There has been a lot of publicity lately about community sporting grants. Putting all that aside, Boronia Hawks has been very fortunate to have the support of Kerryn Westcott over recent years. Kerryn works as a professional in the area of grants programs and has been involved in the preparation of applications for our recent successful grants including the Tormore Lights installation and the two new electronic scoreboards at Millers Reserve and Tormore Reserve.

Kerryn will now be working with Karen Little, another professional who is closely involved with grants funding as part of her “day job”. Karen is of course the Club’s Director, Community and Inclusion and will be playing both football and netball with the Hawks in 2020.

These two great supporters of the Club will work together to research, identify and prioritise grants opportunities offered by all three levels of government and various authorities and foundations. Please join us all in thanking them both for their support of the Club.
If anyone is interested in a voluntary role with Boronia Hawks in 2020, please contact Senior President Greg Hannon on 0438 616 130 or Junior President Kristan Wood on 0411 605 203.