Today, Saturday 20 May, our players, coaches and supporters don pink to raise funds and awareness for Breast Cancer Network Australia.

It’s safe to say that most of us have known someone affected by breast cancer directly or indirectly. We wear pink with pride and our thoughts are with all those impacted by this illness.

We chose to wear pink a week later than most so we could come together with most of our teams playing at home. We’ll also have some teams wearing pink again next week for an extra show of support when our Vets & Masters play.

2023 Hawka Golf Day at Waterford Valley

It’s time to gather up your team for our annual golf day at Waterford Valley Golf Course, proudly supported by our major sponsor Ferntree Gully Nissan.

There’ll be 18 holes of Ambrose Golf in teams of 4, with lunch snack and dinner & drinks (2 hours) to follow. There’ll also be plenty of prizes and awards throughout the day to keep things interesting.

Check out all the details below and then book via our store:

If you need a team, please reach out to Greg Hannon at

Hole Sponsorships are also available.

Returning to team sport after childbirth

Boronia Hawks are featured with a nice photo in this week’s edition of “A Note from Leisure”, the informative newsletter from Knox City Council’s Suranga Dissakarunaratne, Leisure Services Officer.

Joint Training Day

“Playing for team motherhood”: Returning to team sport after childbirth

“Motherhood and a decrease in physical activity participation often go hand in hand. Specifically, early motherhood is a time when women have some of their lowest rates of sport participation. This is a problem, because during the postnatal period (up to 1 year after giving birth) women are at high risk of drastic weight gain, postpartum depression, isolation and anxiety. While physical changes that affect sport participation are well-addressed, how postnatal women re-engage in sport is also affected by gendered expectations accompanying motherhood. These expectations include gender roles dictating how mothers “should” behave. Another expectation is intensive mothering, that is, the expectation that mothers must prioritize their child’s needs over their own. These expectations both decrease mothers’ physical activity levels and also weaken their emotional and physical well-being”. Learn more……..

A Christmas Message from Flash

To all players, volunteers, supporters and officials

On behalf of the senior committee, I’d like to wish everyone a restful and enjoyable summer break. Our club, like all clubs, has survived two extraordinary years that we could never plan for. Our club is in a great place thanks to the tireless work of our Board, Committees, Coaches and a loyal and dedicated playing group.

My New Year’s wish is for an uninterrupted season, we all deserve that! Surely that’s not too aspirational!!!!! I feel so sorry for the teams that had premiership hopes for this season. It is what it is but it’s still shattering for our coaches and players!

The behind the scenes work our coaches have done to ensure the well being of our players will never be fully realised, but I know what they have done and greatly appreciate their incredible efforts in keeping our players healthy. We are truly blessed to have the quality of coaches we do have in both football programs and our club is just so grateful for your work, kindness and dedication.

Our football managers in Karen, Ash and Wrighty don’t stop. We are always working at improving our lists and we are quietly confident that our lists for 2022 will be strong and be able to compete in what is looking like really even and competitive divisions for our male and female teams.

The senior club is already busy planning for events such as our first Presidents Luncheon. David “The Ox” Schwartz is our first speaker, with Luckmans Catering already locked in! Our Corporate Golf Day at the magnificent Eastwood Golf Club is being managed by Hollywood, and Leanne Rech is project managing our 90th Birthday Celebration Dinner which promises to be huge! Phil, Sammi, Wayne and Grant did a great job with our Christmas Fun Run and Nath Allen is planning a huge season of incredible social events!!!

A special thank you to Bomma and Leanne for managing our highly successful Hawks Nest Coterie. The work you do in building a cohesive community of past players and supporters is difficult to measure, but it is massive!!!!

Our incredible grants team led by Kerryn Westcott has secured a number of grants that will pay for things such as a new bain marie, new ice machine, iPads and a new fridge freezer. We also have nets being installed behind the goals at the club house end of the ground over summer.

We cannot run a club the size of Boronia without our dedicated volunteers. I sincerely thank you all. You are the lifeblood of our club and you are all the very best of people! If you are thinking of getting on board to help out, just ask and we will welcome you with open arms! We know we have to share the load and we are delegating more tasks than ever before as we can’t afford to burn out good people!

