Boronia Hawks FNC is very pleased to announce that former senior coach Peter Bennett and BRITTON TIMBERS will once gain be sponsoring our favourite full-forward BEN ROBERTSON in 2025. 

“Britton Timbers are trusted to produce quality timber and outstanding customer service. They have been doing it for more than 110 years. Britton Timbers one of Australia’s largest importers of sustainably-produced hardwoods and the preferred source for premium Tasmanian timbers”.


Thank you to PETER BENNETT and BRITTON TIMBERS for Player Sponsorship of NATHAN ALLEN for the 2024 season.

There is no player more loyal to the club than Nathan Allen, who started in Boronia Auskick in 1997, before moving on to Boronia Juniors in 2000. 24 years and 300 odd games later, he has a hard earned reputation for playing good strong footy and for overcoming adversity with injury and illness. He has two Reserves flags to his credit; he has captained Seniors, Reserves and Juniors; he has won league B&F’s in 18’s and Reserves; he has served on committee and is a regular and reliable volunteer. Most importantly, he has the respect of everyone at the club.


Thank you to PETER BENNET and BRITTON TIMBERS for Player Sponsorship of BEN ROBERTSON for the 2024 Season.

Big Robbo came to the Hawks from the VAFA in 2010 and has amassed 212 goals in his 155 games. He has been a huge contributor in the 2018 and 2023 flags; but most of all, he is a great club person and a heart and soul player for the Hawks.