Appointment of Veterans Coaches


Greg, who is fondly known around the club as “Lou” due to his uncanny resemblance of Lou Carpenter on Neighbours, has agreed to coach the Vet’s for 2021. A former barrel chested, power house on baller for Mitcham’s 1st Division side, Greg has formed a tight knit group of ageing veterans eager to taste September action again. Despite lucrative counter offers from other clubs we are delighted to secure the services of Greg for another year


Known as “Owie” to the playing group, Mark is a former 1st Division player for Boronia who was known for his prowess around goals. Owie’s ability to work the “whiteboard” makes for game changing interchange moves. Being the tactical brains of this dynamic duo, we look forward to seeing how the Vets fare in 2021.

Knox City Council Grant to Support Boronia Hawks

Boronia Hawks appreciates the generous support from Knox City Council and Cr Peter Lockwood during the Covid-19 pandemic. We have just received a $1,000 contribution to assist with our facility operating costs as part of Council’s COVID-19 Community and Business Support Package.

The Council has already waived all tenancy fees for the use of the facilities at Tormore and Millers, but we still have ongoing costs for our electricity and gas connections. This funding will assist the Club to manage our costs and remain in a sound financial position going in to 2021.

Development of Gender Equity Plan

A working group of sixteen Club members got together last night via Zoom to launch the development of the Club’s Gender Equity Action Plan. The people involved represented all aspects of the Club’s operations and each recognised the benefits that flow on from the effective and equitable participation and integration of girls and women across the Club.

Many thanks to Karen Little and Scott Nicholas for their work in drafting the action plan.

Thank you also to the members of our working group, including Amanda Cellante, Ash Johnson, Bec Allen, Ben Robertson, Candyce Wright, Carly Dymond, David Nicholas, Greg Hannon, Julia Bortoli, Kat McMahon, Kristan Wood, Nathan Allen, Rhianna Little, Samantha Dunkinson, Wayne Preston and Ye Jeffries.

COVID-19 Message from Scott Nicholas

Everyone around Victoria is currently in lockdown under Stage 4 restrictions. We all have a responsibility to do the right thing regarding the restrictions; we also have a responsibility to each other to stay safe, stay connected and stay positive.

We know a lot of our players, coaches, volunteers and families have already been impacted mentally and financially because of COVID-19, and many more will face hardship because of the new restrictions.

Let’s remember why this is in place, to ensure we all stay safe and healthy.

There has been a lot of discussion regarding mental health and wellbeing, and it’s a fantastic reminder for everyone with the Boronia community to prioritise their mental health.

Please look after yourselves, check in on each other, and be sure to connect with all of the great mental health services if you’re struggling to cope. You can check some out on the Wellbeing Hub on the Boronia Hawks website.

While many of us will face difficulties over the coming six weeks, there are some who may be is a less fortunate position and may struggle for basic necessities or a roof over their heads. If anyone from within the club is concerned about another club member please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know.

We are in this together, and we will get through this together.



Scott Nicholas, Club Chairman

New Grant for Women’s Football

The Club’s Grants Program has had another successful application. We have just been granted funding of $2,960 for a program to support Leadership for Young Women in Football.

The Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions offered this grant opportunity under the 2019/20 Community Activation Grants Program. We are very grateful for the government’s continued encouragement of community sport, particularly by backing clubs with the booming popularity of football for women and girls. Special thanks go to Claire Dyson from the Office for Women in Sport & Recreation and to Jackson Taylor MP.

As we grow our Women’s Football Program we have identified a number of young players who will benefit enormously from this opportunity to develop their leadership skills through this structured learning aimed specifically at their age group.

Although the leadership development program has been delayed for this season due to the COVID-19 lockdown, funding has been provided so that we can proceed with the training in 2021.

Once again the Club can thank Kerryn Westcott, our Grants Co-ordinator, and Karen Little, Director of Community and Inclusion, for their work in submitting a successful application for the grant. The Club’s Grants Program continues to provide an outstanding benefit in the enhancement of our facilities and membership support programs. Recent grants include:

  • Millers Scoreboard;
  • Tormore Scoreboard;
  • Uniforms for U17’s team;
  • Tormore Lights;
  • Millers Kitchen Upgrade;
  • Female Coaching and Development;
  • Mental Health Support for senior players;
  • COVID survival package;
  • Leadership for Young Women in Football.

COVID-19 UPDATE: Cancellation of 2020 Football and Netball

Boronia Hawks are naturally very disappointed that the 2020 junior season has now been cancelled. We fully understand the reasons for this decision but we all share the disappointment that our juniors will feel after training for several weeks to get ready to play. The Club will now assess the impact of the decision and provide further advice to junior families as soon as possible.

The joint statement from EFNL and other metropolitan leagues is as follows:


The Eastern Football Netball League, in conjunction with the Northern Football Netball League, Essendon District Football League, Western Region Football League and South East Juniors wishes to issue a statement regarding the 2020 season.

Following the State Government’s announcement of a return to Stage 3 restrictions in Metropolitan Melbourne for six weeks commencing July 9, the EFNL, NFNL, EDFL, WRFL and SEJ have collectively decided to cancel all football and netball competitions for the 2020 season.

The common view was that cancelling all competitions for the 2020 season was the only viable decision in the best interest of all clubs, participants, and the wider community.

