Dual Best & Fairest Winners: Madison Barrie and Georgia Himmelreich
Dual Runners Up: Mandy Bell and Kellie Newton
MVP: Madison Barrie

2019 Netball Awards for Boronia Brown – presented by Mollie McMahon (Coach)

Best & Fairest Winner: Alex McKaige
Runner Up: Alisha Clark
MVP: Ebony Williams

L-R: Alisha Clark, Alex McKaige, Ebony Williams, Mollie McMahon

2019 Veterans Awards – presented by Greg Joseph (Coach) and Jason Davis (Team Manager)

Best and Fairest and winner of the inaugural Krenn Medal: Kristan Wood

Runner Up: Leigh Cook

L-R: Colin Krenn and Greg Krenn

2019 Best Club Person Awards – presented by Jackson Taylor MP and Greg Hannon (Senior President). Many thanks to Jackson Taylor MP for his ongoing support of Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club.

Dual Winners: Geoff Bell and Tim Burgess (accepted on his behalf by Corey Burgess).

L-R: Jackson Taylor MP, Geoff Bell, Greg Hannon.
L-R: Jackson Taylor MP, Corey Burgess, Greg Hannon.

Milestone Awards

200 Games: Matt Buzinskas

L-R: Matt Buzinskas, Greg Hannon

150 Games: Ryan Henderson

L-R: Ryan Henderson, Greg Hannon

100 Games

  • Ben Robertson
  • Brenton McAlpine
  • Chris McDonald
  • Nathan Watson
  • Sean Bell.

50 Games:

Netball: Kellie Newton

L-R: Greg Hannon, Kellie Newton

Senior Men’s Football:

  • Brayden Wright
  • Damon Fairchild
  • Jake Godwin
  • Jayden Collins
  • Josh Hannon
  • Kane Milde
  • Luke Hannon
  • Matt Geraghty.

AFL Victoria Funding for New Lights

Boronia Hawks hosted Jessie Doull from AFL Victoria and Troy Swainston from Eastern Football League last night for the presentation of AFL funding for the outstanding new sports light installation at Tormore Reserve. 

Jessie is AFL Victoria’s Facilities and Planning Manager and was instrumental in the success of our submission for funding under the AFL’s Facilities Development Reserve. This funding was in addition to the federal funding from the Australian Sports Commission with the great support of Alan Tudge MP.

Left to Right: Amanda Cellante (Senior Women’s Captain), Erin Nicholas, Courtney Storen, Jessie Doull, Troy Swainston, Greg Hannon (Senior President) and Kristan Wood (Project Manager). Cheque bearers: Kai Wood and Cayden Wood!

Club Chairman, Scott Nicholas said “Thanks to everyone at the Club for your contributions to this project, large or small. It was a great example of a number of people across the Club coming together to make it happen!”

“Particular thanks to Kerryn Westcott for the initial application, David Nicholas for his assistance in crunching the numbers and making the financials work, and Kristan Wood for his work in managing the project. Finally Greg “Flash” Hannon for his work behind the scenes to bring this all together!”

“Great work team, with an outcome that will benefit the club for many years to come!”

Boronia Hawks Women’s Footy “Come and Try Night”

Building on the success from 2018 and 2019 seasons, Boronia Hawks intends to expand our program to have Senior Womens and Development teams in 2020. Come and have a kick at our Come and Try Night, meet some of the players and learn more about the 2020 season;

  • Thursday 19 September, 6pm to 7:30pm
  • Tormore Reserve, Tormore Road, Boronia.

Boronia is a perfect destination club:
• If you’ve previously played football or other sports and want to develop your football skills, knowledge fitness and take your game to another level
• If you’re new to the game and are looking to learn new skills, get active, meet new friends and be part of a team.

All ages and abilities welcome (16+), no prior football or sporting experience is required.

Come and be part of a fun, welcoming and inclusive club where men’s and women’s programs are embedded into the club.

