Team Selections for Saturday 16th June and Sunday 17th June

@boroniahawks Senior Squad for Round 10 v Donvale at 2:10pm at Tormore Reserve – presented by

14 J. Bolton 25 B. Bowes 45 H. Burgess 16 M. Buzinskas 23 J. Collins 15 H. Chinn 12 D. Fairchild 29 J. Godwin 2 L. Hannon 8 J. Hannon 1 R. Henderson 21 N. Heuston 32 L. Johnson 11 J. Lake 19 B. McAlpine 17 L. McKernan 6 A. Phillips 42 B. Rapisarda 52 B. Robertson 47 T. Steele
37 R. White 40 B. Wright.

@boroniahawks D Squad for Round 10 v Donvale at 12:05pm at Tormore Reserve – presented by

5 S. Bell 72 H. Betts 60 M. Bruce 7 C. Burgess 70 N. Carrodus 4 B. Castersen 64 D. Dower 51 Z. Dower 43 C. Flanagan 9 J. Granland 71 P. Kinniff 10 C. McDonald 41 K. Milde 33 R. Miller 35 C. Murrihy 30 J. Paterson 58 J. Purdon 28 J. Rambaldo 31 D. Romano 15 D. Ruff 67 M. Smith 75 J. Stamatakos 24 R. Warren 77 J. Whitmore.

@boroniahawks U19’s Squad for Round 10 v Donvale at 10:00am at Tormore Reserve – presented by

13 B. Anderson 3 B. Aughterson 22 J. Baker 28 C. De Boer 27 H. Emslie 5 H. Fewson 29 L. Fletcher 1 S. Fung 14 J. Gardiner-Hoffman 7 T. Griffiths 10 J. Lech 19 J. McDonald 9 J. Mellis 99 M. Mellis 12 T. Mellis 73 R. Migues 16 W. Morrison 23 H. Mountain 26 J. Mueller 76 K. Notley 17 J. O’Neill 30 L. Sturdy 8 S. Tunstall 2 R. Williams.

@boroniahawks Womens Team for Round 7 v Donvale at 12:30pm SUNDAY at Tormore Reserve – presented by Knox Leisureworks YMCA

25 K Little 6 P Lacey 3 B Allen 11 C Wright 2 A Cellante 7 A Penny 12 C Chu 14 T Doran 10 D Langford 15 K Buzinskas 24 C Storen 4 B Forrer-Lacey 16 S Peril 9 J Lacey 5 B Kinniff 22 C Timms 23 A Davidson 1 J Buzinskas 8 D Thomas 18 L Kabris E Stanios.

@boroniahawks Veterans Squad for Round 5 v UFTG at 2:30pm on SUNDAY at Tormore Reserve – presented by GK Travel & Cruise

70 C. Aaltonen 6 S. Beaton L. Burnett 41 M. Chawulak 3 M. Clinton 24 L. Cook 45 J. Cranfield 52 B. Dahan 11 J. Davis M. Dyson 17 G. Hall 46 D. Hansby 36 S. Kavanagh 21 C. Krenn 25 G. Krenn 94 S. Lehman 26 S. Little 28 S. O’Reilly 43 C. Reid 42 M. Ryan 4 T. Vining 27 R. Weisz 13 B. Wiesner R. Witte 34 K. Wood 18 A. Wright.


New High Tech Scoreboard at Miller Park

Our Electronic Scoreboard is up and running at Miller Park.

It looks fantastic. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank a number of people who made this project possible and a huge success. Firstly, Kerryn Westcott (U17 Parent).  Kerryn was instrumental in putting in an outstanding Grant submission, securing us a $40,000 grant for this project. Well done Kerryn!

Thank you to Nathan Allen (Senior Vice Pres and Player).  Nathan ran the project from start to finish, ensuring everything went to plan with the placement, planning and erection of the board. Top effort Nathan.  Dillio Rech (Coterie and Senior Clubman).  Dillio was our excavator in this project, digging the trenches and holes for the steel framework. His work was very generously gifted to the club.  Hats off to Dillio.

Shane Bishop (Past Junior President and Past Parent of the Club) did all the electrical work associated with the scoreboard, including running power to the shed at Millers. Thank you for all your efforts.  Cam Mellis also assisted with initial steel fabrication information and project info. Thanks Cam.  I know there were other people who assisted Nathan with the concrete footings, and I would like to thank them for all their efforts as well.

