Responsible Serving of Alcohol Course

The Club will be hosting a RSA accreditation course on Monday the 5th of August at 6:30pm.

This session is intended to certify a team of our senior players and club members who can then assist with the serving of alcohol during the senior finals series at Tormore Reserve from 25 August to 14 September.

We have a limit of 30 participants for the course, which will be fully funded by the Club, with no cost to participants.  It will be run by Peter Rosenthal from Good Sports. At the end of the session, participants will be fully certified to serve alcohol at Club events, including finals, as well as at other venues.

To express your interest in the course please email Dave at or send me a message via Facebook. Places can not be guaranteed for everyone, so please sign up early!

David Nicholas, Finance Director, BHFNC


Boronia Hawks Support EFL Silent Sunday.

Over the next two rounds, the Eastern Football League and Eastern Region Girls junior competitions will be launching a new initiative, ‘EFL Silent Sunday’. Some key objectives are:

  • Give players an opportunity to trust their skills and instincts without sideline input and/or correction.
  • Remind coaches, parents & players that PRACTICE is the time to learn and receive instruction. GAMES are to showcase their learning.
  • Remind everyone that junior football is solely for the kids and their enjoyment.
  • To support the umpires who are officiating the game and developing their skills


  • Clap and cheer after each score only (for both sides).
  • Encourage players and umpires.
  • Enjoy the game


  • Verbally abuse umpires.
  • Verbally attempt to correct or instruct umpire’s decision.
  • Verbally abuse players.
  • Verbally attempt to correct or instruct players.
  • Verbally abuse any opposition players, officials or supporters

Clubs also have the opportunity to opt-in with the two below extras; these however are not compulsory.

Quarter-time breaks
Clubs can opt to have no spectators on the ground during the quarter-time and three-quarter time breaks. This will help ensure the coaching/instructing messaging is coming from the coaching staff (please communicate with the opposition club’s team managers and announce on PA should your club wish to include this option).
PA announcements
Prior to the commencement of the game, those clubs with a working PA system can choose to deliver a message before each game (this has been communicated to clubs). Clubs may also utilise the PA at half time of games to remind spectators of the guidelines.


Boronia Juniors are proudly supported by Dan Bolton and Fletchers Mooroolbark.

A Mid-season Update from our Presidents

Dear Members and Supporters,

We are now past the halfway point of the season and it is timely to give you all an update on our progress to date.  There has been a number of Club initiatives that have begun in season 2019 and not all supporters have an insight into these plans.


We are the first club in Australia to utilise a new concussion management software developed at the University of Texas, as reported in the Herald-Sun two weeks ago.  The Club’s use of the program will be highlighted this Friday night on Channel 31 on “The Local Footy Show’.

The appointment of Mitch Wright in his role of High Performance Manager has added further depth to our Football Operations Department.  Mitch, a qualified exercise physiologist, manages twenty-two GPS units purchased by the Club during the preseason.  The game day data for each player is downloaded, analysed and given to our senior coaching staff on a weekly basis.  The data is used to manage player training loads and gives insights to player workloads during games.

In the past two weeks our senior men have defeated two top four teams whilst playing up to four Under 19’s players including Harvey Chinn, Jake Mellis, Nathan Hare and Mason Storr.  The average age of our senior team during those incredible victories has been around 22 years of age, or even a touch younger!  What that tells us as supporters is that this Club still has significant upside in the years to come. 

Our senior women’s team has 33 players in the squad and is showing huge improvement in their skills, fitness and game play under the coaching of Ray Lacey and Scott Nicholas.  Four wins on the board already and an inclusive team culture that has earned them a strong reputation in the league.

Over the next month our senior men should get back Robertson, McKernan, Rutherford, Henderson, Bowes, both Watsons, Millen and Collins!  That is some talent and experience to join our young senior side as we strive towards, hopefully, another finals campaign.

We have begun our relationship with ‘Outside the Locker Room‘, an organisation that assists community clubs by running sessions that focus on mental health awareness for players and staff.  We have one more session planned for this season.

