Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club is very conscious of our role as an important community hub, with a large number of players, members, families and friends. The diversity of any community group invariably means that mental health is something that touches us all in some way.
The AFL has recently announced that it will be creating a new role of head of mental health to oversee the rising number of elite footballers experiencing difficulty with anxiety, stress and depression and to promote a greater awareness of wellbeing amongst the Clubs. This article from The Guardian Australia provides an insight to the nature of this issue in AFL ranks. Click here. Alternately, you can click here to read the about the AFL’s approach to Mental Health.
Love Me Love You – our focus of support for this weekend
Boronia Hawks will contribute to the conversation about Mental Health Awareness within the Club by supporting “Love Me Love You“, a non-profit charity designed to help young people navigate the challenges of mental health. This organisation was founded by former Hawthorn player Lance Picioane, as a result of his own struggles during and after his football career.

This year alone the group has presented to 4000 young people through schools, football clubs and professional organisations. Picioane’s team include people with first hand experience on drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders and depression.
The Club has chosen to support this particular cause because of the enormous support provided by “Love Me Love You” to one of our own at a time of tragic loss.
As a result, we ask you all to take the time to think about Mental Health Awareness over the weekend of the 10th to 12th of May. The AFL is recognising the issue with the Beyond Blue Round, and Boronia Hawks has also registered to support that cause, along with the Fight Motor Neurone Disease round in early June.
“Love Me Love You Cup” Match this Saturday Night
Boronia Hawks Senior Women’s Team will play Ferntree Gully this coming Saturday night at 6:00pm for the “Love Me Love You” Cup. Both Clubs have been touched by tragedy in recent years and we come together now, and in the future, to help young people to know that they are never alone.
Our senior teams will be wearing the light blue arm bands as a demonstration of the Club’s commitment to creating awareness of mental health problems in our community.
We will also welcome your gold coin donations to the cause at our home games over the next few weeks.
If you have any questions or suggestions on how Boronia Hawks is approaching the awareness of Mental Health, please speak to Karen Little ( our Director of Community & Inclusion) or Scott Nicholas (Chairman, Boronia Hawks FNC).
Boronia Hawks Club Chaplain: Rick Castricum on 0418 375 377
Lifeline Phone 13 11 14 Visit
Kids Help Line Phone 1800 55 1800 Visit
Beyond Blue Phone 1300 22 4636 Visit