It’s with the great support of people within the whole club that allow us to complete projects such as this. Well done and thank you once again.

Ellisa Schmidtke, Junior President

The new scoreboard at Miller Park, which has now been configured and programmed for Boronia, not Vietnam v BizMac!

Women’s Footy Match Report – We have hit the scoreboard!

This was a highly anticipated game of football with Boronia taking on the visitors from Thornton-Eildon in front of an enthusiastic crowd at Tormore Reserve.  Both teams struggle a bit up forward, so the game was set to be tight.  The Hawks welcomed Lina Kabris to the team for her first game and were also very pleased to have Briar Forrer-Lacey back in action after her return from China the night before the game!  We had a strong lineup this week despite missing three key players in Sam MellisKat Buzinskas and Lana Kitteringham from the previous game.

The first quarter was intense, with lots of hard footy as the ball rebounded up and down the ground.  As always, Rhiannon Smith and Phoebe Lacey were working hard in the last line of defence; Candyce Wright, Charmaine Chu on the outer side and Jess Buzinskas and Tegan Doran on the members side of the ground were all keeping busy and racking up possessions.  Chloe Timms was doing well in the ruck.  Both teams were here to play, but Thornton-Eildon snuck through for a goal against the run of play.   Only seven points down at quarter time and there was a sense that the Hawks were right in this one.

The Hawks attacked relentlessly in the second, with Amanda DavidsonDee Caiafa and Briar driving the ball forward.  Amanda Cellante even took two bounces as she dashed through the guts!  Then it happened – the opposition lost their structure under pressure and the ball spilled free to Brynie Kinniff who pounced on the loose ball in the goal square and scored the historic first goal for the Hawks!  The girls mobbed each other to celebrate the goal and the crowd erupted with cheering and applause as the wild scenes continued on-field!  Co-coaches Ray Lacey and Scott Nicholas embraced on the bench as Sam, our runner for the day, ran on to the field and jumped up and down in jubilation!  Back to business though as Thornton-Eildon lifted their game to lead by 21 points at half-time.

The third quarter saw more hard yakka around the packs.  Enter Bec Allen and Courtney Storen who both thrive with the hard ball gets, while Darcy Flanagan and Alix Penny kept up the tackle pressure.  The deeper bench of Thornton-Eildon meant that fresh legs were now making an impact at the scoring end as they ran the ball forward to create more opportunities, taking them to seven goals.  Did the Hawks have enough in the tank to run out the game?  

Dee Caiafa was on fire in the last quarter, taking one memorable run of 30 meters without a bounce, but also carving up the back line to break through for a behind soon followed by a team-lifting goal!  It now seemed that the girls saw their chance as the forward line came alive with Stacey Peril, Jasmine Lacey and Karen Little getting dangerous and creating opportunities.  Amanda “Davo” Davidson and Jess Buzinskas were playing tough footy in the final stanza, locking the ball in to our half.  Courtney and Chloe both took strong contested marks inside 50 but found the big sticks were elusive with the tricky breeze.

The Hawks were down by 41 points when the siren went, but the whole side had played their best footy for the season.  With a number of players back soon, including Demi Thomas, the signs are good if the consistent approach to training continues.  The whole Club was buzzing after the game and the girls won a lot of friends amongst the Hawk supporters watching them for the first time.

@boroniahawks Women’s Scoreboard – presented by Knox Leisureworks YMCA

@boroniahawks 2.4 16 go down to Thornton-Eildon 8.9 57
Goals: Brynie Kinniff ? Dee Caiafa ?
Best: Dee Caiafa, Brynie Kinniff, Amanda Cellante, Amanda Davidson, Candyce Wright, Courtney Storen.

Stacey Peril applies the shepherd for Brynie Kinniff.

Veterans Match Report: Boronia v South Croydon

A gutsy TEAM effort which made the coach very proud of all players’ efforts.  The final scores did not reflect the efforts by the lads.  Super proud guys!

@boroniahawks Veterans Scoreboard – presented by GK Travel & Cruise

South Croydon 14.9 93 d Boronia 3.1 19
Goals: Butler 2, Wood 1.
Best: Colin Krenn, Kristan Wood, Ben Dahan, Darran Hansby, Greg Krenn, Chris Aaltonen.

