“Please find attached a timeline that the League is working to with AFL Victoria and the other Metropolitan Leagues. We believe a united approach is critical to working through and making any decisions on Competitions. Hopefully this provides some clarity at least in terms of key dates and when you can expect to hear further updates”.

Chairman’s Update on Covid-19

The Club’s Board of Directors has been meeting regularly via Zoom in the last few months to manage the impact of Covid-19 on the Club’s operations. Following the recent announcements from the the Victorian Government, AFL Victoria and EFNL, we had an expanded Board meeting last night with representatives from our senior and junior football, netball, veterans and Auskick sections. Thanks to Ash Johnston, Candyce Wright, Kat McMahon, Sam Dunkinson and Wayne Preston for their important contributions to our preparations.

Although the Club is subject to the release of guidelines and protocols from the governing bodies, we are able to start planning for the eventual resumption of managed training sessions in groups of ten (plus a coach or manager). We are developing our own set of training guidelines so all players and coaches will fully understand their ongoing obligations to personal hygiene and social distancing. We will be ready when the time comes.

The most pleasing aspect of the meeting was to hear of the enthusiastic engagement by our senior playing groups over the last two months. Our senior mens and women’s footballers are training in isolation, but are absolutely exceeding expectations as they build their fitness. Our players and coaches are to be congratulated for their team spirit, support for each other, and dedication to the game and the Club.

We will be in touch regularly, so please keep your eye out for updates on our website and Facebook pages and groups. “Hawka Talk” will continue every Wednesday night at 7:00pm on Facebook for the foreseeable future. Please tune in!

Please take care of yourselves, family and friends. Do the right thing and we will all be able to come together again as a Club.


Scott Nicholas, Chairman, Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club Inc.

Scott Nicholas, Club Chairman

Arrangements for Bob Henry’s Memorial Service

The Henry family will lay Bob to rest tomorrow. Sadly, only ten people are allowed to attend his funeral due to current restrictions. The family has chosen not to ‘live stream’ the memorial service. They have asked for the Club to provide a eulogy for Bob and he will be carried out to our Club’s theme song. A copy of the eulogy will be posted on our website tomorrow afternoon at the conclusion of the service. 

Supporters may wish to pause for a moment to remember Bobby at 2:00pm on Friday, when the service is scheduled to commence.

The Club will hold another fitting memorial with all Bob’s friends from the Club and his family when all restrictions are lifted. The Board is currently considering additional ways to memorialise Bobby’s service to the Club for current and future generations of players and supporters.

A Tribute to Bob Henry from Flash

This morning our club awoke to the sad news that our ‘legend’, our ‘patriarch, our ‘constant’, our much loved ‘Bobby‘ had passed away after a long battle with cancer. Bob was 95, a magnificent innings in every respect! Bob loved our club and we loved him back. I will never forget the images of every single senior player acknowledging and touching Bob as they left the change rooms before last year’s preliminary final. As Bob sat in his walking chair, each player thanked Bob for contribution to our club and supporters had few dry eyes!

Bob has had over 70 years of involvement at the “Hawka.’ From President in 1960 to decades as Vice President, trainer, property steward and later in life, passionate supporter, Bob saw it all and did it all. As ‘down to earth’ as anybody I’ve known, Bob left his ego at the door when he entered the rooms and just worked! From marking our the grounds with Micky to sweeping the change rooms after training and after games, Bobby was always there and was always ‘giving back.’ My first recollection of meeting Bob was in 1980 when he was vice president but also a trainer wearing his white overalls on match day. He would run out to the field, wipe the mud out of your eyes with his warm towel and bucket that he carried religiously and give you some friendly advice on how to get a kick. He would curse at Shoey from taking a chair into the showers and celebrate every win as though it was his first.

Later in life, his son in law, John, would kindly drive Bobby to the club on match days and on Thursday nights. We thank you, John, for doing that for us. Mick, Ellen and Kay would make sure he was warm and had a beer and something to eat and he would watch the game from his binoculars and revel in a club victory.  Bob was a player’s man and he loved to speak to our senior players after a game and god help Clarky if he tried to stop him. Bob would tell the players why he loved our club so much and that legacy of ‘giving’ is now instilled into every single player at our club.

I feel fortunate I got to know Bob, I feel even more fortunate, that Luke, my son, has two Bob Henry Medals that Bob presented to him and I feel fortunate that his club, our club, is striving to improve and grow and that he leaves a club that is in such good shape due to the hard efforts of people like Bobby during our foundation years.

We will appropriately celebrate the life of Bob Henry at our club when the social distancing rules are relaxed to the stage where we can fill our rooms and joyously recall the life and times of our Bob. On behalf of the Club I have sent our condolences through to John and his family.

May he rest in peace.

