Luke Biddau Moves On.
The Club bids farewell to Luke Biddau, our 2018 Auskick Coordinator, as he sets off overseas. Luke has a fantastic opportunity to move to Canada to teach Australian Football in schools.
We thank Bidds for all his energy in running our very successful Boronia Auskick at Tormore Reserve, which attracted 92 little Hawka stars. All the best for the Canadian winters Bidds!

Our New Boronia Auskick Coordinator: Samantha Dunkinson!
Boronia Hawks are very pleased to announce that Sam Dunkinson will take up the role as our Boronia Auskick Coordinator for 2019.
Sam is already very well known around the Club as our Junior Veep. Sam is a teacher by profession and is a great fit for this very important role in the Club’s pathway for boys and girls wanting to have a kick with their friends. Sam has a enormous passion for the Club and we are all very fortunate to have her step up for the Hawka. Please get around her!