Club Update from our Senior President

Dear members and supporters,

I write to update you all on a numbers of items.
Firstly, I’d like to officially welcome Wayne Preston onto the Senior Committee of the Club.  Wayne has supported the club over a number of years and has a wealth of experience, being involved in community based organisations such as athletics, tennis and netball clubs.  Wayne will assist in a number of areas but developing relationships and managing our ever expanding sponsorship portfolio will be the area in which he will be prominently involved.
Wayne Preston
Secondly, I am also very pleased to welcome Kathleen McMahon who has joined us as Senior Secretary.  Kathleen was previously a member of our gun Premier Division netball team, winning the premiership in 2017.  Now she is turning her mind to our successful Women’s football team and we look forward to Kath combining with sister Bec in 2019.
Kathleen McMahon
Local football / netball  clubs survive due to the dedication of our volunteers.  Our Club is most fortunate to have so many people that are prepared to do their bit.  Already committed for 2019 are:
  • Ellen Johnson as our Canteen Manager and Thursday nights meals boss.
  • David Murrihy once again facilitating the running of our Finals Hosting program and Past Players & Supporters Group.
  • Robert Kimmitt, Leanne & Dillio Rech, Steve Green, Dean Collins, Michael Holding and a host of others supporting our most successful Hawks Nest Coterie Group.
  • Mick and Kay Kimmitt continuing to clean the Tormore clubrooms every Monday and Friday.
  • Sandra Bell looking after our Social Memberships and Knox Club memberships.
  • Sam Dunkinson attracting new community partners and sponsors to the Club.
  • Billy Notley and Jason Davis taking care of our bar, with Simon West running the outside bar on match days.
  • Graeme Storr looking after all merchandise needs, both on and off the field.
  • Tim Currie taking care of all things that have to be done on match days.
  • A host of Coaches and Assistant Coaches all heavily involved in the football and netball side of things.
  • Without forgetting to mention the dedicated Board, Senior Committee and Junior Committee members who meet regularly to ensure our club can continue to improve; as we strive to give our players the best of every possible resource so that they can be the best player possible!
Ellen Johnson
All of these volunteer roles enable us to run in an effective manner.  Gratitude goes a long way, so never be shy to thank one of our volunteers when you see them plying their trade at the Club!
If everyone involved does their little bit, we avoid the too few getting burnt out which has occurred in the past.
Our Club is in a great position: we have an exciting playing list and our off field affairs are solid.  My role as Senior President is to ensure we don’t take our eyes off the ball and look for every available opportunity to promote our Club in a positive manner and to build relationships with key stakeholders to continually improve the facility of the Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club.
This year will see the installation of state of the art lighting.  We are doing our best to fast track the installation, but we are very much in the hands of the Knox City Council and their contractors.  I hope to announce with our Chairman, Scott Nicholas, other exciting new initiatives in the year ahead.
This season we have to build on the success of 2018.  Some may argue we are on a hiding to nothing as how could we possibly top 2018?  The answer is really simple.  Too often I’ve seen clubs reach great heights and then fall apart very quickly.  My job is to keep us focused, keep us stable,  work harder then ever before and strive to make our Club the most respected Club in the EFL!
Go Hawka!
Greg “Flash” Hannon
Senior President
Boronia Hawks
Greg Hannon

New Lights at Tormore!

Boronia Hawks would like to thank Kerryn Westcott, mum of Chris, for her terrific work in submitting the formal application for the funding of the new lights at Tormore Reserve.

The funding was recently announced by our Federal Member for Aston, Alan Tudge MP and we are now pushing forward to have the lights up and shining during the 2019 season. Thanks again to Kerryn and Alan!


2019 Junior Coaching Appointments

Boronia Hawks would like to announce the appointment of our Junior Coaches for 2019. We are very pleased to have such a great line up to take us in to the next season. Many thanks to our Junior Coaching Coordinator, Andrew Catley who has done a fantastic job, assisted by our Senior Coaching Coordinator, Greg Hannon, in getting our coaches ready to go!

We hope to announce the Coach of Under 12 Girls in the very near future. In the meantime, please help us to congratulate and thank these coaches for taking an active role in our juniors’ football development.

Ellisa Schmidtke
Junior President

2019 Junior Coaches

Opportunities to Help the Hawks in Key Roles

The Club’s AGM is coming up very soon and we already have nominees willing to stand for many roles. But we also have vacancies where we are looking for Club members to take us forward in to 2019. We seek expressions of interest from all sections of our Club: seniors or juniors, football or netball, men’s or women’s teams. All our volunteers work together to support and guide newbies!

If you would like to become more involved in our great Club please have a word with Kristan Wood, Ellisa Schmidtke or any of our current Board or senior and junior committee members. (Scott Nicholas is off in Nepal right now, so you can contact Dave Nicholas instead).