Our two netball teamsare proving successful in 2019, with many new players to the Club, often through connections with family and friends.  It also great to see some of our girls playing both netball and football with the Hawks.  The generous support of Steve and Bec Moore of GJ Gardner Wantirna South sees the girls looking great in Club hoodies

Our senior men and women players have been incredibly supportive of our junior teams, particularly by supporting our Boronia Auskick program on Friday nights and junior training nights.

Our coaching staff headed by Matt Clark in the seniors and Andrew Catley in the juniors, have continued to set standards that mirror our Club’s Mission Statement.  We couldn’t be prouder of our head coaches and assistant coaches and we hope they continue to enjoy their involvement in our Club.


The Club, in consultation with the Boronia Cricket Club, have now had ‘Concept Plans’ drawn up for a new club rooms facility at Tormore Reserve. We are now in the strategy stage where very shortly we will be sharing our Club’s aspirations with Knox City Council and our local members of State and Federal Parliament.   We need their backing to take this project further.  There are absolutely no guarantees that this concept will progress to new, improved rooms for our players and supporters, but we can assure everyone associated with the Club, we will be giving this a 100% crack!

The Club has recently had new solar lighting installed around the ground perimeter and pathways.  Very soon, the new landscaping upgrade will be completed, with BBQ and picnic facilities as well as a half-court all-weather basketball surface.

The redevelopment of Miller Park is looking great.  The new surface is outstanding, the new fencing looks great and should keep the rabbits out! (Yes, they are an ongoing problem). The contractor has recently put a new cricket pitch in, so the ground will be up and running for this year’s cricket season.  We can’t wait to access this facility for junior home games next year.

The Club has also purchased a much-needed upgrade to our sound system for the social rooms at Tormore Reserve.  This will be a great boost for all club functions.

Our new 100 lux Ground Lighting will be fully installed and operational by the end of July or early August. This improved lighting will give our Club far greater flexibility in game allocations and hopefully will enable our women’s football team to play at a more suitable hour than 8.30 am on a Saturday morning!  Thanks to Kristan Wood for his work as Project Manager.


This year has seen the whole club hold a very successful Family Day as a One Club event. Combining the first senior men’s home game with the Junior Jumper Presentation and unfurling of the three 2018 premiership flags was very successful, with a great crowd at Tormore Reserve.


We are always looking at ways to build our junior numbers. In addition to the Family Day, we participated in the Knox Festival, the St Bernadette’s / St Joseph’s Fete, the Knox Primary Schools Girls Footy Day and we will be also attending The Basin Primary School Fete in October.  An enthusiastic Junior Committee and great One Club support allows us to seek out new ways to recruit and promote our great Club.

Our Junior Club now has 105 registered Boronia Auskick players.  This is an incredible achievement!  As a result, we also have two new Under 8’s teams, a first for the Club.

Our new Under 12 Girls team keeps building as the season progresses and these girls are loving their footy.  Our Under 16 Girls team merged with Knox early in the season as both teams were on low numbers.  This has been a huge success with the girls from Boronia / Knox having great outcomes on game days.

We have nine boys playing on permit to Bayswater in their U14 and U15 sides.  This has been a great partnership between two local clubs.  This has given these boys the opportunity to still play as a Boronia player but under the Bayswater banner.  They have all had great seasons.  We are striving to have these boys back at Boronia playing in their respective age groups in 2020.


Our Sponsorship Programs have been very successful through the tireless efforts of our volunteers, with particular thanks to Samantha Dunkinson for her work on Player Sponsorships and Community Partnerships. Our new electronic scoreboard at Tormore Reserve provides additional advertising opportunities and we have expanded our fence signage and in-house TV promotions.  We are very grateful for the tremendous support and generosity of our sponsors and their confidence that our Club is good for their business.

We have proactively supported wellbeing programs through support for Love Me Love You, Beyond Blue, Pancare, Fight MND, and a Walk in the Park for Parkinson’s Disease.

We have once again been awarded the hosting of the EFL Division 1 Finals series for this season.  This has the capacity to be a significant fundraiser for our club.
David Murrihy is running the event so be prepared for a tap on the shoulder as we need our volunteers to band together to make this special!