Coaching and volunteer positions also available. Female applicants are encouraged to apply, support is also available to undertake training or coaching accreditation.

For more information please contact:

Ray Lacey 0429 511 509
Scott Nicholas 0403 238 494

Kat McMahon 0428 116 640

Vote Count Leader Boards

The votes for the 2019 Boronia Hawks Senior B&F’s have been counted and the current leaders were announced at the Vote Count Night last Saturday.  Here are the current leaders across all of our senior teams, with the actual winners to be announced at the Senior Awards Night on 4 October at the Knox Club!


Bob Henry Medal for Senior Men’s Best & Fairest – up to round 14 of 18

  1. Ryan White 184 – winner in 2016
  2. Corey Burgess 131
  3. Lachie McKernan 127
  4. Jarrod Lake 111
  5. Jack Hare 108
  6. Jake Godwin / Jayden Collins 95
  7. Jake Millen 89
  8. Brenton McAlpine 56
  9. Luke Hannon 52 – winner in 2017 / 2018


Ellen Johnson Medal for Senior Women’s Best & Fairest – up to Round 10 of 15

  1. Amanda Cellante 88 – runner up in 2018
  2. Tegan Doran 77
  3. Briar Forrer-Lacey 62
  4. Sam Mellis 57
  5. Julia Bortoli / Rhiannon Crompton 55
  6. Kat McMahon 48
  7. Demi Thomas 43
  8. Jess Buzinskas 41
  9. Dee Caiafa 26


Kellie Newton Medal for Netball Best & Fairest – up to Round 9 of 14

Boronia Hawks

  1. Madison Barrie 11 – winner in 2018
  2. Kellie Newton 8 – this could be interesting!
  3. Mandy Bell / Rhiannon Crompton / Rebecca Mills 6
  4. Georgia Himmelreich 5
  5. Ally Forrest 4
  6. Leanne Fredericks 2

Boronia Brown

  1. Alex McKaige 14 – winner in 2018
  2. Ebony Williams 10
  3. Dani Kemp 8
  4. Lizzie Akesson 7
  5. Alisha Clark / Bree Martin 5
  6. Tessa Evans 3
  7. Courtney Krenn 2



Ian McKenzie Medal for Reserves Men Best & Fairest – up to Round 14 of 18

  1. Nathan Allen 141
  2. Luke Leeson 121
  3. Matt Geraghty 91
  4. Jordan Granland 88 – 2017 winner
  5. Brayden Wright 83
  6. Patrick Kinniff 71
  7. Brayden Bowes 68
  8. Jeremy Mason 66
  9. Sean Bell 62
  10. Zack Brasher 51


David Murrihy Medal for Under 19’s Men Best & Fairest – up to Round 14 of 18

  1. Jacob Delrayne 156
  2. Mason Storr 147
  3. Nathan Hare 118
  4. Jordan Price 99
  5. Trent Mellis 89
  6. Harry Fewson 72
  7. James Hoffman / Liam Parkins 51
  8. Hayden Morris 41
  9. Will Morrison 29


The “Who Could it Be” Medal for Veterans Best & Fairest – up to Round 6 of 9

  1. Kristan Wood 21
  2. Leigh Cook 20
  3. Chris Aaltonen 14
  4. Steve O’Reilly 12 – winner in 2016 /2017
  5. Matt James 10
  6. Macey Ryan 8
  7. Colin Krenn 7
  8. Adrian McDonald 6
  9. Chris Reid 5
  10. Chris Joy 2



Team Selections for 16th to 18th August


Boronia Hawks Senior Men’s Squad v Templestowe at 2:10pm at Tormore Reserve – presented by Knox Club

15 H. Chinn 52 B. Robertson 23 J. Collins 38 F. Duke 29 J. Godwin 12 D. Fairchild 8 J. Hannon 2 L. Hannon 24 J. Hare 21 N. Hare 11 J. Lake 34 J. Millen 19 B. McAlpine 13 J. Mellis 17 L. McKernan 1 R. Henderson 42 B. Rapisarda 16 M. Buzinskas 39 Z. Robinson 36 J. Rutherford 47 T. Steele 37 R. White

Boronia Hawks Netball Squad v East Burwood Black at 6:45pm at Knox Regional – presented by G.J. Gardner Homes Australia

Carla Alexander, Madison Barrie, Amanda Bell, Rhiannon Crompton, Georgia Himmelreich, Rebecca Mills, Kellie Newton, Jennifer Schanssema.