Roles without any nominees at the moment are:

  • Director, Inclusion / Community;
  • Senior Secretary;
  • Junior Treasurer;
  • Sponsorship Manager;
  • Merchandise Manager;
  • General Committee members for both Juniors and Seniors.

Some of these roles used to be big and scary, but we have managed to share the load and set up processes to make our administrative jobs much easier than they once were.  It is all about TEAMWORK.  We would love to hear from you!



Annual General Meeting

All financial members of the Club, including senior players and junior parents, are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club Inc.

Tuesday 30 October 2018 at the Knox Club.  Light refreshments from 7:00pm; AGM commences at 8:00pm.

Presentation of Annual Reports and election of Board, Senior Committee and Junior Committee for 2019.  All positions have been been declared vacant.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS – please direct all enquiries to Kristan Wood

  • Chairman
  • Director, Administration
  • Director, Finance
  • Director, Inclusion / Community
  • Senior President
  • Junior President

SENIOR COMMITTEE – please direct all enquiries to Kristan Wood

  • Senior President
  • Senior Vice-President
  • Senior Secretary
  • Senior Treasurer
  • Football Manager
  • Netball Manager
  • Match Day Manager
  • General Committee – two roles

JUNIOR COMMITTEE – please direct all enquiries to Ellisa Schmidtke

  • Junior President
  • Junior Vice-President
  • Junior Secretary
  • Junior Treasurer
  • Junior Registrar
  • Junior Team Manager Co-ordinator
Some of the attendees at our Volunteers Information Day.

Chairman’s Lunch with Dane Swan

Mr Kristan Wood, Chairman of Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club, cordially invites all sponsors, members and supporters to join him at the Chairman’s Luncheon on Saturday 11 August.  Our Special Guest Speaker will be former AFL champion and Brownlow Medallist DANE SWAN.

Saturday 11 August from 12pm to 2pm
$60 per head for 2 course meal and drinks (beer, wine and soft drinks).

Tables of ten are available at a discount rate of $500 but must be booked and fully paid by MONDAY 6TH AUGUST.

When booking, please advise if you are using tickets as part of your sponsorship entitlements or Hawks Nest Coterie membership. * PLEASE BOOK AND PAY EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT AS TICKETS ARE STRICTLY LIMITED AND MUST BE BOOKED AND PAID BY NO LATER THAN THURSDAY 9th AUGUST. FIRST IN – BEST DRESSED.

Please RSVP to:

Payments via EFT to Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club Inc; BSB 633-000; Account Number 133 496 562.

Cash or EFTPOS payments at the door on the day are NOT available for this event due to the high demand for tickets. No exceptions.


200 Draw on Saturday 21 July!

One of the Boronia Hawks’ biggest functions is coming up, the 200 DRAW!

It’s a reverse raffle with 200 tickets sold.  The first number pulled out is not announced and is locked away, then they draw out the rest of the 199 numbers before they reveal who was the first one drawn (the winner).  The tension is incredible!

Also it’s $4,999 for the winner!

Tickets are $130 but that gets two people in, and it’s FREE beer, wine and $3 spirits through the night. Finger food is provided and there is LIVE MUSIC!  Please see Michael Goldsack at the Club on Thursday nights to grab your tickets!

Q & A with Senior Coach Matt Clark

Q:   Have you a nick name?

 MC:  Yes, a real thought out nick name, Clarky.

Q:   AFL club followed?

 MC:  The Bombers.

Q:   They go well on the supplements.

 MC:  A sad time for club & supporters.

Q:   The best AFL player ever & why?

MC:  James Hird, a fantastic player, delivered on the big stage. The older players Tim Watson & Paul Vander Haar; Roger Merrett was a hard footballer.

Q:  Who do you love more James Hird or Whitey? 

MC:  I do love Hirdy & Whitey is a great young man.

Ryan White

Q: You are a long-time coach & player. How many years?

MC: 17 years senior football at both Bayswater & East Burwood, a long journey.  200 games plus, missed a few games for being undisciplined, a hard lesson learnt.

Q: Your best position on the ground?

MC:  I thought I was a midfielder for a time but started my career in the backline at Bayswater; played across the midfield / wings for a while at East Burwood; then finished in the backline for Bayswater again.

Q:    Best memory as a player?

MC:  Playing with a good bunch of blokes.  The clubs I played for were a couple of clubs that had a lot of success.

Q:  You won a best on ground medal in a grand final?

MC:  I got best on ground in the reserves grand final, but just good to play with great mates.

Q: Best footballer you have played with & why?

MC:  Gary Galvin at Bayswater still at 33 he was a jet; Stuart Cook at East Burwood just kept kicking multiple goals even in his 30’s.

Q: Best footballer you played against?

MC: Langford who played at Knox was a fantastic footballer.  Played on the great Bernie Quinlan.

Q:  Best nick name you have heard at a footy club?