Our fundraising efforts are all on track.  Our GK Travel + Cruise Major Raffle raised over $10K and we have had successful functions with the Season Launch, President’s Lunch, Gala Ball and Ladies Lunch.

In the coming weeks we have the 1969 Triple Premiership Reunion, a Hawks Nest Coterie Lunch, our 200 Draw (see Michael Goldsack for tickets) and we have already sold out our final Presidents Lunch in August.  We also have our last raffle running now which is the FTG Motor Group Raffle to win a brand new car!

Finally, our Club is continuing to grow and as Dave Nicholas, our Finance Director, so aptly stated, our only enemy is complacency.  That will not be allowed to happen, and our next three months should give us all much hope, enjoyment and gratification!


Greg Hannon, Senior President & Ellisa Schmidtke, Junior President

Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club


Joint Board & Committees Meeting

The Boronia Hawks Board, Senior Committee and Junior Committee all got together last night for a joint meeting to review the season so far.
Club Chairman, Scott Nicholas, took the group through the Club’s successes for the year, with briefings from Wayne Preston (Fundraising and Facilities), Samantha Dunkinson (Auskick), Karen Little (Family Day), Candyce Wright (Female Football), Ellisa Schmidtke (Junior Football), Andrew Catley (Coach Support), David Nicholas (Finance) and Ashley Johnston (Senior Football).
Scott highlighted how all the initiatives are consistent with the Club’s Values and are delivering on our Strategic Plan. Greg Hannon concluded the discussion by highlighting the tremendous people involved in the Club’s leadership and the sense of pride and commitment from the collective committees.
Players, sponsors and supporters can be assured that the Club is being well managed and that the passion of our volunteers will continue to grow and develop Boronia Hawks as a great family sporting club.

Club Strategic Framework

Our Vision

The Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club is one club; working together for success, on and off the field.

Our Mission Statement

The Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club is an inclusive and innovative organisation, valuing respect and loyalty to our people and our club. We provide opportunities for anyone wanting to support our sport, business and community.  GO HAWKA!

Our Values


We’re not just a sporting club; we are a community club where everyone is welcomed and included.


We’re in this together, and we respect the contributions of players, coaches, volunteers, members and their families.


We’re always looking at new ways to improve & develop everything we do, both on and off the field.


We’re building a sense of loyalty between people and the club, where everyone wants to be a part of our success.

Our Guiding Principles

Belong – at the Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club all players, members and supporters belong to a community:

  • Where we show respect to our history, for others, ourselves and our facilities.
  • Where the well-being of all players, members and supporters is at the forefront of all decisions that we make.
  • Where we show care and support to players, families, members and supporters when required.

Believe – at the Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club we believe:

  • That our training programs and coaching provide all players the opportunity to improve and to perform at their best.
  • That all players, regardless of their abilities, are treated with fairness and respect at all times.
  • That we have a responsibility to provide all players and coaches with a ‘high performance’ environment.
  • All players, members and supporters behave in a manner that  is representative of the values of our club.

Become – at the Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club we want to become:

  • A club that has high aspirations, is reflective of our performances and has a desire to grow and improve year on end.
  • A club that embraces challenges and earns the respect of all players, members and supporters.
  • A club that celebrates diversity, is community spirited and welcoming to all new players, members, families and supporters.


Strategic Priorities




  • Junior Pathway
  • Governance
  • Partners
  • Football
  • Finance
  • People
  • Netball
  • Communications
  • Environment



Boronia Hawks Major Raffle Results

Boronia Hawks are very pleased to announce the results of the 2019 Major Raffle, drawn at the Boronia Hawks Ladies Lunch on Saturday 1 June by Jackson Taylor MP.

L-R: Greg Hannon (Senior President), Samantha Dunkinson (Raffle Co-ordinator), Jackson Taylor MP. Photo by courtesy of Kieran Griffin.

1st Prize: Two Return Tickets to Europe courtesy of Greg Krenn and GK Travel + Cruise was won by Kim Panting one of the players from our Under 16 Girls Team!