FINAL ROUND – must win for finals!

SEMI FINAL: Boronia Hawks Senior Women’s Squad v FTG at 1:30pm SUNDAY at Mulgrave Reserve – presented by Knox Leisureworks

40 J. Bortoli 1 J. Buzinskas 15 K. Buzinskas 17 D. Caiafa 2 A. Cellante 37 S. Coates 24 R. Crompton 23 A. Davidson 4 T. Doran 14 S. Faull 12 C. Fay 42 B. Forrer-Lacey 27 L. Kabris 5 B. Kinniff 6 P. Lacey 28 D. Langford 30 A. McKaige 11 K. McMahon 20 S. Mellis 32 E. Nicholas 7 A. Penny 16 S. Peril 35 S. Ponton 55 C. Timms

Boronia Hawks Development Squad v Templestowe at 12:05pm at Tormore Reserve – presented by Choices Flooring

62 T. Dodd 31 D. Romano 56 R. Kennedy 74 Z. Brasher 5 S. Bell 9 J. Granland 41 K. Milde 22 M. Geraghty 32 N. Watson 33 J. Mason 18 L. Hare 73 R. Migues 4 B. Castersen 53 T. Dower 10 C. McDonald 40 B. Wright 3 N. Allen 64 D. Dower 44 B. Bishop 78 S. Bramstedt 51 Z. Dower 58 J. Purdon 28 J. Rambaldo

Boronia Hawks Under 19’s Squad v South Croydon at 10:00am at Tormore Reserve – presented by Boronia Dentist

3 B. Aughterson 33 M. Cavicchia 7 L. Parkins 14 J. Gardiner-Hoffman 29 H. Rouse 10 N. Smith 31 Z. Prizmic 2 R. Williams 9 J. Price 1 B. Campbell 12 T. Mellis 30 J. O’Neill 26 M. Green 17 C. Ng 16 W. Morrison 13 B. Anderson 5 H. Fewson 24 L. Wright L. Armstrong 19 H. Coles C. Dunkinson 22 H. Morris 27 K. Schmidtke


Team Selections for 10 August 2019


Boronia Hawks Senior Men’s Squad v The Basin at 2:10pm at Tormore Reserve – presented by Choices Flooring

11 J. Lake 19 B. McAlpine 13 J. Mellis 23 J. Collins 7 C. Burgess 27 L. Leeson 24 J. Hare 15 H. Chinn 17 L. McKernan 38 F. Duke 8 J. Hannon 52 B. Robertson 36 J. Rutherford 42 B. Rapisarda 37 R. White 29 J. Godwin 21 N. Hare 1 R. Henderson 34 J. Millen 47 T. Steele 2 L. Hannon 16 M. Buzinskas.

IN: Lake, Chinn, Rutherford, Millen.  OUT: Delrayne, Fairchild, Mason, Robinson.

Boronia Hawks Women’s Squad v Blackburn at 8:20am SATURDAY at Tormore Reserve – presented by Knox Leisureworks

1 J. Buzinskas 17 D. Caiafa 2 A. Cellante 37 S. Coates 23 A. Davidson 4 T. Doran 29 T. Evans 14 S. Faull 42 B. Forrer-Lacey 27 L. Kabris 5 B. Kinniff 9 J. Lacey 6 P. Lacey 28 D. Langford 26 K. Little 18 Y. Mau 30 A. McKaige 11 K. McMahon 20 S. Mellis 32 E. Nicholas 7 A. Penny 39 J. Phillips 35 S. Ponton 55 C. Timms 38 C. Wright

IN: Cellante, Little, Nicholas.  OUT: Bortoli, K. Buzinskas, Peril.