Netball Match Reports – 3 Wins!

HAWKS def Montrose Demons 66-31 (J. Rush 52, E. Barrie 14)
Hawks had a fantastic win over Montrose on Friday night, winning 66-31.  Even with two new players filling in for us this week, Hawks were strong right from the start.  It was lovely clean and controlled game of Netball played by Hawks.
Thank you to Carli Den Braber and Kasey Lee who both played great games for us this week in the mid court.  Julia and Emily Barrie dominated the goal end together and both Ally and Ellie had a fantastic game in the centre. Great game team!

GOLD def Kilsyth Cougars Black 34-21 (J. Hall 20, S. Grigg 9, C. Hahn 5)
Second win in a row!  In the first half of the game we managed to have a two goal lead with some tight defence by Inga and Janae.  With a change in goals at half time, Jess and Casey worked well together, offering many options to pass into the ring and they were on.  Inga was on fire, with many turnovers giving us the opportunity to push the lead out to 10.  Stacy was strong in centre, making position down the court.  Awesome work everyone!  

BROWN def Wantirna South Devils White 18-29 (D. Kemp 28, S. Martin 1)
After starting off a little rusty in this late 9.45pm game, the whole team pulled together in the 2nd quarter and dominated from then on.  We are learning how each other plays and what our strengths are as a united team.  With the continuous support from the sidelines from our bench, spectators and scorers this brings up our spirit all throughout each game.
The win has taken us up to 4th on the ladder which is fantastic as we came into the section late!  This week we welcomed Caitlin Yann to our team. Caitlin will be a great addition throughout the mid court and defence!

Emily Barrie

D Squad Match Report: Round 9 Boronia v Ringwood

Another great day for football greeted us at our home ground.   The girls were kicking goals and we were eager to show our wares as well.  A late call up for Wrighty and a chance to see Patty Kinniff in action at last.  Ready for battle we looked good on paper once again and everyone was eager to make amends for our last outing.

The first was messy and once again forward delivery started poorly.  If not for one of our smaller brigade in Cam Flanagan we may have struggled to score a major in the term.  Everyone is trying there hardest but rhythm just isn’t quite there at the moment.  It will come when we play as a team and demand more from ourselves.

The backline was again in charge and delivered the ball forward time after time. Trying a few moves can unsettle the team but we need to know who can stand up under pressure, so some players were out of their regular spots.

We were mostly in charge of play but turnovers cost us on plenty of occasions.  Milde was leading the way with his ability to read the flight of the ball and then use it wisely.  Kinniff was marking strongly, getting into position and beating his opponent hands down.

The Dowers are having a great season and are raising the bar each game they play.  With Carro delivering the ball by hand we should dominate every ball up.  Our opponents work to his dominance and we must mix it up better in coming weeks.

Leading at the long break, the challenge was five  goals in the third, but it wasn’t to be and Ringwood out scored us.  Not with better skills but with more desperation at the ball.  We looked tired in the second half and perhaps the week off will reenergise us. We must play better against stronger teams.  This is our challenge.  We have the players and the skills – we now need to gel it all together.

After the week off we will have several players ready to return from various injuries and once again spots in the team will be at a premium. Training will dictate who pulls on the boots for our next game.

@boroniahawks D Squad Scoreboard – presented by Alchester IGA

Boronia 6.8 44 d Ringwood 6.5 41
Goal Kickers: C. Flanagan 2, S. Bell 2, R. Warren, J. Rambaldo
Best Players: K. Milde, C. Flanagan, D. Dower, N. Carrodus, P. Kinniff, S. Bell.

Kane Milde and Patrick Kinniff

Senior Match Report: Round 9 Boronia v Ringwood

“If we were going to fly the flag…….” by The Voice in the Outer

A huge day awaited the Hawks crowd as the top two sides were playing off for top spot and bragging rights.  Each side was missing a few regular players but there was plenty of talent on display.

I don’t know how many tosses we’ve won this year, but again we kicked against the breeze in the first.  Ringwood had come to play and took full advantage of the breeze. They worked the Hawker over in our forward half, pressured us around the stoppages and worked harder across the ground.  Robbo Junior took a great mark and kicked true for the Hawkers’ only goal for the quarter.  Ringwood were helped by a couple of very technical free kicks but deserved their 3 goal lead at 1/4 time.

