@Boroniahawks asks all players, members and supporters to support our MAJOR RAFFLE as our biggest fundraising activity for the season.  Our raffle books are currently being handed out to all our players and families.  


FIRST PRIZE:  a Tradesman Trailer chockfull of great products – valued at $4199!  Goodies include:

  • a large Coolaroo Cantilever Umbrella – perfect for poolside or backyard BBQ area;

  • a four-burner BBQ;

  • a 100 litre steel tray wheelbarrow from Total Tools;

  • a 4.28m x 3.66m portable Coolaroo Gazebo with UV protection;

  • and many more…..

SECOND PRIZE:  $500 voucher from Rebel Sports!


THIRD PRIZE: $300 IGA Liquor Voucher


We ask you to sell all your tickets and / or buy them yourselves to keep the Club ticking over.  It is through our fundraising and social events that we are able to provide the equipment and facilities for our players and supporters while keeping membership fees and prices low.  The Club is a not-for-profit organisation and relies on the generosity of our loyal Club members.


A huge thank you to Ash Johnston, Mick Flanagan and Libby Flanagan for all their work to launch and run our Major Raffle.




Four Hawk Legends

The Past Players Day on 2 June brought together many greats of the Club, but no other quartet has the collective service of these four outstanding contributors to the Hawks. Each of these legends has been recognised by having a Best and Fairest Medal named in their honour.

From Left to Right: David Murrihy (Medal for U19’s B&F); Bob Henry (Medal for Senior B&F); Ian McKenzie (Medal for Reserves B&F); Ray Lacey (Medal for U17’s B&F).

In memory of John McLeod

Boronia Hawks are saddened to learn of the passing of longtime supporter John McLeod, a true pillar of the Boronia community. John will be remembered as a gentleman who always did his bit around the Club. He was particularly known for his tremendous service with the local fire brigade and for his involvement with the Club’s ANZAC Day ceremonies. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. 



New High Tech Scoreboard at Miller Park

Our Electronic Scoreboard is up and running at Miller Park.

It looks fantastic. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank a number of people who made this project possible and a huge success. Firstly, Kerryn Westcott (U17 Parent).  Kerryn was instrumental in putting in an outstanding Grant submission, securing us a $40,000 grant for this project. Well done Kerryn!

Thank you to Nathan Allen (Senior Vice Pres and Player).  Nathan ran the project from start to finish, ensuring everything went to plan with the placement, planning and erection of the board. Top effort Nathan.  Dillio Rech (Coterie and Senior Clubman).  Dillio was our excavator in this project, digging the trenches and holes for the steel framework. His work was very generously gifted to the club.  Hats off to Dillio.

Shane Bishop (Past Junior President and Past Parent of the Club) did all the electrical work associated with the scoreboard, including running power to the shed at Millers. Thank you for all your efforts.  Cam Mellis also assisted with initial steel fabrication information and project info. Thanks Cam.  I know there were other people who assisted Nathan with the concrete footings, and I would like to thank them for all their efforts as well.

It’s with the great support of people within the whole club that allow us to complete projects such as this. Well done and thank you once again.

Ellisa Schmidtke, Junior President

The new scoreboard at Miller Park, which has now been configured and programmed for Boronia, not Vietnam v BizMac!

Knox Relay for Life – a message from Hon. Alan Tudge M.P.









I’m seeking your support for a significant community event coming up in Knox.  I’m proud to be Patron of the event and I am encouraging the local community to get behind the volunteer committee and get involved.

Knox Relay for Life supports the Cancer Council of Victoria.  Relay for Life has been running in communities across Australia for 17 years and this will be the seventh anniversary of the Knox Relay for Life.


Knox Relay for Life consists of teams who walk, jog or run for 18 hours around the Knox Athletics Track.  Rest assured, you don’t have to do the whole 18 hours yourself (although some people do!).  Rather, your team has to ensure that your team’s baton is being carried for the entire duration.  Teams gather sponsors and/or raise money for participating.  The Relay is also a time to remember those who have been lost to cancer or are in the process of having treatment or to celebrate with those who have beaten cancer.

The Relay for Life this year is again occurring at Knox Athletics Track on Saturday 21 April 2018, starting at 4pm for the official opening and finishing on Sunday 22 April 2018 at 10am. The committee would like to see a record number of teams and participants for their seventh year as do I.

Please consider registering a team from your Community to participate in the event.  Alternatively, you and your members would be very welcome to join TeamTudge or just come down to the event for part of the time and possibly throw in a few dollars.

You can find more detailed information and how to register at Knox Relay for Life.

Thanks for considering my request.

Kind regards,



Any volunteers please?

Boronia Hawks are looking for someone from the Club community to help out Kristan Wood and Samantha Dunkinson with our sponsorships.

It’s not running the show – we just need a spare pair of hands from an enthusiastic volunteer or two. As an example, we could do with someone who could look after the player sponsorships, just like Fletch in 2017. Maybe grab a mate or a partner and put both hands up!

If you would like to help out, please speak to Woody or send him a quick text on 0411 605 203.


ny volunteers

Vale Faye Manfre

It is with a heavy heart and much sadness that we share the heartbreaking news of the passing of Faye Manfre, mum of one of our U17’s players Matt Manfre.

Faye passed away earlier this week after a long illness. Tragically for Matt, his sister Sara and his family, today marks the second anniversary of the loss of their father.

The thoughts and prayers of the Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club community are with Matt, his sister Sara, and his uncle and aunt Peter and Sonia, who will now care for their nephew and niece.


Boronia Hawks at the Knox Festival on Saturday 3 March

Boronia Hawks have been lucky enough to secure a stall at the Knox Festival this coming weekend on Saturday 3 March from 10:00am to 1:00pm.  This is a great opportunity to get the Club out there amongst the community and attract some new boys and girls to come on down and play footy with the Hawks.
We will have a handball target and Hawka hats and beanies to give away.  We will also have flyers with information about the Club and our Boronia Auskick Centre.
If anyone is available to come down and help sometime during this session, your assistance would be greatly appreciated!  Please contact Ellisa Schmidtke on 0417 593 884 who will be happy to provide you with the relevant information.  Otherwise, please pop in and say hello!