Our Senior Men’s and Senior Women’s Football Squads are set to resume training next week in strict compliance with COVID-19 protocols for community sport.

All Men’s Under 19’s and Under 17’s are invited to training and ANY NEW PLAYERS for Men and Women’s Footy are VERY WELCOME to join us for a run!

All players are strongly encouraged to register with the EFNL to ensure insurance coverage. Current players should check with the Men’s Hub and the Women’s FB Group for further details.

Sessions will follow the club’s COVID Safe Plan and adhere to guidelines mapped out by AFL Victoria’s Return to Train Protocols.

Please direct any enquiries by email to or via message to this FB page. Further details of COVID compliance will be shared in a few days.


The Club will provide additional advice regarding the suspension of EFNL activities across the competition as soon as possible.

  • All communications to Senior Men will be through Matt Clark, Ash Johnston and Lachie McKernan via HQ.
  • All communications to Senior Women will be through Scott Nicholas on the FB Group.
  • All communications to Netballers will be through Kat McMahon on the FB Group.
  • All communications to Veterans will be through Greg Joseph and Jason Davis on the FB Group.
  • All communications to Juniors will be through the Junior Committee on the Junior Facebook page and direct e-mail.

All general communications from the Club will be available via our website and Senior and Junior Facebook pages.

Senior men’s practice matches scheduled for 22 and 28 March are now CANCELLED.

The Club’s Board is currently discussing our own Club social events. Please be patient as we have the appropriate discussions to make informed decisions. Information will be provided at the earliest opportunity.

David Nicholas, for the Board of BHFNC

A Message from the Club Chairman about COVID-19

The Club’s Board of Directors is closely monitoring available information from government sources, AFL Victoria and EFNL in respect of Coronavirus. The Board is guided by recent statements from these official sources, but is also now considering contingency plans should circumstances require changes in planned events, training or practice matches. The Directors are taking the best available advice and will have the health of our members as our first priority in all decisions in the lead up to the start of the football and netball seasons.

All players, members and volunteers should be alert to the risks of COVID-19, but not alarmed. Please take sensible precautions with your own personal care and hygiene. Respect the space of people around you and look after those who may be vulnerable. Bring your own water bottles to training, avoid handshakes, and do not attend the Club if you are unwell.

Please feel free to contact any Board member if you have questions, but we undertake to keep you fully informed as the situation evolves.

Scott Nicholas
Chairman, BHFNC