Boronia Hawks Under 19’s Squad v The Basin at 10:00am at Tormore Reserve – presented by Dyson Currie Pty Ltd

3 B. Aughterson 33 M. Cavicchia 7 L. Parkins 12 T. Mellis 16 W. Morrison 10 N. Smith 17 C. Ng 31 Z. Prizmic 9 J. Price 14 J. Gardiner-Hoffman 24 L. Wright 22 H. Morris 26 M. Green 30 J. O’Neill 6 M. Storr 13 B. Anderson 5 H. Fewson 18 J. Delrayne 19 H. Coles 29 H. Rouse 27 K. Schmidtke

Boronia Hawks Development Squad v The Basin at 12:05pm at Tormore Reserve – presented by G.J. Gardner Homes Australia

74 Z. Brasher 71 P. Kinniff 31 D. Romano 5 S. Bell 9 J. Granland 62 T. Dodd 41 K. Milde 32 N. Watson 4 B. Castersen 78 S. Bramstedt 59 L. Watson 18 L. Hare 22 M. Geraghty 33 J. Mason 53 T. Dower 42 S. Yule 64 D. Dower 3 N. Allen 44 B. Bishop 51 Z. Dower 10 C. McDonald 50 J. Mueller 76 K. Notley 58 J. Purdon

Boronia Hawks are proud to be supported by Allstate Refrigeration Services.

Coaching Announcement

Matthew Clark, Senior Coach

Boronia Hawks are very pleased to announce that Senior Coach, Matthew Clark, has committed to coach the Club for two more years, taking his tenure through to the 2020 and 2021 seasons.

Following the 2018 “triple” premiership in Division 3 in his first year with the Hawks, Matt has the senior team currently sitting second on the Division 2 ladder and looking to finish the home and away season strongly.  Matt has earned the respect of all players and supporters with his straight-forward approach and strong planning and communication skills.  Matt will be assisted once again by Steve Teakel, one of the most respected coaching gurus in Victorian community football.

Steve Teakel and Matthew Clark

In addition, the Club is very pleased to confirm that the entire senior coaching panel has recommitted to the Club for 2020.  We have a very experienced team of coaches who have built an excellent learning environment for our players that has also delivered excellent results over the past two seasons.

Scott Nicholas and Ray Lacey

Please join us in congratulating all coaches on their reappointment.  We can all look forward to the further development of the Club and our players in the years to come.

The 2020 Senior Coaching Panel is:

  • Matthew Clark – Senior Coach
  • Steve Teakel – Senior Assistant Coach
  • Drew O’Hare – Senior Assistant Coach
  • Craig Brockley – Development Squad Coach
  • Greg Granland – Development Squad Assistant Coach
  • Craig McKenzie – Under 19’s Coach
  • Andrew Catley – Under 19’s Assistant Coach
  • Ray Lacey – Senior Women’s Coach
  • Scott Nicholas – Senior Women’s Coach
  • Greg Joseph – Veterans Coach

Other assistant coaches will be announced during the preseason.

Knox Club_Long
Boronia Hawks is proud to be supported by the Knox Club.

Senior President’s Update


To say our season for the senior men has been a roller coaster would be an understatement.  Thankfully, nearly all our injured players are back on the field and, with three games to go, we should have close to a full list vying for a senior game come finals!

It would be great if as many supporters as possible get down to ‘The Hawka’ over the next two weeks to give our teams an extra boost leading into their finals campaigns.