Into the 2nd and kicking to the scoring end, The Hawker started to win a few clearances and we saw five minutes of brilliance by “COLLO” kicking two snap goals from 30 metres to capitalise on the good work out of the guts.  When the Hawker gets its’ hand ball game going even the best sides in the comp find it hard to stop.  The Hawker showed glimpses of the previous eight weeks form but were a bit gun shy to run and carry the footy.  Ringwood showed again that they are a well-structured and well coached side by kicking a couple of late goals to take a 16-point lead into the long break.

The 3rd quarter was played mainly in Ringwood’s forward half.  The Hawker backline competed well against the continual opposition forward entries and held firm for most of the quarter. Kyle Matthews, number 17 for Ringwood, brought his own footy and was devastating by foot and continually set Ringwood up from his team’s defensive side.  The quarter was a real arm wrestle with both sides only kicking a single goal each until Ringwood broke the stalemate, after being awarded another technical ruck free kick in the ruck, to kick their second goal for the quarter to extend their lead to 25 points at 3/4 time.  What I didn’t like was seeing an injured Boronia player on his knees trying regain his breath and an opposition player standing over him, getting stuck into him.  If we were going fly the flag then this would have been the time to do it.

For the first three quarters the Hawker had played very much within themselves, very much non-risk safe football.  Even though we started the last quarter with plenty of energy and looked to negate Ringwood’s defensive setup by playing a seven man back line, we had a number of good opportunities to close the gap on the scoreboard but were continually shut down by inconsistent ball movement.  The quarter finished with both sides kicking two goals each and Ringwood winning the game by 25 points.

Ringwood were the far better side today and deserve to be clear flag favourites.  They have a great setup behind the ball and spread well.  Their general in the backline (number 17) controlled the game all day.  For the Hawks, we had a number of solid contributors, but also had a few boys down on their season form to date.  We didn’t play the footy that we played in the first 8 rounds.  Today we lost, but from what I saw from the outer we have plenty of upside and there is nothing the Hawker can’t handle that was dished up by Ringwood today.   We can close the gap if we get back to our game plan.  We have had a fantastic first half of the season, so everyone enjoy the long weekend and see you when we play Donvale.

Go Hawks.

@boroniahawks Seniors Scoreboard – presented by Knox Club

Ringwood 10.10 70 d Boronia 7.3 45
Goal Kickers: J. Collins 2, B. Wright 2, Z. Robinson, L. McKernan, N. Allen
Best Players: J. Godwin, J. Lake, J. Hannon, B. Rapisarda, R. White.

Ryan White


Team Selections for 2nd & 3rd of June

@boroniahawks Seniors Squad for Round 9 v Ringwood at 2:05pm at Tormore Reserve – presented by ALLSTATE REFRIGERATION SERVICES

1 R. Henderson 2 L. Hannon 3 N. Allen 8 J. Hannon 11 J. Lake 12 D. Fairchild 14 J. Bolton 17 L. McKernan 19 B. McAlpine 21 N. Heuston 22 M. Geraghty 23 J. Collins 25 B. Bowes 29 J. Godwin 30 J. Paterson 32 L. Johnson 37 R. White 39 Z. Robinson 42 B. Rapisarda 45 H. Burgess 47 T. Steele 52 B. Robertson.

@boroniahawks Development Squad for Round 9 v Ringwood at 12:05pm at Tormore Reserve – presented by

5 S. Bell 81 A. Biddau 74 Z. Brasher 70 N. Carrodus 4 B. Castersen 64 D. Dower 51 Z. Dower 43 C. Flanagan 49 M. Goldsack 26 S. Goldsack 9 J. Granland 10 C. McDonald 41 K. Milde 33 R. Miller 35 C. Murrihy 58 J. Purdon 28 J. Rambaldo 31 D. Romano 15 D. Ruff 75 J. Stamatakos 25 N. Stamatakos 24 R. Warren 30 J. Whitmore 40 B. Wright.

