Joint Board & Committees Meeting

The Boronia Hawks Board, Senior Committee and Junior Committee all got together last night for a joint meeting to review the season so far.
Club Chairman, Scott Nicholas, took the group through the Club’s successes for the year, with briefings from Wayne Preston (Fundraising and Facilities), Samantha Dunkinson (Auskick), Karen Little (Family Day), Candyce Wright (Female Football), Ellisa Schmidtke (Junior Football), Andrew Catley (Coach Support), David Nicholas (Finance) and Ashley Johnston (Senior Football).
Scott highlighted how all the initiatives are consistent with the Club’s Values and are delivering on our Strategic Plan. Greg Hannon concluded the discussion by highlighting the tremendous people involved in the Club’s leadership and the sense of pride and commitment from the collective committees.
Players, sponsors and supporters can be assured that the Club is being well managed and that the passion of our volunteers will continue to grow and develop Boronia Hawks as a great family sporting club.

GJ Gardner Supporting our Boronia Netball Teams

Great news for our netball teams!

The club hoodies, proudly sponsored by Bec and Steve Moore, our fantastic supporters at G.J. Gardner Homes Australia, were presented to both teams at Knox Regional Netball Centre on Friday night!

Many thanks to Steve and Bec for their generous support of our Club and to our Sponsorship Co-ordinator, Sam Dunkinson, for her efforts to make this happen!


Team Selections for 21st to 23rd June

Boronia Hawks v East Burwood Black at HE Parker Court 2 @ 6.30pm Carla Alexander, Zoe Allatson, Madison Barrie, Rhiannon Crompton, Ally Forrest, Mel Hutton, Sam Mellis, Kellie Newton

Boronia Brown v Park Orchards Black at Knox Regional Court 1 @ 6.45pm Lizzie Akesson, Alisha Clark, Sarah Coates, Tess Evans, Dani Kemp, Courtney Krenn, Bree Martin, Ebony Williams

Welcome to Zoe Allatson and Sam Mellis for their first games with the Club!

Boronia Hawks Under 19’s Squad v South Croydon at 10:00am at Balwyn Park – presented by Boronia Dentist

3 B. Aughterson 33 M. Cavicchia 10 N. Smith 14 J. Gardiner-Hoffman 16 W. Morrison 22 H. Morris 1 B. Campbell 2 R. Williams 18 J. Delrayne 12 T. Mellis 24 L. Wright 13 B. Anderson 26 M. Green 6 M. Storr 30 J. O’Neill 28 L. Pickard 5 H. Fewson 9 J. Price 19 H. Coles 4 C. Eccles 17 C. Ng 31 Z. Prizmic 29 H. Rouse 8 J. Rule

Boronia Hawks Development Squad v Templestowe at 12:05pm at Templestowe Reserve – presented by Dyson Currie Pty Ltd

51 Z. Dower 18 T. Dodd 10 C. McDonald 78 S. Bramstedt 33 J. Mason 27 L. Leeson 41 K. Milde 4 B. Castersen 58 J. Purdon 74 Z. Brasher 71 P. Kinniff 20 S. Nicholas 76 K. Notley 56 R. Kennedy 28 J. Rambaldo 50 J. Mueller 3 N. Allen 64 D. Dower 35 H. Betts 44 B. Bishop D. Collins 49 M. Goldsack 73 R. Migues

Boronia Hawks Seniors Men’s Squad v Templestowe at 2:10pm at Templestowe Reserve – presented by G.J. Gardner Homes Australia

12 D. Fairchild 2 L. Hannon 8 J. Hannon 21 N. Hare 42 B. Rapisarda 39 Z. Robinson 15 H. Chinn 34 J. Millen 24 J. Hare 29 J. Godwin 7 C. Burgess 13 J. Mellis 5 S. Bell 11 J. Lake 19 B. McAlpine 47 T. Steele 37 R. White 16 M. Buzinskas 8 F. Duke 22 M. Geraghty 32 N. Watson 40 B. Wright

Boronia Veterans Squad v North Ringwood at 2:30pm SUNDAY at Quambee Reserve – presented by GK Travel & Cruise

21 C. Aaltonen 8 A. McDonald 14 J. Bamford 6 S. Beaton 18 G. Bell 66 L. Burnett 46 D. Clancy 2 M. Clinton 24 L. Cook 9 J. Cranfield 45 S. Fischer 5 D. Hanrahan 10 D. Hansby 16 C. Joy 15 C. Krenn 20 S. Lehman 28 S. O’Reilly M. Papworth 4 C. Reid 19 A. Rickerby 1 A. Rook 42 M. Ryan 23 B. Stewart 3 T. Vining 12 B. Wiesner 34 K. Wood

Boronia Hawks Senior Women’s Squad v Rowville at 4:30pm SUNDAY at Eildon Park – presented by Knox Leisureworks

40 J. Bortoli 1 J. Buzinskas 15 K. Buzinskas 17 D. Caiafa 2 A. Cellante 37 S. Coates 14 S. Faull 12 C. Fay 42 B. Forrer-Lacey 27 L. Kabris 5 B. Kinniff 6 P. Lacey 28 D. Langford 26 K. Little 18 Y. Mau 11 K. McMahon 20 S. Mellis 32 E. Nicholas 7 A. Penny 16 S. Peril 39 J. Phillips 35 S. Ponton 8 D. Thomas 38 C. Wright

Club Strategic Framework

Our Vision

The Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club is one club; working together for success, on and off the field.

