Miah from our Under 16 Girls team has discovered a passion for painting footy boots with traditional indigenous art.

Miah has been busy painting the boots of her team mates with meaningful symbols that relate to community, gathering and running on the field. She is currently perfecting her craft to ensure the longevity of her designs.

The Under 16 Girls had a bye today but celebrated NAIDOC Week last Sunday. Miah and her sister Zoe, who also plays in the Under 16’s team, wrote their thoughts on what NAIDOC Week means to them as young indigenous people.
“NAIDOC Week makes me feel inspired. It makes me feel more connected to my community and my people that I have in my life and grateful for everything I have.” – Zoe
“NAIDOC week means to me being able to connect to my community across Australia. Remember and recognise and commemorate all the achievements and history our first nations people have endured and created.” – Miah

We love your designs Miah and can’t wait to see more of what you create!