We are excited to announce that Jackson Taylor MP is on board again as a loyal sponsor of Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club!

We’re glad to have Jackson on board for another season. As we all know, Jackson is a strong supporter of Boronia Hawks, helping to secure $1.2 million from the State Labor Government for the new Tormore Reserve Pavilion.

Jackson knows the difference that a club like Boronia can make in the lives of our community, and we’re very much looking forward to working with him. Make sure to get around Jackson and say hello next time we see him at Tormore Reserve!

New Nets at Tormore Reserve

The poles have arrived for the new nets behind the goals at the scoreboard end of Tormore Reserve!

A very big thank you to Knox City Council for the installation of nets at both ends of the ground over the past two years. These new nets will protect the neighbours and will save on lost footies for the Club.

Thanks to our roving reporter Phil Watson who always keeps a very close eye on all developments in the surrounds at Tormore Reserve, Home of the HAWKA!

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