We are excited!!! It’s time to register for Boronia Auskick 2022!

Any questions please don’t hesitate to call me on 0419 502 633
Sammi D. Auskick Co-ordinator
Senior Men's & Women's Football and Netball, Junior Boys & Girls Football, Auskick and over 35's Veterans and Masters Football. Affiliated with EFNL. We acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation as the traditional custodians of the land in Boronia.
Following on from the announcement that Scott Nicholas, Candyce Wright, Ray Lacey and Lachie Watson are back on board, we’re thrilled to welcome some new and familiar faces to the team.
KAREN LITTLE will take over from Nathan Allen in the role of Football Operations Manager! Karen will bring a great understanding and knowledge of our squad as a player, trainer and administrator and will help take our program to another level through operational and strategic support and initiatives!
BRAD SLATER will join the coaching team as a Senior Assistant Coach. Brad played over 200 games at Mitcham in Division 1 before an extensive coaching career, most recently with St. Simons and Rowville Knights where he coached Under 15, Under 16 and Under 18 girls from 2016-2020.
DANA TAMOS will join us over pre-season as Strength & Conditioning Coach. Dana will prescribe a 16 week training program available to all of our players (more info to come), support the coaches with S & C planning and attend training once a month over pre-season! Dana has previously worked with Eastern Ranges NAB League program, Casey VFLW and St Kilda’s Next Gen Academy and we’re thrilled to have her specific experience with women’s football on board! Please check out Dana’s Facebook at 1Life Human Performance.
For more information please contact Scott Nicholas (Senior Coach) on 0403 238 494 or Karen Little (Football Manager) on 0417 077 783 or visit www.boroniahawks.com.au
Please join us in welcoming Karen, Brad and Dana in their new roles!GO HAWKA
I am very pleased to report a remarkably successful year for the Club in financial terms. We have recorded a modest net profit and continued growth in our asset base.This has been achieved in a restricted season that saw the cancellation of many game days and several major social events.
Our financial position is attributable to the hard work of our volunteers. These include the sponsorship and raffle committee (Flash, Wayne, Grant and Sam); our bar staff (Bill and Jason); canteen, BBQ and meals by Ellen and her many helpers; and our merchandise and uniform team (Tanya, Kat and Maria).
The profit derived from these revenue streams offset the operational cost of our core activities – football and netball. Further non-operating funding was gained by the expert work of our Grants team (Karen and Kerryn), before we deduct depreciation on our fixed assets.
We are very grateful to Knox City Council for the waiving of the annual fees for ground occupancy for the second year in a row. We also thank the Council, the Victorian Government and Jackson Taylor MP for the availability of grant funding to offset the impact of COVID-19 on community clubs.
We still have a healthy bank balance despite a negative cash flow for the year. We have a full inventory of merchandise and uniforms on hand and ready for sale in the new season. We also have an excellent asset base including our ground facilities, IT equipment and gym equipment.
The Club is in a very sound financial position due to the generous support of our valued sponsors, including the Hawks Nest Coterie Group; our loyal players, members and supporters; and the hard-working volunteers. A huge personal thank you from me to Andrea Le Marquand and Lauren Keelan, our two terrific treasurers.
David Nicholas, Finance Director
It’s fair to say 2021 was a lot tougher than 2020 although both were interrupted seasons. There was still a lot of uncertainty if 2021 would go ahead after a series of snap lockdowns which made it tough to re-engage with our sponsors. They too had been doing it tough but we were very fortunate that a good 95% recommitted in supporting the club again in 2021.
The start of the season was frantic. In what would normally be a 4 month planning process had to be condensed into 1-2 months. This year we wanted to build on what we had started in previous years and to introduce new ideas and initiatives.
Our inaugural Golf Day was a huge success with 20 teams entered which generated an excellent profit for the day! We relaunched our Sponsorship proposal which is now a professional document that is designed to attract more sponsors to our club. Membership packages were reviewed highlighting a gap in our social offering for friends of members and community. This will be a major focus for us in 2022 so watch this space!
Once the season started our attention soon switched to game day and how we could improve the experience for all players and supporters. Our bar offering was reviewed with the introduction of Great Northern on tap, a better wine offering and the introduction of the Billson Vodka varieties. The bar menu took on a refresh which became electronic and now gives us a better tool to engage with our customers. Live music was a regular addition after some of the games which provided entertainment and ensured our bar sales ticked over into the night. A special thanks to Nick Blomfield who was kind enough to share his other talent with us outside of playing in our Vets football team.
As much as we tried to run our revamped “Ladies High Tea” we didn’t quite get there. A lot of time went into the planning of this event which was headed by Carly Dymond and her dedicated subcommittee. It was a real shame, but we are determined to launch it in 2022 which is sure to be a great day!
