Boronia Diamonds are now Recruiting!

The Boronia Diamonds netball team will join the EFNL’s new Veterans Friday night competition in 2022.

If you’re a female 35+ and would like to join a fun and supportive team of women please enquire below!

2021 Boronia Diamonds Netball

Returning to team sport after childbirth

Boronia Hawks are featured with a nice photo in this week’s edition of “A Note from Leisure”, the informative newsletter from Knox City Council’s Suranga Dissakarunaratne, Leisure Services Officer.

Joint Training Day

“Playing for team motherhood”: Returning to team sport after childbirth

“Motherhood and a decrease in physical activity participation often go hand in hand. Specifically, early motherhood is a time when women have some of their lowest rates of sport participation. This is a problem, because during the postnatal period (up to 1 year after giving birth) women are at high risk of drastic weight gain, postpartum depression, isolation and anxiety. While physical changes that affect sport participation are well-addressed, how postnatal women re-engage in sport is also affected by gendered expectations accompanying motherhood. These expectations include gender roles dictating how mothers “should” behave. Another expectation is intensive mothering, that is, the expectation that mothers must prioritize their child’s needs over their own. These expectations both decrease mothers’ physical activity levels and also weaken their emotional and physical well-being”. Learn more……..

Development of Gender Equity Plan

A working group of sixteen Club members got together last night via Zoom to launch the development of the Club’s Gender Equity Action Plan. The people involved represented all aspects of the Club’s operations and each recognised the benefits that flow on from the effective and equitable participation and integration of girls and women across the Club.

Many thanks to Karen Little and Scott Nicholas for their work in drafting the action plan.

Thank you also to the members of our working group, including Amanda Cellante, Ash Johnson, Bec Allen, Ben Robertson, Candyce Wright, Carly Dymond, David Nicholas, Greg Hannon, Julia Bortoli, Kat McMahon, Kristan Wood, Nathan Allen, Rhianna Little, Samantha Dunkinson, Wayne Preston and Ye Jeffries.

COVID-19 UPDATE: Cancellation of 2020 Football and Netball

Boronia Hawks are naturally very disappointed that the 2020 junior season has now been cancelled. We fully understand the reasons for this decision but we all share the disappointment that our juniors will feel after training for several weeks to get ready to play. The Club will now assess the impact of the decision and provide further advice to junior families as soon as possible.

The joint statement from EFNL and other metropolitan leagues is as follows:


The Eastern Football Netball League, in conjunction with the Northern Football Netball League, Essendon District Football League, Western Region Football League and South East Juniors wishes to issue a statement regarding the 2020 season.

Following the State Government’s announcement of a return to Stage 3 restrictions in Metropolitan Melbourne for six weeks commencing July 9, the EFNL, NFNL, EDFL, WRFL and SEJ have collectively decided to cancel all football and netball competitions for the 2020 season.

The common view was that cancelling all competitions for the 2020 season was the only viable decision in the best interest of all clubs, participants, and the wider community.

All leagues and their member clubs have a clear obligation to prioritise the health and safety of all participants and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as a duty to minimise the burden on all club volunteers during this unprecedented time.

The leagues are committed to working closely with their member clubs, AFL Victoria, and Netball Victoria to manage the associated issues related to the cancellation of all 2020 competitions and working towards a return to play next season.

We wish to take this opportunity to thank all clubs, players, parents, volunteers, officials, umpires and league partners for their patience, support and understanding throughout these challenging times.

Please stay safe and we urge all associated with our respective communities to heed the advice and regulations in place by order of the State Government.

We all have a role to play in ensuring our community remains safe and healthy and that we can all return to football and netball next season.

All clubs are reminded that club-sanctioned training and events are prohibited until at least August 19, as per Stage 3 restrictions.

Further updates will be provided in due course via your respective league.

Club Statement on the 2020 Season

As a club, and Boronia community, we’re all feeling disappointed with the decision to cancel the 2020 season for senior men and women.

The club plays such a huge part of the lives and wellbeing of so many people, and to know that we will need to go without it for the foreseeable future, in a time when perhaps we need it most, is hard to swallow. With so many sad and tragic events in Australia and around the world, we must keep our footy in perspective but we all could do with the support of our footy family that comes from sharing a laugh at training and on game day.