All in all, the club is in a good place. We have solid and meaningful direction across all leadership groups from Coterie to Playing Leadership Groups to Coaches to Committees to the Board. I wish all volunteers, all players and supporters a great Christmas and I’ll see you back down at the club in the new year.

Greg “Flash” Hannon, Senior President

Introducing the BHFNC Youth Mental Health First Aid Team

Thank you to the volunteers from our Committees, Coaching Team, Playing Groups and Trainer Team who successfully completed a Youth Mental Health First Aid course with Mental Health First Aid Australia.

The course covered how to assist adolescents who are developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis; where and how to get help; and how to provide first aid in a crisis situation.

With a focus on adolescents, our volunteer team members are available to assist anyone in our Club community including coaches, team managers, parents and players. If you would like to make contact please do so directly or through Kristan Wood (Woody), our Junior President on 0411 605 203 or via email

  • Chloe Timms (Women’s Football Squad)
  • Danny Weston (Junior Coach and Junior Committee Member)
  • Gen Lyons (Women’s Football Squad)
  • Julie Allen (Player parent, U15 boys)
  • Lauren Porter (Auskick Assistant Co-ordinator and U9’s Team Manager)
  • Kate Vangeninden (Head Trainer)
  • Rhiannon Crompton (Women’s Football Squad)
  • Sam Dunkinson (Junior Vice President, Auskick Co-ordinator and Fundraising Committee Member)
  • Stephen Little (Trainer)

We are very appreciative to the Knox City Council for the Community Development Fund 2020/2021 which funded this training and their ongoing provision of grants to support our Club community.

Thank you to Samantha Dunkinson for coordinating the training dates and requirements with the course provider. Thank you also to Karen Little, our Director, Community and Inclusion for her incredible work as our champion of mental health support within the Club.

COVID-19 Message from Scott Nicholas

Everyone around Victoria is currently in lockdown under Stage 4 restrictions. We all have a responsibility to do the right thing regarding the restrictions; we also have a responsibility to each other to stay safe, stay connected and stay positive.

We know a lot of our players, coaches, volunteers and families have already been impacted mentally and financially because of COVID-19, and many more will face hardship because of the new restrictions.

Let’s remember why this is in place, to ensure we all stay safe and healthy.

There has been a lot of discussion regarding mental health and wellbeing, and it’s a fantastic reminder for everyone with the Boronia community to prioritise their mental health.

Please look after yourselves, check in on each other, and be sure to connect with all of the great mental health services if you’re struggling to cope. You can check some out on the Wellbeing Hub on the Boronia Hawks website.

While many of us will face difficulties over the coming six weeks, there are some who may be is a less fortunate position and may struggle for basic necessities or a roof over their heads. If anyone from within the club is concerned about another club member please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know.

We are in this together, and we will get through this together.



Scott Nicholas, Club Chairman


A FREE ON-LINE SESSION with TOM BOYD for MEN’S HEALTH WEEK: Wednesday 17 June from 7:30pm

Join a free online presentation with former AFL footballer Tom Boyd who will share his story of going from #1 draft pick to retirement within five years.

Boronia Hawks recommends this free on-line session to all. Given the challenging environment that we are living in today, here is a great opportunity for our members, volunteers and players to get an insight from someone who had to deal with such a high level of expectation and how he worked his way through the highs and lows.

A Message from OTLR: Welfare App

To OTLR’s sporting community,

Across sporting codes, we acknowledge COVID-19 has disrupted the sporting calendar at all levels. As restrictions and forced closures of facilities and businesses are implemented, along with social distancing and self-isolation regulations, we understand that all clubs have had to postpone Outside the Locker Room education sessions that were scheduled in the immediate future. It will be our priority to re-schedule these sessions with you at a time that is safe to do so.

Our welfare support, available via our mobile app or directly emailing our team at is still available. Please read below for more information.

Our welfare support

Understandably during times like these, feelings of worry, anxiety and even panic can set in. Events like the new coronavirus pandemic can also trigger, exacerbate or prolong existing mental health challenges within individuals and communities.

