Boronia Vets Are Doing Their Bit for the Community!

Boronia Veterans are aiming to run three fundraisers and would love all their players and club supporters to get on board to show their team and community spirit.

Big Dave Clancy has a mate affected by bushfires in Mallacoota and needs to raise funds to get him an e bike so he can get to work 5km out of town. Stay tuned for more details on this.

Dave Clancy and Sam Dunkinson announcing the bushfire fundraiser.

Geoff Bell is participating in the Knox Relay for Life 24hr walking challenge and need numbers for this if we can. He set up a page on Facebook if people are interested in supporting this great cause. All you need to do is buy a shirt for $50 and that is the donation, and then join in the walk in maybe 1 or 2 hour shifts. All funds raised go to a good cause for the Cancer Council and we have all been touched by this in some way.

Lastly, Michael Papworth is shaving off his beard (it’s slowing him down) for another great cause at the The Public Brewery in Croydon. More details to come soon.

These are all great causes and it would be good to see all Vets and supporters getting involved. As we all know, it’s swings and roundabouts, where one day you may need help in something and where we all band together!

Sporting Club Grants Don’t Just Happen

There has been a lot of publicity lately about community sporting grants. Putting all that aside, Boronia Hawks has been very fortunate to have the support of Kerryn Westcott over recent years. Kerryn works as a professional in the area of grants programs and has been involved in the preparation of applications for our recent successful grants including the Tormore Lights installation and the two new electronic scoreboards at Millers Reserve and Tormore Reserve.

Kerryn Westcott

Kerryn will now be working with Karen Little, another professional who is closely involved with grants funding as part of her “day job”. Karen is of course the Club’s Director, Community and Inclusion and will be playing both football and netball with the Hawks in 2020.

Karen Little

These two great supporters of the Club will work together to research, identify and prioritise grants opportunities offered by all three levels of government and various authorities and foundations. Please join us all in thanking them both for their support of the Club.

If anyone is interested in a voluntary role with Boronia Hawks in 2020, please contact Senior President Greg Hannon on 0438 616 130 or Junior President Kristan Wood on 0411 605 203.

Our New Community Partner: Brazilian Butterfly Knox!

Boronia Hawks are very pleased to welcome Rhiannon from Brazilian Butterfly Knox as our latest Community Partner! Enjoy a 15% discount with your Boronia Hawks Membership Card!

Rhiannon from Brazilian Butterfly

For more than 17 years Brazilian Butterfly has been Australia’s premier total body care specialists. With more than 30 salons across Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, and the ACT, Brazilian Butterfly offers a friendly, relaxed and professional environment.

  • Brazilian waxing for men and women
  • Standard and full body waxing
  • IPL hair removal
  • IPL skin treatments
  • Spray tan application
  • Eyelash and brow tinting
  • Exclusive skincare range & accessories

    We take pride in offering a consistent, quality service with sound advice, and the assurance that your treatments are being performed by qualified therapists trained to the highest of industry standards.

Boronia Hawks at the Knox Festival

Boronia Hawks have secured a site at the Knox Festival being held at Wally Tew Reserve, Glenfern Rd, Ferntree Gully on Saturday 29th February and Sunday 1st March. It’s an opportunity to showcase our fantastic club to the Knox community and to attract new Junior (boys and girls) and Women’s team players. We will have activities for the kids, with Hawka brand caps and mini stress footballs as giveaways.

If you’re available to help at our stall over that weekend, please add your name to the roster via this Volunteer Link.

Over the two days of the festival, between 10 am and 5 pm, we would like a minimum of three volunteers for each time slot but it would be great to see more. The more people we have at our stall and the more activity we generate, the more interesting it will be to festival attendees.

Fletchers Mooroolbark are back for 2020!

Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club is delighted to welcome back Fletchers Mooroolbark as a GOLD PARTNER for Season 2020.

This the third year of our partnership with Fletchers Mooroolbark. The Club is very grateful for the long term commitment offered by Fletchers and their particular focus on supporting our junior teams.

We are proud to say that the entire rollout of our new jumpers to all junior teams over the past two years was entirely funded by Fletchers. As we expand our program for junior girls in 2020 we will once again see the generosity of Fletchers in real terms as the girls run out in new jumpers.

Please join us all in thanking Daniel Bolton – Fletchers Real Estate, Director & Auctioneer and the team at Fletchers for their tremendous support of the Hawks.

Boronia Juniors are proudly supported by Dan Bolton and Fletchers Mooroolbark.
Boronia Juniors are proudly supported by Dan Bolton and Fletchers Mooroolbark.
Dan Bolton in his playing days.

Introducing TD Solutions

Boronia Hawks has engaged with TD Solutions – Sports Administration and held a very successful workshop last week.

TDS has assisted the Club’s Board in the preparation of a “Health Check” which indicated that the Club is in good hands and is well managed.

BUT….. TDS also highlighted the need to share the load and help our volunteers in their efforts to help the Club to prosper and grow. A number of other priorities were identified and the Board and committees are already focused on implementing these initiatives.

Stand by for more exciting announcements and opportunities in the coming weeks! In the meantime, thank you to Terry and the team at TDS!