All leagues and their member clubs have a clear obligation to prioritise the health and safety of all participants and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as a duty to minimise the burden on all club volunteers during this unprecedented time.

The leagues are committed to working closely with their member clubs, AFL Victoria, and Netball Victoria to manage the associated issues related to the cancellation of all 2020 competitions and working towards a return to play next season.

We wish to take this opportunity to thank all clubs, players, parents, volunteers, officials, umpires and league partners for their patience, support and understanding throughout these challenging times.

Please stay safe and we urge all associated with our respective communities to heed the advice and regulations in place by order of the State Government.

We all have a role to play in ensuring our community remains safe and healthy and that we can all return to football and netball next season.

All clubs are reminded that club-sanctioned training and events are prohibited until at least August 19, as per Stage 3 restrictions.

Further updates will be provided in due course via your respective league.

New Partnership with Bendigo Bank – Community Branch Wantirna.

Boronia Hawks are very excited to announce that we have entered in to a new partnership agreement with our banker of many years, Community Bank Wantirna, part of the Bendigo Bank group.

For those new to the Community Bank model, it is a concept unique from the other big banks. The majority of profits derived from customers that bank at our branch are invested back into the community in a range of ways. This means that our customers are investing back into their own community, into local schools, not for profit organisations, clubs, societies, youth development programs, community centres and the like.

The Club’s finance team have always been impressed by the very friendly and helpful team at Wantirna Mall and have appreciated their assistance as we upgraded our banking processes in recent years.

We are now taking this great relationship a step further as we proudly announce that Community Bank Wantirna will be the jumper sponsor for our two senior women’s football teams from 2020 to 2022.

Boronia Hawks Senior Women’s Team: Finalists in 2019.

“As Australia’s fifth largest retail bank, we provide our 1.7 million customers with competitive products, innovative service, and the ability to bank with confidence wherever they are in the world. We give back to communities, and hold true to our values. We’re Bendigo Bank. The better big bank.”

All members of the Boronia Hawks community are strongly encouraged to check out the full range of banking services offered by Bendigo Bank by visiting their website. Alternately, contact the branch for a discussion on personal and business banking with branch manager, John Tiganis.

New Grant from Victorian Government

Thanks once again to Jackson Taylor MP for his great support of our Club through the COVID-19 support package for community sport and recreation bodies.

It is a tough time for all community clubs, and our footy and netball players and supporters are naturally disappointed, but understanding of the cancellation of our senior seasons. It is good to know that you and Dan Andrews are looking out for the grassroots sporting clubs that are so important to suburban and country Victoria.

Thank you also to our Special K Team, Karen Little and Kerryn Westcott who are doing a brilliant job in seeking grants for the Club to support our programs. We are very grateful to these two ladies who put in the time and effort to work through complicated grants applications for the benefit of all club members.

Club Statement on the 2020 Season

As a club, and Boronia community, we’re all feeling disappointed with the decision to cancel the 2020 season for senior men and women.

The club plays such a huge part of the lives and wellbeing of so many people, and to know that we will need to go without it for the foreseeable future, in a time when perhaps we need it most, is hard to swallow. With so many sad and tragic events in Australia and around the world, we must keep our footy in perspective but we all could do with the support of our footy family that comes from sharing a laugh at training and on game day.

In saying this, we appreciate and acknowledge the leadership of the EFNL in navigating through an unprecedented situation. We recognise that this has been a difficult decision with a number of factors in play, and ultimately the decision has been based on the health and safety of all of our members, and the future viability of club’s within the league. In a tough time, we can’t do anything but respect this decision and appreciate the work that’s occurred and will continue to occur, behind the scenes for the betterment of football and netball in the east.

As a Club we are in strong position, and we have an amazing group of volunteers and supporters. We’ve created some serious momentum and our Board and Committees will keep pushing to ensure we are in an even stronger position when senior football and netball returns in 2021.

Thank you to all of our club members for their positivity and resilience over the past few months. I couldn’t be more proud of the club and know we will face the next period in the same way.

While we’re thrilled our junior footballers will be able to participate in a modified season, and look forward to supporting our little Hawka’s in 2020, we still face a number of challenges, but will meet them with thorough planning and optimism.

We will continue to build our Club off the field with renewed enthusiasm to ensure that we continue the momentum we’ve created over the past few years. We will come back stronger.

Our focuses are clear for the remainder of 2020:

  1. The health and wellbeing of our senior players and members – the consequential impacts on the health, wellbeing and social connection of club members can not be underestimated. Continuing engagement and support will be the overwhelming priority over the coming months.
  2. Building our momentum off-field – we will continue our work off the field to strengthen our strategic and operational efforts.
  3. Our Juniors – what a fantastic opportunity for the Club to throw its full support behind our junior teams for the coming months and help foster the next generation of Boronia men and women.

We understand this news has been devastating for our members and encourage everyone to look at the wellbeing hub on our website, and continue to connect and support each other in a difficult time.

We also our encourage our members to be respectful with any commentary made on social media, as we understand that many may be feeling frustrated and disappointed with the decision.

For our Juniors, we’re excited to support you with all of the Club behind you. Coaches will begin to communicate with each group in the coming days.

If anyone has questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Scott on 0403 238 494. Thanks again to everyone in the HAWKA community. You’re all amazing, and YOU are the reason this Club is what it is today.


Scott Nicholas

Chairman, Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club Inc.