In saying this, we appreciate and acknowledge the leadership of the EFNL in navigating through an unprecedented situation. We recognise that this has been a difficult decision with a number of factors in play, and ultimately the decision has been based on the health and safety of all of our members, and the future viability of club’s within the league. In a tough time, we can’t do anything but respect this decision and appreciate the work that’s occurred and will continue to occur, behind the scenes for the betterment of football and netball in the east.

As a Club we are in strong position, and we have an amazing group of volunteers and supporters. We’ve created some serious momentum and our Board and Committees will keep pushing to ensure we are in an even stronger position when senior football and netball returns in 2021.

Thank you to all of our club members for their positivity and resilience over the past few months. I couldn’t be more proud of the club and know we will face the next period in the same way.

While we’re thrilled our junior footballers will be able to participate in a modified season, and look forward to supporting our little Hawka’s in 2020, we still face a number of challenges, but will meet them with thorough planning and optimism.

We will continue to build our Club off the field with renewed enthusiasm to ensure that we continue the momentum we’ve created over the past few years. We will come back stronger.

Our focuses are clear for the remainder of 2020:

  1. The health and wellbeing of our senior players and members – the consequential impacts on the health, wellbeing and social connection of club members can not be underestimated. Continuing engagement and support will be the overwhelming priority over the coming months.
  2. Building our momentum off-field – we will continue our work off the field to strengthen our strategic and operational efforts.
  3. Our Juniors – what a fantastic opportunity for the Club to throw its full support behind our junior teams for the coming months and help foster the next generation of Boronia men and women.

We understand this news has been devastating for our members and encourage everyone to look at the wellbeing hub on our website, and continue to connect and support each other in a difficult time.

We also our encourage our members to be respectful with any commentary made on social media, as we understand that many may be feeling frustrated and disappointed with the decision.

For our Juniors, we’re excited to support you with all of the Club behind you. Coaches will begin to communicate with each group in the coming days.

If anyone has questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Scott on 0403 238 494. Thanks again to everyone in the HAWKA community. You’re all amazing, and YOU are the reason this Club is what it is today.


Scott Nicholas

Chairman, Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club Inc.


The Club will provide additional advice regarding the suspension of EFNL activities across the competition as soon as possible.

  • All communications to Senior Men will be through Matt Clark, Ash Johnston and Lachie McKernan via HQ.
  • All communications to Senior Women will be through Scott Nicholas on the FB Group.
  • All communications to Netballers will be through Kat McMahon on the FB Group.
  • All communications to Veterans will be through Greg Joseph and Jason Davis on the FB Group.
  • All communications to Juniors will be through the Junior Committee on the Junior Facebook page and direct e-mail.

All general communications from the Club will be available via our website and Senior and Junior Facebook pages.

Senior men’s practice matches scheduled for 22 and 28 March are now CANCELLED.

The Club’s Board is currently discussing our own Club social events. Please be patient as we have the appropriate discussions to make informed decisions. Information will be provided at the earliest opportunity.

David Nicholas, for the Board of BHFNC

2019 Senior Awards Night – presented in association with Knox Club

2019 Senior Men’s Football Awards: presented by Matthew Clark (Senior Coach), Steve Teakel (Senior Assistant Coach), Drew O’Hare (Senior Assistant Coach) and Ray Lacey (Club Legend) on behalf of Bob Henry.

Best & Fairest and Winner of the 2019 Bob Henry Medal: Ryan White

B & F Runner Up: Lachie McKernan
Most Consistent Player: Jayden Collins
Coaches’ Award: Jake Godwin
Most Improved: Corey Burgess
Best Finals Player: Luke Hannon

L-R: Matt Clark, Steve Teakel, Jayden Collins, Jake Godwin, Lachie McKernan, Drew O’Hare, Corey Burgess, Ryan White.

2019 Senior Women’s Football Awards: presented by Ray Lacey and Scott Nicholas (Coaches) and Ellen Johnson (Club Great)

Best & Fairest and Winner of the 2019 Ellen Johnson Medal: Amanda Cellante

Joint Runners Up: Tegan Doran and Briar Forrer-Lacey
Coaches’ Award: Stacey Peril
Most Determined: Sam Mellis

L-R: Ray Lacey, Amanda Cellante, Briar Forrer-Lacey, Tegan Doran, Ellen Johnson, Stacey Peril, Samantha Mellis, Scott Nicholas.