Caring for our individual and collective mental health is more important than ever, and we encourage you to make the most of OTLR’s welfare support. Please continue to utilise our mobile app and encourage all club members, including players, management, coaches and support staff, to download the app and make use of the various features available.

Xmas Message from Senior President

Samantha Dunkinson (Junior VP), Alan Tudge MP (Member for Aston), Bob Henry (Hawka Legend) and Greg “Flash” Hannon (Senior President). (Photo by Kieran Griffin)

On behalf of our senior committee, I’d like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas period. This time of the year is always an opportune time to reflect on the year past and search for what we have to look forward to in the year ahead. I would argue strongly that the role of a community football/netball club has never been more important.

Supporters at Tormore Reserve (Photo by Kieran Griffin)

The digital world has offered us so much but with it comes greater levels of anxiety, mental health issues and disconnection from society. What does a club like Boronia Hawks offer? We offer a community of friends that actually talk to each other, that offer support to each other and that offers a ‘home’ away from home for people to ‘escape’ the pressures of day to day life and to be with people that have a similar aspiration – to make our community club be as good as it can be.

2019 Senior Women’s Team at the Knox Club (Photo by David Nicholas)

Our club is very much a community. We have people from a variety of backgrounds and on the whole, we treat each other with great respect and care. I know this because new people that join our club tell me how welcoming we are and how much they value our club ‘culture.’

New players Anna Moulday and Sharnee Emmanuelli (Photo by Scott Nicholas)

No club is perfect, but if we all work together with a solution focussed mindset, great things can be achieved!

This season saw our teams play finals; we invested in technology to support our coaching/playing group; we invested in player well-being programs and we invested in capital works ( new ground lighting ). We were able to do this and still be vigilant in managing our expenditures and ensuring that we can offer our players a ‘high performance’ environment to play in.

Scott Nicholas (Club Chairman), Mitchell Wright (High Performance Manager) and Ashley Johnston (Football Director). (Photo by David Nicholas)

Every year players leave and players join our club. For those who have decided to leave ‘The Hawka,’ we wish you nothing but great success and enjoyment at your new homes. Clearly understand, you are always welcome back at Tormore. Do not be strangers! To those that have joined us, we look forward to welcoming you to our club. For those like Harry and Andy who are returning, it’s great to have you back boys!

New players for 2020 Tom Long, Taylor Legate and Sean Young. (Photo by David Nicholas)

Thank you to everyone that has supported me in my first year as Club President and I hope you all have a great summer break with your families.

Greg “Flash” Hannon


Boronia Hawks to Kick Start for 2020!

Boronia Hawks will kick start the 2020 preseason as footy training gets under way. We also have our second “Come and Try Night” for Women Footballers!

Junior Boys and Girls are invited to come to our Junior Registration Day on Sunday 17 November at Tormore Reserve from 10:00am to 11:30am. Meet the coaches and sign up to receive discounted club membership for 2020. Get out on the oval to have a kick as well.

Any questions? Please contact our Junior Registrar, Stacey Peril on 0488 336 519 or

Senior Men’s footballers, together with Under 19’s and Under 17’s, are expected to attend this first session to kick off the pre-Xmas preseason. Training for 2020 commences on Monday 18 November at Boronia Salvation Army Oval from 6:00pm on Monday & Wednesdays.

Please contact Ash Johnston, Football Director, on 0433 365 286 for any questions.

Our Senior Women’s Teams will be starting their 2020 campaign on Tuesday 19 November at Boronia K-12 College from 6:00pm.

Come and join a fun, welcoming and inclusive team environment, at one of the Eastern Football Netball League‘s destination clubs. After making finals for the first time in 2019, the Hawks are on the rise in 2020 fielding two teams for the first time! 

Coaching and volunteer roles are also available, so if you’re interested in being part of a Women’s Football Team come and get involved!

Please contact Scott Nicholas, Senior Coach, on 0403 238 494 for more information.

The Boronia Veterans Team will start their preseason training (and recovery sessions) from Wednesday 20 November. Venue is still to be finalised, so keep an eye out for an update.

Please contact Team Manager, Jason Davis on 0425 749 818 for more information.