Are you someone who wants to give back to community sports? Do you have a passion for women’s netball and football? s the BHFNC a club that excites you and you want to make it grow and make it even better?

If you answered YES to those questions, the following new committee role may be of interest to you for next season!

The Senior Vice President – Women’s Program will be a strong advocate for our female football program and our netball program.

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The appointed candidate will work closely with the Senior President, Senior Vice President – Men’s Program, the Football and Netball Operations Managers, and the club’s Senior Secretary.

If you are interested in finding out more about one of the advertised positions, please contact Greg Hannon, BHFNC Senior President, at 0438 616 130.


This Friday night we recognise Alisha Clark’s 50 game milestone in brown and gold on the netball court.

Well done to Alisha for joining few that have played 50 games as part of our netball program. Alisha has been a consistent contributor in her position as Centre, taking out the B&F in the 2022 season.

In 2023 Alisha is the netball coordinator and also Captain of the Boronia Hawks team.

Congratulations Alisha!

Women’s Health Session – Pelvic Health

The Women’s football squad will run a Pelvic Health session on Wednesday 23rd March, 7-8pm in the clubrooms at Tormore. All women of the Club would be invited (footballers, netballers, volunteers, members and the women in their families).

Poor pelvic health is a barrier for women to participate in sport and while it’s an issue that impacts many women, it’s not often spoken about.

We’ve engaged a Pelvic Health professional to run the session who is currently completing her PhD in poor pelvic health and the impact on women participating in community sport. Her presentation will be supported by Meg McKernan, who is a specialist obstetrics nurse. This was Meg’s initiative and one that will be of interest to many women in our Club community.

We are anticipating that this will be the first in a series of three Women’s Health sessions that will be run by the Women’s squad throughout the season.


Boronia Diamonds are now Recruiting!

The Boronia Diamonds netball team will join the EFNL’s new Veterans Friday night competition in 2022.

If you’re a female 35+ and would like to join a fun and supportive team of women please enquire below!

2021 Boronia Diamonds Netball

Returning to team sport after childbirth

Boronia Hawks are featured with a nice photo in this week’s edition of “A Note from Leisure”, the informative newsletter from Knox City Council’s Suranga Dissakarunaratne, Leisure Services Officer.

Joint Training Day

“Playing for team motherhood”: Returning to team sport after childbirth

“Motherhood and a decrease in physical activity participation often go hand in hand. Specifically, early motherhood is a time when women have some of their lowest rates of sport participation. This is a problem, because during the postnatal period (up to 1 year after giving birth) women are at high risk of drastic weight gain, postpartum depression, isolation and anxiety. While physical changes that affect sport participation are well-addressed, how postnatal women re-engage in sport is also affected by gendered expectations accompanying motherhood. These expectations include gender roles dictating how mothers “should” behave. Another expectation is intensive mothering, that is, the expectation that mothers must prioritize their child’s needs over their own. These expectations both decrease mothers’ physical activity levels and also weaken their emotional and physical well-being”. Learn more……..

Boronia Hawks launch Gender Equity Plan

We have a proud Club history, with many memorable milestones achieved. This 2021 season sees another milestone being the first season that Senior Women’s and Development football teams and four netball teams have taken the field and court.

The benefits of the increase in our player numbers are many and a re-evaluation of our facilities and the way that the Club operates has been necessary. The allocation of resources to all of our sporting teams and meeting the needs of our volunteers and members is critical in creating a Club environment that is welcoming, family-friendly and inclusive, that gives all the best chance of experiencing success.

As a strategic approach to achieve this, the Board is pleased to present the BHFNC Gender Equity Plan. The plan links to the club’s vision statement “Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club is one club; working together for success, on and off the field”.

The plan will evolve and develop over time, with the needs of the Club. Feedback and suggestions are welcomed and should be directed to Scott Nicholas, Club Chairperson or Karen Little, Director Community and Inclusion.