Our Mission Statement

The Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club is an inclusive and innovative organisation, valuing respect and loyalty to our people and our club. We provide opportunities for anyone wanting to support our sport, business and community.  GO HAWKA!

Our Values


We’re not just a sporting club; we are a community club where everyone is welcomed and included.


We’re in this together, and we respect the contributions of players, coaches, volunteers, members and their families.


We’re always looking at new ways to improve & develop everything we do, both on and off the field.


We’re building a sense of loyalty between people and the club, where everyone wants to be a part of our success.

Our Guiding Principles

Belong – at the Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club all players, members and supporters belong to a community:

  • Where we show respect to our history, for others, ourselves and our facilities.
  • Where the well-being of all players, members and supporters is at the forefront of all decisions that we make.
  • Where we show care and support to players, families, members and supporters when required.

Believe – at the Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club we believe:

  • That our training programs and coaching provide all players the opportunity to improve and to perform at their best.
  • That all players, regardless of their abilities, are treated with fairness and respect at all times.
  • That we have a responsibility to provide all players and coaches with a ‘high performance’ environment.
  • All players, members and supporters behave in a manner that  is representative of the values of our club.

Become – at the Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club we want to become:

  • A club that has high aspirations, is reflective of our performances and has a desire to grow and improve year on end.
  • A club that embraces challenges and earns the respect of all players, members and supporters.
  • A club that celebrates diversity, is community spirited and welcoming to all new players, members, families and supporters.


Strategic Priorities




  • Junior Pathway
  • Governance
  • Partners
  • Football
  • Finance
  • People
  • Netball
  • Communications
  • Environment



Team Selections for 14th & 15th June


Boronia Hawks v South Croydon Red at Knox Regional Court 2 @ 9.35pm

Carla Alexander, Madison Barrie, Mandy Bell, Rhiannon Crompton, Ally Forrest, Leanne Fredericks, Georgia Himmelreich, Bec Mills, Kellie Newton.

Boronia Brown v Lilydale Blue at HE Parker Court 4 @ 7.25pm

Lizzie Akesson, Alisha Clark, Tess Evans, Dani Kemp, Courtney Krenn, Bree Martin, Eliza Stafford, Ebony Williams.

Boronia Hawks Under 19’s Squad v The Basin at 10:00am at Batterham Reserve (very limited parking) – presented by Lipari Pizza

4 C. Eccles 5 H. Fewson 16 W. Morrison 17 C. Ng 1 B. Campbell 24 L. Wright 2 R. Williams 3 B. Aughterson 10 N. Smith 9 J. Price 13 B. Anderson 14 J. Gardiner-Hoffman 33 M. Cavicchia 28 L. Pickard 18 J. Delrayne 8 J. Rule 19 H. Coles 26 M. Green 22 H. Morris 30 J. O’Neill 31 Z. Prizmic 29 H. Rouse, 12 T. Mellis 6 M. Storr

Boronia Hawks Development Squad v The Basin at 12:05pm at Batterham Reserve (very limited parking) – presented by Dyson Currie Pty Ltd

3 N. Allen 74 Z. Brasher 64 D. Dower 27 L. Leeson 31 D. Romano 28 J. Rambaldo 56 R. Kennedy 71 P. Kinniff 38 F. Duke 10 C. McDonald 4 B. Castersen 9 J. Granland 33 J. Mason 68 C. Dunster 35 H. Betts 48 J. Lech 22 T. Dodd 42 S. Yule 50 J. Mueller 51 Z. Dower 44 B. Bishop 49 M. Goldsack 73 R. Migues 40 B. Wright

Boronia Hawks Senior Men’s Squad v The Basin at 2:00pm at Batterham Reserve (very limited parking) – presented by G.J. Gardner Homes Australia

12 D. Fairchild 39 Z. Robinson 37 R. White 15 H. Chinn 52 B. Robertson 8 J. Hannon 16 M. Buzinskas 23 J. Collins 29 J. Godwin 7 C. Burgess 13 J. Mellis 5 S. Bell 24 J. Hare 7 T. Steele 42 B. Rapisarda 34 J. Millen 22 M. Geraghty 32 N. Watson 11 J. Lake 36 J Rutherford L Hannon 21 J Hare

Senior Debut: Congratulations to Nathan Hare!

Boronia Hawks Senior Women’s Squad v FTG at 4:45pm on SATURDAY at FTG Reserve – presented by Choices Flooring

40 J. Bortoli 1 J. Buzinskas 17 D. Caiafa 2 A. Cellante 37 S. Coates 24 R. Crompton 4 T. Doran 29 T. Evans 14 S. Faull 12 C. Fay 42 B. Forrer-Lacey 27 L. Kabris 5 B. Kinniff 9 J. Lacey 6 P. Lacey 26 K. Little 18 Y. Mau 32 E. Nicholas 16 S. Peril 39 J. Phillips 8 D. Thomas 38 C. Wright 31 E. Dow

Club Debut: congratulations to Elle Dow!

Store Cost + $1 Sale at John Alan!

On behalf of John Alan Betta Home Living at Knox Ozone, we’d like to extend an invitation to the Boronia Football Netball Club to take part in our Store Cost +$1 Sale.

The Store Cost +$1 Sale is a massive event for our store, with all items in store marked down. It’s a great opportunity for your members and their families to take advantage of some great deals across our huge range of Kitchen & Cooking Appliances, Laundry, Televisions, Weber BBQ’s and Bedding.

By going to this link, your members will see some of the great deals we have available during the sale, which starts this Friday 14th June, through to Sunday 23rd June.