@boroniahawks Women’s Squad for Round 6 v Thornton-Eildon on SATURDAY at 10:00am at Tormore Reserve – PRESENTED BY Knox Leisureworks YMCA

1 J. Buzinskas 2 A. Cellante 3 B. Allen 4 L. Kitteringham 5 B. Kinniff 6 P. Lacey 7 A. Penny 9 J. Lacey 10 D. Langford 11 C. Wright 12 C. Chu 14 T. Doran 16 S. Peril 17 D. Caiafa 22 C. Timms 23 A. Davidson 24 C. Storen 25 K. Little 26 R. Smith L. Kabris

@boroniahawks Veterans Squad for Round 4 v South Croydon at 2:30pm SUNDAY at Cheong Park – presented by GK Travel & Cruise

70 C. Aaltonen 6 S. Beaton L. Burnett 86 S. Butler 41 M. Chawulak C. Cincotta 3 M. Clinton 24 L. Cook 45 J. Cranfield 52 B. Dahan 11 J. Davis M. Dyson 17 G. Hall 46 D. Hansby 36 S. Kavanagh 21 C. Krenn 25 G. Krenn 94 S. Lehman 26 S. Little 68 B. Notley 28 S. O’Reilly 43 C. Reid 50 B. Stewart 4 T. Vining 27 R. Weisz 13 B. Wiesner 48 R. Witte 34 K. Wood.


Team Selections for 26th and 27th May

@boroniahawks Seniors Squad for Round 8 v FTG at 2:10pm at Wally New Reserve – presented by ALLSTATE REFRIGERATION SERVICES

3 N. Allen 14 J. Bolton 25 B. Bowes 45 H. Burgess H. Chinn 23 J. Collins 12 D. Fairchild 22 M. Geraghty 29 J. Godwin 2 L. Hannon 8 J. Hannon 1 R. Henderson 21 N. Heuston 11 J. Lake 19 B. McAlpine 17 L. McKernan 30 J. Paterson 42 B. Rapisarda 39 Z. Robinson 52 B. Robertson 47 T. Steele 37 R. White.

@boroniahawks Development Squad for Round 8 v FTG at 12:05pm at Wally New Reserve – presented by DYSON CURRIE TIMBER WHOLESALERS

5 S. Bell 72 H. Betts 60 M. Bruce 70 N. Carrodus 4 B. Castersen 61 J. Collins 64 D. Dower 51 Z. Dower 43 C. Flanagan 26 S. Goldsack 9 J. Granland 32 L. Johnson 10 C. McDonald 41 K. Milde 33 R. Miller 58 J. Purdon 28 J. Rambaldo 31 D. Romano 15 D. Ruff 67 M. Smith 75 J. Stamatakos 25 N. Stamatakos 24 R. Warren 40 B. Wright.

@boroniahawks U19’s Squad for Round 8 v FTG at 10:00am at Wally Tew Reserve – presented by BARK KING

13 B. Anderson 3 B. Aughterson 22 J. Baker 28 C. De Boer 1 F. Duke 27 H. Emslie 5 H. Fewson 29 L. Fletcher 79 S. Fung 14 J. Gardiner-Hoffman 10 J. Lech 19 J. McDonald 9 J. Mellis 12 T. Mellis 16 W. Morrison 23 H. Mountain 26 J. Mueller 76 K. Notley 17 J. O’Neill 30 L. Sturdy 20 S. Tunstall 2 R. Williams.

@boroniahawks Women’s Squad for Round 5 v South Croydon at 12:30pm SUNDAY at Cheong Park – presented by Knox Leisureworks YMCA

25 K. Little 1 J. Buzinskas 19 K. Buzinskas 17 D. Caiafa 2 A. Cellante 23 A. Davidson 4 L. Kitteringham 9 J. Lacey 6 P. Lacey 10 D. Langford 3 R. McMahon 20 S. Mellis 7 A. Penny 16 S. Peril 26 R. Smith 24 C. Storen 22 C. Timms 11 C. Wright.



@boroniahawks are very pleased to congratulate our Senior Coach, Matthew Clark, upon his selection as the Eastern Region Coaches Association “Coach of the Month” winner in the Senior category for April.

Nominations are made by club officials to recognise coaches who are demonstrating: excellent commitment; the ability to pass on knowledge; good coaching behaviour; and are well respected in their community. There is absolutely no doubt that Clarky ticks all these boxes!

As a result of winning “Coach of the Month” Matt is now also a nominee for the ERCA’s “Coach of the Year” to be awarded in October 2018. Congratulations on a very well deserved gong!