MC: Like most footy clubs you sometimes know blokes by their nick name more than their actual name.  Some nick names you just can’t print.  I remember having a few players that we only know by their nick names on the team board while coaching. Lucky I don’t do the votes.

Q: Teaks has given you a huge wrap but how would you describe Teaks in a sentence?

MC: A consistent loyal good friend; great values.

Q: You & Teaks have been a double act for a long time, who is the apprentice & who is the master?

MC:  We have a great friendship both when I played and now coaching together; but Teaks started as the master and is a great sounding board.  It’s been a great journey together –  I might have just about completed the apprenticeship!

Q:  You & Teaks must spend a lot of time together, do your wife’s ever think there’s something going on other than footy?

MC:  We do talk & spend a lot time together, but no nothing unusual, just a great friendship, If I was going to coach again this year then it was always going to be with Teaks.

(L to R) Steve Teakel and Matt Clark

Q:  I stand beside the coach’s box most games and you are all very controlled (except Ash), but what are the player non-negotiables in the Matt Clark coaching manual?

MC:  Discipline is what I believe in.  As a player I started my career very undisciplined and it cost me playing in a lot of big games with successful sides.  No umpire changes their decision and the stats say you can’t win every contest, so be disciplined and learn from each contest and each game.

Q:  Describe the characteristics that stand out for you in a footballer?

MC:  Quality person. Resilient.  A footballer who finds a way to get the job done.

Q:  The toughest footballer you have played with or against?

MC:  Gary Milligan & Mick Connel,l both at Bayswater.  Mick was just as tough off the ground as he was on the field.  Both great footballers as well.

Q:  What player at the footy club best represents Matt Clark as a footballer?

MC: A bit like H with a bit more pace.

Q:  Whack.

 MC: No no, I just meant more athletic. I’ll just shut up!

Q:  Have you a motto or saying that describes your coaching philosophy?

MC: Respond not react; play hard but fair footy; keep positive; consistency; be a leader; build the brand.

Q:  There is a rumour around the club you have Eddie McGuire syndrome?

MC:  “laughs” What’s that?

Q:   Well Eddie has Buckley fever & you have Whitey Fever?

MC:  Yes, he is a good young footballer learning all the time.

Q:  Have you got an obsession with Cows? Why?

MC:  I do love a cow.  I do a lot of country work and am always looking at the cows.  I would like to own a few cows one day.

Clarky’s Retirement Dream: Cows.

Q:  Just to clarify, what do you like about cows?

MC: I would like to have a bit of land, put a few cows on it, let them grow fat and turn them into steaks.

 A:  Nice.

Q:  When have you cried other than a family event?

MC:  Gee you have good intel!  I might have shed a small tear when Hirdy retired, but I have never admitted it until now.

Q: How about when he got sacked for the peptide supplements?

MC: No, just a sad day for the club and it’s former champion player.

Q:  Watson had to give his Brownlow back.  Do you think all the Bomber supporters should return any proceeds they won from bets back during the peptide supplements scandal?

MC:  Watson’s Brownlow return was a political decision, I enjoyed all my Melbourne bitter slabs I won.

Q:  You love Melbourne Bitter.  Is it true that Ash promised you that BFC would put Melbourne Bitter on tap if you signed as coach?

MC:  If that’s the case I’ll do a Buddy Franklin and sign for 10 years and maybe they can throw in a karaoke night every now & then!


Q: You fancy yourself barking out a few songs.  What’s your go to tune?

MC:  After a few beers I don’t mind a bit of a sing.   Love Shack is a crowd pleaser; Stand by Me; a bit of Elvis goes down well.

Clarky belting out “Love Shack”.

Q:  How do you relax away from footy?

MC:  Family keeps me grounded & relaxed.  They are very supportive with my coaching.  I like to go for a run in the morning to relax and clear the head.

Q:  What have you learned about the Hawks after one pre-season & nine games?

MC:  A huge amount of opportunity for the players, supporters & club.  The ONE club structure is a great setup.  I’ve never seen this setup before at local level, it’s a great initiative.  The people around the club, their passion & hard work has stood out.

Q: I’ll give you a bit advice, you need to mention Woody (The Chairman) at every opportunity when talking on the radio or media or he’ll cut up rough.

MC:  That explains why he has not talked to me all week.  On the radio the other day they did ask me who is the power broker at the club.  I said Ash.

Ash Johnston – Powerbroker.

Q:  I think Woody is going to ask you for a game in the ones.  He’s getting a fair bit of me time on the Facebook page.

MC:  Woody who?

Woody Who?


Q:  What did you learn more about after the Ringwood loss?   More about Ringwood or more about Boronia?

MC:  Obviously this is the first time I’ve seen Ringwood play.  They play a good hard brand of footy but for our boys I learned a lot.  There was plenty of knowledge gained about our team and players by the coaching staff to take into the second half of the season.

Thanks Matt “Clarky” and good luck for the rest of the season.