2nd Prize: a Weber Family Q BBQ courtesy of Brendan Lee at John Alan Betta Home Living at Knox was won by Bec Moore, not only the parent of Sam from our Under 13 Team, also a major sponsor through GJ Gardner Wantirna South.

3rd Prize: a Rug from Choices Flooring FTG courtesy of Roxanne Moroney was won by Amanda Cellante, captain of our Senior Women’s Football Team!

4th Prize: a $500 Rebel Sports Voucher courtesy of Rebel Sport Knox was won by Caitlin “Cotch” Fay from our Senior Women’s Football Team!

5th Prize: an Ozito Ultimate 18v Garden Care Kit courtesy of Grant Bartram was won by Rachel Odgers, our Junior Treasurer and parent of junior players Danae and Connor Moon!

6th Prize: a Fitbit Versa courtesy of Rebel Knox was won by Rebecca Anderson from Boronia Dentist one of our valued major sponsors.

7th Prize: Rebel Mega Boom was won by Tyler Dower from our Senior Men’s Football Team!

8th Prize: a dozen mixed bottles of Wine donated by the Club was won by Jack R!

The Club wishes to thank all our generous sponsors and donors for support of our Major Raffle, which is essential for the successful operation and growth of the Club.

We also thank Greg Hannon, Wayne Preston and especially Samantha Dunkinson for the time and effort they put in to the successful conduct of the 2019 raffle.

Prize winners may contact Samantha Dunkinson or Greg Hannon if they have any queries regarding the collection of their prizes.


Boronia Hawks support Mental Health Awareness

Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club is very conscious of our role as an important community hub, with a large number of players, members, families and friends.  The diversity of any community group invariably means that mental health is something that touches us all in some way.

The AFL has recently announced that it will be creating a new role of head of mental health to oversee the rising number of elite footballers experiencing difficulty with anxiety, stress and depression and to promote a greater awareness of wellbeing amongst the Clubs.  This article from The Guardian Australia provides an insight to the nature of this issue in AFL ranks.  Click here.  Alternately, you can click here to read the about the AFL’s approach to Mental Health.

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Love Me Love You – our focus of support for this weekend

Boronia Hawks will contribute to the conversation about Mental Health Awareness within the Club by supporting “Love Me Love You“, a non-profit charity designed to help young people navigate the challenges of mental health. This organisation was founded by former Hawthorn player Lance Picioane, as a result of his own struggles during and after his football career.

Lance Picioane, founder of “Love Me Love You

This year alone the group has presented to 4000 young people through schools, football clubs and professional organisations. Picioane’s team include people with first hand experience on drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders and depression.

The Club has chosen to support this particular cause because of the enormous support provided by “Love Me Love You” to one of our own at a time of tragic loss.

As a result, we ask you all to take the time to think about Mental Health Awareness over the weekend of the 10th to 12th of May.  The AFL is recognising the issue with the Beyond Blue Round, and Boronia Hawks has also registered to support that cause, along with the Fight Motor Neurone Disease round in early June.

“Love Me Love You Cup” Match this Saturday Night

Boronia Hawks Senior Women’s Team will play Ferntree Gully this coming Saturday night at 6:00pm for the “Love Me Love You” Cup.  Both Clubs have been touched by  tragedy in recent years and we come together now, and in the future, to help young people to know that they are never alone.

Our senior teams will be wearing the light blue arm bands as a demonstration of the Club’s commitment to creating awareness of mental health problems in our community.

We will also welcome your gold coin donations to the cause at our home games over the next few weeks.



If you have any questions or suggestions on how Boronia Hawks is approaching the awareness of Mental Health, please speak to Karen Little ( our Director of Community & Inclusion) or Scott Nicholas (Chairman, Boronia Hawks FNC).


Boronia Hawks Club Chaplain: Rick Castricum on 0418 375 377

Lifeline Phone 13 11 14 Visit

Kids Help Line Phone 1800 55 1800 Visit

Beyond Blue Phone 1300 22 4636 Visit


Preseason Training
Rick Castricum with Craig McKenzie.

A MASSIVE Weekend for Boronia Hawks!

This weekend sees lots happening for our Club down at Tormore Reserve.  A little run down of the weekend courtesy of Leanne Rech, our fantastic Secretary of the HAWKS NEST COTERIE GROUP!