Our senior women’s team kick off at 8:20am this Saturday for their final home and away match of the season, before they commence their first finals campaign at Mulgrave on 18 August.  Special thanks must go out to Lace and Snicko (Ray Lacey and Scott Nicholas) for doing a tremendous job coaching our growing list of female players. We began with 9 women last year, but they have built that up to well over 30 this year.  With two junior girls teams, who knows where we will be in season 2020!


After the senior game last Saturday, the Mulgrave rooms were just full of Boronia people. Probably 80% Boronia in their homerooms!! The senior umpire said to me; ‘The culture you have at Boronia is just amazing.  You have Panda, the Krenn’s at every game and people like Bomma running Coterie – it’s incredible!’  And he is right!

Our 19’s have been incredible with up to 5 eligible players playing senior football in recent weeks!  Our Development team is on top and our senior team is half a percentage point off top spot too! Without getting ahead of ourselves, the Club is well placed to have a fair dinkum crack come finals time!


Unfortunately, our two netball teams, Hawks and Brown will be hard pressed to play finals this season with only 2 games to go.  The Hawks in Premier Division have won 4 games from 11, with 4 thrillers decided by 4 points or less.  The “Brownies” have suffered from injuries all season and have only managed 2 wins so far.  On a brighter note, over 30 players have played netball with the Club this season, including a number of “cross overs” from our women’s footy team who are happy to double up for the weekend!


The Vets finished their season under lights in the wilds of South Belgrave last Friday.  The boys kicked on to celebrate the end of their season in fine style, because they played some great footy during the year and welcomed many new players to the Club.  Thanks to Joey, Jason and the boys for another great season.  Success will come!


Off the field, our new lights get installed at Tormore Reserve this week.  This is a most exciting development and will give our Club incredible flexibility when fixturing matches in future years.  Special thanks to Woody (Kristan Wood) for facilitating this project.  In addition, much work has been done behind the scenes to secure funding for a facility upgrade in the next 2 to 3 years.   We hope to have some meaningful announcements in the coming months!

Please get behind Murra (David Murrihy) and support our finals hosting program.  This is equivalent to a major club sponsorship and we need as many volunteers as possible to make this work!


We have the Presidents Lunch with Matthew Richardson, which is completely sold out, on August 17 and the vote count night after our last match of the season!  The senior Awards Night is on 4 October and DOES NOT clash with the Vet’s Footy Trip!

The next 7 weeks could be ‘crazy’ busy but get involved and cheer loudly!!

Go Hawka!

Greg Hannon

Senior President, Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club



Team Selections for 2nd & 3rd August



EFL Netball Teams for TONIGHT – presented by G.J. Gardner Homes Australia

Boronia Hawks v Lilydale Falcons at 8:20pm at HE Parker Reserve – Jessica Bain, Amanda Bell, Ally Forrest, Georgia Himmelreich, Jessica Hudson, Bec Mills.

Boronia Brown v Coldstream White at 6:45pm at Oxley College – Alisha Clark, Tessa Evans, Danni Kemp, Courtney Krenn, Alex McKaige Sam Mellis, Eliza Stafford.


Boronia Hawks Veterans Squad v South Belgrave at 7:30pm FRIDAY at Belgrave South Reserve – presented by GK Travel & Cruise

21 C. Aaltonen 14 J. Bamford 6 S. Beaton 18 G. Bell 13 R. Bell 22 N. Blomfield 66 L. Burnett 2 M. Clinton 24 L. Cook 11 J. Davis 45 S. Fischer 10 D. Hansby 7 M. James 16 C. Joy 15 C. Krenn 20 S. Lehman 27 B. Notley 28 S. O’Reilly 4 C. Reid 19 A. Rickerby 1 A. Rook 42 M. Ryan 17 D. Spence 23 B. Stewart 3 T. Vining 12 B. Wiesner 34 K. Wood Emergencies: 84 G. Bertram 9 J. Cranfield


Boronia Hawks Senior Women’s Squad v FTG at Wally Tew Reserve at 10:00am on SATURDAY – presented by Knox Leisureworks