Greg “Flash” Hannon
Senior President, BHFNC

AFL Victoria Update on COVID-19

Please refer to the attached update from AFL Victoria that outlines the key steps in a return to our football and netball activities.

The key message is: “we have not given up on this season. We are hopeful that we will be back on the field as soon as it is safe to do so and you can be confident that you will have our full support to ensure this return is as safe and well prepared as possible”.

“We are aiming to provide a more detailed update at the end of April, post the announcement of an expected roadmap for the elite game”.

Continue reading AFL Victoria Update on COVID-19

A Message from OTLR: Welfare App

To OTLR’s sporting community,

Across sporting codes, we acknowledge COVID-19 has disrupted the sporting calendar at all levels. As restrictions and forced closures of facilities and businesses are implemented, along with social distancing and self-isolation regulations, we understand that all clubs have had to postpone Outside the Locker Room education sessions that were scheduled in the immediate future. It will be our priority to re-schedule these sessions with you at a time that is safe to do so.

Our welfare support, available via our mobile app or directly emailing our team at support@otlr.org.au is still available. Please read below for more information.

Our welfare support

Understandably during times like these, feelings of worry, anxiety and even panic can set in. Events like the new coronavirus pandemic can also trigger, exacerbate or prolong existing mental health challenges within individuals and communities.

Caring for our individual and collective mental health is more important than ever, and we encourage you to make the most of OTLR’s welfare support. Please continue to utilise our mobile app and encourage all club members, including players, management, coaches and support staff, to download the app and make use of the various features available.

Appointment of Child Safety Officer

Boronia Hawks FNC is very pleased to announce that Ye Jeffries has accepted the position as the Club’s Child Safety Officer for 2020. Ye is a primary school teacher, a member of our Senior Committee and is in her second year as a member of our Women’s Football Squad.

Ye Jeffries

In response to new legislation Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club has committed to having a nominated Child Safety Officer. Any grievances or incident reports regarding child safety, or suspected or known child abuse, will be directed initially to the CSO. Ye will be responsible for leading the Club towards safer practices, a more robust plan for the protection of the children at the Club, and establishing a culture of safety and growth for children.

Ye will take on this important role with guidance and support from the Club’s Board in accordance with the the requirements of AFL, AFL Victoria and EFNL.

The Club’s Child Safe Policy may be accessed here. Please join us all in thanking and congratulating Ye for taking on this very important role. Ye may be contacted on ye.cmau90@gmail.com


The Club will provide additional advice regarding the suspension of EFNL activities across the competition as soon as possible.

  • All communications to Senior Men will be through Matt Clark, Ash Johnston and Lachie McKernan via HQ.
  • All communications to Senior Women will be through Scott Nicholas on the FB Group.
  • All communications to Netballers will be through Kat McMahon on the FB Group.
  • All communications to Veterans will be through Greg Joseph and Jason Davis on the FB Group.
  • All communications to Juniors will be through the Junior Committee on the Junior Facebook page and direct e-mail.

All general communications from the Club will be available via our website and Senior and Junior Facebook pages.

Senior men’s practice matches scheduled for 22 and 28 March are now CANCELLED.

The Club’s Board is currently discussing our own Club social events. Please be patient as we have the appropriate discussions to make informed decisions. Information will be provided at the earliest opportunity.

David Nicholas, for the Board of BHFNC

Major Announcement on COVID-19 from EFNL – UPDATED MARCH 16, 2020

With the spread of COVID-19 increasing across Victoria the Eastern Football Netball League has made the decision to IMMEDIATELY SUSPEND all training, practice matches and events across the entire Competition until further notice.
The safety and welfare of our players, volunteers, officials and their families are our number one priority.

We will provide further updates to Club Executives later this week once the following key meetings have taken place: AFL and League CEO meeting Tuesday
and EFNL Board meeting Wednesday night.

Please communicate throughout your clubs and take the necessary action to ensure we as a League and our clubs are not by our actions spreading COVID-19 throughout the community.

EFNL Statement on COVID-19

A Message from the Club Chairman about COVID-19

The Club’s Board of Directors is closely monitoring available information from government sources, AFL Victoria and EFNL in respect of Coronavirus. The Board is guided by recent statements from these official sources, but is also now considering contingency plans should circumstances require changes in planned events, training or practice matches. The Directors are taking the best available advice and will have the health of our members as our first priority in all decisions in the lead up to the start of the football and netball seasons.

All players, members and volunteers should be alert to the risks of COVID-19, but not alarmed. Please take sensible precautions with your own personal care and hygiene. Respect the space of people around you and look after those who may be vulnerable. Bring your own water bottles to training, avoid handshakes, and do not attend the Club if you are unwell.

Please feel free to contact any Board member if you have questions, but we undertake to keep you fully informed as the situation evolves.

Scott Nicholas
Chairman, BHFNC