Friday 5pm-6:30pm sees 100 little Hawka champions in the making at Boronia Auskick whilst the two Netball teams will be in action a little later in the evening at various venues.  Good luck to Boronia Hawks and Boronia Brown!

Saturday sees the game day start with the Senior Women’s Team v Rowville at 8:40am followed by our Under 19’s (10:30am) v East Burwood, Development (12:35pm) and Seniors (2:40pm), both against Ringwood. As we have four teams playing, start times are a little altered for the day!

President’s Luncheon hosted by Greg Hannon – if you are attending please be there at 11:30am for an 11:45am prompt start!  Alan Tudge MP will be our special guest, along with young AFL stars Josh Begley and Dylan Clarke from Essendon Football Club!

Alan Tudge_Lights Announcement

Coterie BBQ and Drinks in the Coterie Marquee 1:30pm-4pm (huge thanks from Dean, Josh and Jayden at Malvern Continental Butchers for our burgers and snags). Coterie will also have a little raffle happening so pop a fiver in your pocket to be in it to win it!

Sunday sees 5 junior games at Tormore Reserve with the fantastic news that our Under 16 Girls Teams has merged with Knox Football Club with their first game together at 12:55pm.  Awards night for the Juniors at Tormore to round out a big weekend at the home of the Hawka.

Vets whilst not playing this weekend will be in big numbers around the Club supporting those that are playing as well as managing lots of the very big and some of the little jobs around the Club on game day – thank you gentleman.

A friendly, gentle reminder to head online to pay your Coterie Membership (or see us tomorrow at Tormore please). If you need to get your polo top, membership card or membership pack don’t hesitate to ask any of your Coterie Executive being Bomma, Dillio, Panda, Plugger or myself.

Looking forward to an awesome weekend at Tormore Reserve – the home of the Hawka.



Season Launch Message from our Senior President

Dear Players, Members and Supporters,

Well, the 2019 season is now upon us! The behind the scenes planning from our committees and coaching staff will now get tested and as far as we are all concerned, let’s bring it on!

The atmosphere around our club at the moment is just terrific, and so it should be after the success of 2018. We have strategically recruited, having faith in the youthful list of 2018, to ensure we can continue to approach each game with confidence. I welcome all new players to the ‘Hawka!

Our women’s team has gone from strength to strength under the coaching of Ray and “The “Chairman”!  Fletch and Cat’s have been incredible in getting really solid lists in our 17’s and 19’s and to have Clarky and his team steering our senior ship just puts us in good stead to have another real crack at finals glory once again. I’m not allowed to mention ‘back to back’ so I won’t!

Since I took on this role I’ve been staggered by the commitment of our band of dedicated volunteers. These people are the backbone of our club and we just can’t function without them. We have too many to mention for the fear of leaving someone out would be grossly unfair, but to all our volunteers, I sincerely thank you!!

This Thursday evening we have our ‘Season Opener’ event which is an opportunity to thank and acknowledge our sponsors and volunteers. We then have our first selection evening following this event. I look forward to welcoming everyone into the ‘Hawka’ this Thursday night. It will be pumping!

Our major raffle tickets will go out this week and I really wish to thank our sponsors for supporting our raffle and particularly, club great, Greg “Hollywood” Krenn for donating the $5,000 return tickets to Europe once again!

I will also begin advertising our first Chairman’s Luncheon for this year on May 4.  David “Murra” Murrihy will be interviewing Senior Federal Government Minister, and our number one ticket holder, Alan Tudge MP, a couple of weeks before a Federal Election and I’ll have a crack at interviewing two up and coming local Essendon stars in Josh Begley and Dylan Clarke. We have incredible new caterers for this event and for $70 a seat, they will sell out quickly! Check out our facebook page later on in the week to book tickets. I wish to take this opportunity to wish all our players and coaches good luck for season 2019. The entire Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club is behind you and even though Clarky won’t let me mention ‘back to back’, I don’t think our club has ever done this before so let’s make the big dance again and bring home the bacon!

See you all Thursday night!

Greg Hannon