Chairman’s Lunch featuring Peter Daicos – Saturday 6 May

The @boroniahawks Chairman’s Lunch was a great success on Saturday with 111 guests and the Macedonian Marvel, Peter Daicos, entertaining the audience. Many thank to special guest Nick Wakeling MP for joining us and sharing the photo here with Kristan Wood, Peter Daicos and Nick himself. Thanks also to Gary Overton and Overton Catering for the great food and service.
Kristan Wood, Peter Daicos and Nick Wakeling MP.


Poker Night – Saturday 29 April


Mitch Agars walked away with a trip to Bali after winning the big Hawka cards night. Last year’s winner, Brad Phillips, picked up second place and a splendid gift case and table. Many thanks to all involved in arranging the night and to all those who attended.  Thanks to Stacey Robertson and Lindy Phillips for pix of the happy pair!





Book now for the Responsible Serving of Alcohol Course

Knox City Council is encouraging EFL clubs to attend the Responsible Serving of Alcohol Course to be held at The Basin Football Club on Wednesday 3rd May 2017

This session is open to all clubs throughout the municipality and surrounding areas. They are a great training opportunity for volunteers at a highly subsidised rate. (TAFE fee up to $150)

•             $40 for Good Sports club members

•             $80 for non-Good Sports club members

If you wish to attend please complete the attached registration form and return to Bill Karametos via post or email at

The Basin Football Club Wed 3rd May 2017

2017 Fees & Registration

All players who pay their 2017 fees & registration by March 24th receive a ticket into the Hawka draw.

Check out the prize to be won by one lucky Hawka! Last year it was Tyler Dower – be in it to win it this year.


  • Club fees refunded;
  • Free Thursday night meals for the season;
  • 1 × 200 draw ticket;
  • 1 x Gala ball ticket;
  • 1 x Presentation night ticket;

The draw will be held at 7:30pm Saturday 1st April at the 2017 Season Launch in the Social Rooms at Tormore Reserve. 

Tyler Dower – winner of the 2016 Hawka Draw!

2017 Season Launch

All our players, sponsors, volunteers, members and supporters are cordially invited to join us as we launch the 2017 football and netball seasons for @boroniahawks.  This year the event will be held on a Saturday evening in the Social Rooms at Tormore Reserve after our 3rd Practice Match against Forest Hill on 1 April 2017.

  • Bar opens at 5:30pm;
  • Formalities commence at 6:00pm;
  • No. 1 and No. 2 Ticket Holders will be announced;
  • Coaching staff will be introduced;
  • Club Captains will be announced;
  • 2017 recruits will be introduced.

This is always a great way to kick off the season, so please come along to set the scene for an exciting 2017 season.

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Barefoot Bowls

It was a great night last night at Boronia Bowls Club for some barefoot bowls.  Fantastic to see some of the new players come down to meet the boys and a huge thank you to Boronia Bowls Club for having us.

Barefoot Bowls runs every Friday night at Boronia Bowls Club.   It’s fun, social and the perfect way to spend a summer’s evening after a long week. For more information contact Tony on 0425 701 330 or visit the Boronia Bowls Club website for more information.  


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2016 Presentation Night

The 2016 Presentation Night for @boroniahawks was a great success last night as well over 200 guests enjoyed the hospitality of our Platinum Sponsor, the Knox Club. The evening was a celebration not only of the 2016 season, but also of the club’s past as four great servants of the Hawka were elevated to Life Membership.

The netballers were well represented last night after all three teams had successful seasons and made the finals. We are very grateful for their contribution in 2016 as the girls continue to bring a whole new aspect to our club.

So many speakers on the night, including the great Bob Henry, highlighted the huge impact that Peter Brown has made to the club in 2016, aided by the strategic leadership of Kristan Wood and Ash Johnston, and the support of our dedicated and passionate committee. All agreed that the opportunity is there for a very exciting future for the club in 2017 and beyond.

Many thanks to the Knox Club, everyone who joined us last night, and to the organisers of the function, particularly Ellen Johnson, Michelle Beaton, Sandra Bell and Scott Nicholas.

