Knox City Council will meet on Monday 9 December to consider the appointment of a contractor to construct the Tormore Reserve Pavilion, home to the Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club and Boronia Cricket Club.
Boronia Hawks FNC is extremely grateful to Knox City Council for their support of this project. We also wish to thank Mary Doyle MP and Jackson Taylor MP for their ongoing assistance in bringing this new facility to a reality.

“The works include partial demolition of existing pavilion and construction of a second storey addition, complete refurbishment of retained ground floor, and construction of a new crossover and entry road from Tormore Road, as per the endorsed Masterplan 2016”.
“The existing Tormore Reserve Pavilion was built in 1976, and is now considered not fit for purpose, as it only provides makeshift gym and first-aid areas, no dedicated female change rooms and amenities, nor DDA facilities apart from an outdated accessible toilet”.
“The new facility will comprise of four (4) change rooms and amenities, umpire change rooms, first aid rooms, a social / multipurpose room, meeting rooms, offices, storage space, a kitchen and cafeteria, and a bar”.