The other big news in 2021 is that Knox City Council have committed to the planning of our new clubroom. Although we need this sooner than later to cater for our growth, the important thing is that it is now on the Council’s radar and they have committed to the scoping to begin in 2023/24, design in 2024/25 and construction in 2025/26. A big thank-you to our number one ticket holder Jackson Taylor MP who secured $120K of Victorian Government funding towards this project. This money was intended to go towards fast tracking the scoping & design component, but unfortunately the Knox City Council no budget capacity and declined the offer. We will continue to work with the Council and Jackson to explore how we can shorten the time frame of this project.
Although this last lockdown brought an end to this season we are working behind the scenes on yet more ideas. The Growler project was a great example of continuing to look for different ways to engage with our members and generate funds for the club. In the midst of lockdown we were pleased to be able to deliver much needed funds back into our bank account. Thanks for everyone who supported this initiative and a big shout out to Flash, Grant, Billy & Jase who helped pull this together in the space of one week.
Bring on 2022 and look forward in seeing you all at our games next year.
Wayne Preston, Director of Revenue
2021 saw us complete our roll-out of Square, which is our new point of sale and online store technology.
The club saw an enormous uptake in card payments and received positive feedback from customers and users. We processed 10,000 transactions around the club this year with majority paid via card. We expect to see significant growth in transactions next year when we have a full season plus hosting EFNL finals.
This new technology has also meant additional operational features including connecting to NBN internet at Tormore which will have a number of benefits in years to come. This in addition to adding mobile data to our Square devices which allows us to operate seamlessly across the Tormore and Millers grounds, inside and outside the clubrooms.
Next steps for Square will be becoming a truly cashless club, until then we are finishing the final tweaks to thesystem before we kick off our 2022 campaign.
Kat McMahon, Director of Insights and Innovation
The growth in our Club, particularly in Junior Girls’ football and Women’s netball and football teams, despite a pandemic and missing an entire season in 2020, has been phenomenal. Thank you to everyone who has worked hard to create a Club environment that attracts and retains players.
Our Gender Equity Plan was launched to the Club and we’ve been making steady progress on a number of key actions. These included balanced gender representation on our Board and Committees, issue of a Pregnancy and Sporting Participation policy, initiatives to strengthen the connection between our Men’s and Women’s football squads and the inclusion of a netball team which was open to any female regardless of age and playing experience. The plan will continue to evolve over time as key actions are completed and as the needs of the Club change.
Candyce Wright became our Club’s first female Senior Coach and we’re delighted that she’ll be returning for season 2022. Thank you to all of our wonderful Senior Women and Men and Vet’s footballers who connected with our Junior teams through coaching, right from Auskick through to our older age groups. The connection between our footballers at different stages of our football pathway is so important in creating a Club community that is supportive of our One Club culture.
During the season we were able to hold mental health training by Outside the Locker Room for our Men’s and Women’s football squads, netballers, members and volunteers. For the first time we were able to hold a session for our Junior players and parents. Following the completion of training by Mental Health Australia, our Youth Mental Health team was established and I thank those who are part of this initiative in committing to support the young people at our Club.
It has been a privilege to be on the Board, to work with wonderful people who are committed to the success of our Club and to have had a portfolio that I care deeply about. I look forward to new challenges knowing that this space is in very capable hands.
Karen Little, (outgoing) Director of Community and Inclusion
Our relationship with Knox City Council has stayed strong though out 2021 despite our interrupted season. Their continued support through their weekly newsletters, emails & phone conversations to keep us connected to our local community is always received well.
We were able to navigate our way through the restrictions outlined with Council and EFNL with greater ease this season; so that made our volunteers, players & community feel safe when around our grounds and facilities. Council has always been a big supporter of our club and all that we are striving to achieve.
Unfortunately, we were not able to make it through the whole 2021 season but we hope to begin arrangements for ground use shortly to kick start our pre-season training and, fingers crossed, 2022 will be a complete season.
Tanya Parkins, Director of Administration
Want to WIN a 4.5kg block of Toblerone and lock in your FREE FEES ?? With Registration for the 2022 season opening tomorrow we’re giving away a giant Toblerone to new and current junior players that register before 5pm Friday Nov 5th !
Use this link to register tomorrow: https://membership.mygameday.app/regoform.cgi?aID=7742…
Another year filled with challenges, but the big difference was… we got to get out there and play some football and netball and watch our Hawks in action!
For some this provided an outlet and distraction, and some purpose where other areas of our lives were filled with challenges. For others this caused frustration, given the fact the year was still impacted and ultimately cut short, it tested our resilience and caused us to rethink how and why we do things. However, amongst all of these challenges, our club community again upheld it’s commitment to each other and the club by going above and beyond. In moments where we could come together and function as close to ‘normal’ as was possible, and in moments where we couldn’t, we remained supportive and positive and workedtirelessly to ensure the club continued to move forward… which we did.
Thank you to everyone across the club for their contributions on and off-field. Our Board and Committee Members, our volunteers, our coaches, trainers and game day support, our friends, family and former players, and our current players across all areas of the club. I’m continually inspired and proud of the selfless culture that is central to the way our club functions. Led over many years by the likes of Bob Henry, Ellen Johnson, Mick and Kay Kimmitt to name a few, and now continued by many more across the club. It’s part of our identity, and I’m pleased that that culture is only going from strength to strength.