2019 Development Team Football Awards: presented by Craig Brockley (Coach), Greg Granland (Assistant Coach) and Ian McKenzie (Club Great).

Best & Fairest and Winner of the 2019 Ian McKenzie Medal: Nathan Allen

Runner Up: Jordan Granland
Most Consistent Player: Sean Bell
Most Improved Player: Julian Rambaldo
Coaches’ Award: Jack Mueller
Best Finals Player: Nathan Allen

L-R: Jack Mueller, Craig Brockley, Nathan Allen, Julian Rambaldo, Sean Bell, Greg Granland.

2019 Under 19’s Football Awards: presented by Craig McKenzie (Coach), Andrew Catley (Assistant Coach) and David Murrihy (Club Legend).

Best and Fairest and Winner of the 2019 David Murrihy Medal and Chris Burgess Perpetual Trophy: Jacob Delrayne

B&F Runner Up: Mason Storr
Most Valuable Player: Harry Fewson
Players Choice Award: Trent Mellis
Most Improved: Jordy Price
Best Finals Player: James Hoffman

L-R: Craig McKenzie, Mason Storr, Andrew Catley, Jordy Price, James Hoffman, Jacob Delrayne, Harry Fewson, Trent Mellis. Front Row: David Murrihy

Alex McKaige: Winner of the 2019 Kellie Newton Newton Medal for Netballer of the Year – presented by Kellie Newton and Kat McMahon.

L-R: Kat McMahon, Kellie Newton, Alex McKaige

2019 Netball Awards for Boronia Hawks (Premier Division) – presented by Kat McMahon (Senior Secretary)

Dual Best & Fairest Winners: Madison Barrie and Georgia Himmelreich
Dual Runners Up: Mandy Bell and Kellie Newton
MVP: Madison Barrie

2019 Netball Awards for Boronia Brown – presented by Mollie McMahon (Coach)

Best & Fairest Winner: Alex McKaige
Runner Up: Alisha Clark
MVP: Ebony Williams

L-R: Alisha Clark, Alex McKaige, Ebony Williams, Mollie McMahon

2019 Veterans Awards – presented by Greg Joseph (Coach) and Jason Davis (Team Manager)

Best and Fairest and winner of the inaugural Krenn Medal: Kristan Wood

Runner Up: Leigh Cook

L-R: Colin Krenn and Greg Krenn

2019 Best Club Person Awards – presented by Jackson Taylor MP and Greg Hannon (Senior President). Many thanks to Jackson Taylor MP for his ongoing support of Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club.

Dual Winners: Geoff Bell and Tim Burgess (accepted on his behalf by Corey Burgess).

L-R: Jackson Taylor MP, Geoff Bell, Greg Hannon.
L-R: Jackson Taylor MP, Corey Burgess, Greg Hannon.

Milestone Awards

200 Games: Matt Buzinskas

L-R: Matt Buzinskas, Greg Hannon

150 Games: Ryan Henderson

L-R: Ryan Henderson, Greg Hannon

100 Games

  • Ben Robertson
  • Brenton McAlpine
  • Chris McDonald
  • Nathan Watson
  • Sean Bell.

50 Games:

Netball: Kellie Newton

L-R: Greg Hannon, Kellie Newton

Senior Men’s Football:

  • Brayden Wright
  • Damon Fairchild
  • Jake Godwin
  • Jayden Collins
  • Josh Hannon
  • Kane Milde
  • Luke Hannon
  • Matt Geraghty.

Boronia Hawks Netballers in Team of the Year Squad!

Congratulations to Rhiannon Crompton and Kellie Newton from Boronia Hawks who have been named in the initial squad for the EFL’s Premier Division Netball Team of the Year!

Rhiannon Crompton
Kellie Newton

Grand finalists Wantirna South and East Burwood lead the way with four nominees named each. The final team will be announced at the Chandler Medal on Wednesday, September 18.

See the full squad by clicking on this link.