40 J. Bortoli 1 J. Buzinskas 15 K. Buzinskas 17 D. Caiafa 37 S. Coates 23 A. Davidson 4 T. Doran 29 T. Evans 14 S. Faull 42 B. Forrer-Lacey 27 L. Kabris 5 B. Kinniff 9 J. Lacey 6 P. Lacey 28 D. Langford 18 Y. Mau 30 A. McKaige 11 K. McMahon 20 S. Mellis 7 A. Penny 16 S. Peril 39 J. Phillips 35 S. Ponton 55 C. Timms 38 C. Wright


Boronia Hawks Under 19’s Squad v Mulgrave at 10:00am at Mulgrave – presented by Choices Flooring

14 J. Gardiner-Hoffman 30 J. O’Neill 17 C. Ng 12 T. Mellis 13 B. Anderson 24 L. Wright 31 Z. Prizmic 5 H. Fewson 2 R. Williams 16 W. Morrison 22 H. Morris 10 N. Smith 3 B. Aughterson 7 L. Parkins 33 M. Cavicchia 28 L. Pickard 8 J. Rule 9 J. Price 1 B. Campbell 19 H. Coles L. Flanagan 26 M. Green 27 K. Schmidtke


Boronia Hawks Development Squad v Mulgrave at 12:05pm at Mulgrave – presented by Dyson Currie Pty Ltd

74 Z. Brasher 71 P. Kinniff 31 D. Romano 5 S. Bell 9 J. Granland 18 T. Dodd 41 K. Milde 32 N. Watson 4 B. Castersen 33 J. Mason 59 L. Watson 18 L. Hare 53 T. Dower 22 M. Geraghty 36 J. Rutherford 42 S. Yule 35 B. Bowes 64 D. Dower 44 B. Bishop 49 M. Goldsack 48 J. Lech 10 C. McDonald 50 J. Mueller 30 J. Neville


Boronia Hawks Senior Men’s Squad v Mulgrave at 2:10pm at Mulgrave – presented by Boronia Dentist

19 B. McAlpine 13 J. Mellis 38 F. Duke 7 C. Burgess 29 J. Godwin 23 J. Collins 15 H. Chinn 24 J. Hare 47 T. Steele 8 J. Hannon 21 N. Hare 17 L. McKernan 42 B. Rapisarda 37 R. White 39 Z. Robinson 52 B. Robertson 1 R. Henderson 16 M. Buzinskas 18 J. Delrayne 12 D. Fairchild 2 L. Hannon 27 L. Leeson

Senior Debut: Congratulations to Jacob Delrayne!



2019 Senior Football Finals Schedule

Start sorting out your diary for August and September as we head towards EFL and ERWFL Finals!

In a nutshell, we have four weeks of Division 1 finals at Tormore Reserve; the senior men are aiming to compete in Division 2 finals at East Burwood; the senior women at Mulgrave; and the Veterans at Lilydale.

The Club has a proud record of hosting finals over many years.  This is made possible by two things: the superb facilities and playing surface of Tormore Reserve; and the fantastic support of our volunteers who run the match days so seamlessly.  We are now asking for volunteers to step forward and offer their help for this year’s final series.  

If you can help out in any way during the finals at Tormore please contact Greg Hannon on 0438 616 139, David Murrihy on 0418 542 337, Ellen Johnson for BBQ & Canteen on 0407 672 816 or Ellisa Schmidtke on 0417 593 884.

Things we need to to cover include:

  • traffic control and car parking;
  • car boot alcohol inspections at the gate;
  • canteen and kitchen assistants;
  • bar staff at two outside bar tents – must have RSA accreditation;
  • BBQ cooks and helpers for two / three BBQ tents;
  • delivering supplies to bars and BBQ’s.

** EFL passes for volunteers to gain no-cost admission to the ground will be available for collection from the Clubrooms after 7:00pm on Thursday nights during the finals.