There were a number of highlights across the season, which are contributing to the long-term opportunities ahead, and the completion of a number of items identified in our Strategic Plan 2020-22 with many more in progress;
We’re so fortunate to have such motivated, skilled and knowledgeable people on our Board who are passionate about the club and it’s future.
To Woody and Flash, we’re so fortunate to have your strength leading our junior and senior sections of the club you do an incredible job driving us forward, leaving no stone unturned to improve the way we do things.
To Wayne and Kat your contributions to the Board in your first year were phenomenal, you’ve added such great skills and insights to the club and I can’t wait to continue working with you.
To Tanya and Dave, you’ve contributed so much in your time on the board and this year has been no different, and we head into your final year on the Board I look forward to working with you both to successful transition out of your roles and support new people transition in, over the next 12 months.
Finally, to Karen Little and Ash Johnston, who will be departing the Board after three years as Director of Community & Inclusion and one year as Director of Strategic Projects. Fundamentally the work you’ve done behind the scenes is changing the way the club is viewed internally and externally, and you’ve championed initiatives that are leading the way in not only our club, but the broader EFNL and community sport landscape. I’ve learnt so much from you both in your time on the Board and look forward to continuing to seek your guidance in the future. Our club has changed so much even over the past four years since becoming One Club, and you’ve both played a critical role in supporting this process of change. Thank you for everything and I’m so pleased, and we are so fortunate, you’ll still be active members of the Boronia community going forward.
If 2021 was our transition out of COVID, I’m so excited for what 2022 will hold for us all. We are a part of something very special at Boronia, and I definitely do not take that for granted. We are custodians of club and are working hard to celebrate our great history, drive the standards to make sure we are successful in our day-to-day operations, and think strategically and innovatively so we can prepare to leave our club in a better place for the next generation to don the brown and gold. GO HAWKA.
Scott Nicholas
Chair Person, Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club Inc.
Incredible to believe that we have now had two seasons of football that have been significantly impacted by COVID19. Our players have effectively had two seasons taken away from them which is just devastating as one’s playing career is so short-lived, to begin with. We had a number of teams that were vying for premiership glory and to have that taken away from you is just so disappointing.
This year I was super proud of our coaching staff for keeping our players connected. The work our coaches and assistant coaches do behind the scenes in ensuring the well-being of our players is where it should be, is just remarkable. I personally wish to thank every coach for checking in on our players and we are very fortunate to have you all as part of the BHFNC! All of our 2021 coaches have now been reappointed for 2022 and I look forward to you all driving success, driving growth, and driving the high standards that we require to be a successful club. Next season we have Wayne Judge as Director of Football Development on board to support all coaches with their growth and development. I warmly welcome Wayne to our club.
I want to congratulate Scott Nicholas on being awarded EFNL Senior Coach of the Year for 2021. This is a marvellous achievement and very well deserved too! Scott and his team of coaches are doing a wonderful job at growing and improving our women’s football program. The last 4 years have seen extensive growth in female participation at our club in our great game. This is no doubt driven by the quality of coaching staff we have in this area. Thank you to all and special thanks to Candyce who filled in for Ray this season. We look forward to watching you develop Candyce over the coming years.
I wish to acknowledge the winner of the Colin ‘Mick’ Kimmitt Best Clubperson award. Wayne Preston was a much-deserved winner of this prestigious award. Thank you, Wayne for your tireless efforts. Our club is a much better club due to your involvement, drive, and work ethic. I also wish to thank the Board and our Senior Committee. Our club is most fortunate to have such good quality people contributing to community sport!
This season saw the retirement of Buzz and Lmac – Matt Buzinskas and Lachie McKernan. Premiership stars, great blokes, and fine leaders of our club. You have both given so much to the BHFNC and we thank you!
To our incredible volunteers, you are all just the best! I won’t name you all but without the support of our volunteers, we just couldn’t run a club of this size. From food preparation to cleaning the bar to setting up match days to organizing functions, we are just blessed to have so many incredible people supporting our club.
This year, two club stalwarts will move off the committee. This by no means suggests they will stop supporting and working for the club. It just means they don’t have to turn up to boring meetings. To Tim Currie and Tessa Evans, thank you for your great service and advice!
As we now transition into the 2022 season, let me assure you all that we started work on season 2022 about 3 months ago. We already have our 90th birthday celebration committee organised and Greg ‘Hollywood’ Krenn has a team around him that is working on our club corporate Golf Day at the Eastwood Golf Course this year.
What is now abundantly apparent is that our club is different from what it was ten years ago. It is now a much bigger organisation and we need to manage that growth and create protocols and behaviours to ensure we don’t burn out our volunteers. This is a logistical challenge and we will strive to make this work. Expanding our volunteer network is one challenge and then managing our busy schedule and ensuring not too much is done by only a few is the next! This is every club’s challenge but we really need to get better in this area!
From a personal perspective, I have never been more motivated to make this club gain success both on and off the field next season.
Greg Hannon, Senior President