29 May Update from AFL Victoria
AFL Victoria released this checklist which will be applicable for all senior and junior training groups at Boronia Hawks effective from 1 June 2020. Please note that two groups of 20 participants plus coaches and support persons are now permitted to train on one oval at the same time.
19 May 2020 Update from EFNL
Today, AFL Victoria released its ‘return to training’ protocols, following on from Saturday’s announcement. As per yesterday’s release the EFNL’s current suspension of training (until at least May 31) remains in place.
Along with the protocols there are a number of education sessions and courses to ensure that personnel are equipped to run sessions safely.

Whilst May 25 is listed in the official AFL Victoria release as the date when clubs are able to return to training – following the new protocols – the EFNL’s current suspension of training (until at least May 31) remains in place.
This is to allow clubs time to review and understand these protocols properly and plan for a safe return to training. It is important to highlight that we do not have a Return to Play date, something that only the State Government can provide us with.
As per our previous release around a ‘return to training’, we still encourage players to get out of the house with teammates for a kick – whilst following COVID safe practices – to ensure both physical and mental wellbeing.
3 May 2020 Update from Club Chairman
The Club’s Board of Directors has been meeting regularly via Zoom in the last few months to manage the impact of Covid-19 on the Club’s operations. Following the recent announcements from the the Victorian Government, AFL Victoria and EFNL, we had an expanded Board meeting last night with representatives from our senior and junior football, netball, veterans and Auskick sections. Thanks to Ash Johnston, Candyce Wright, Kat McMahon, Sam Dunkinson and Wayne Preston for their important contributions to our preparations.
Although the Club is subject to the release of guidelines and protocols from the governing bodies, we are able to start planning for the eventual resumption of managed training sessions in groups of ten (plus a coach or manager). We are developing our own set of training guidelines so all players and coaches will fully understand their ongoing obligations to personal hygiene and social distancing. We will be ready when the time comes.
The most pleasing aspect of the meeting was to hear of the enthusiastic engagement by our senior playing groups over the last two months. Our senior mens and women’s footballers are training in isolation, but are absolutely exceeding expectations as they build their fitness. Our players and coaches are to be congratulated for their team spirit, support for each other, and dedication to the game and the Club.
We will be in touch regularly, so please keep your eye out for updates on our website and Facebook pages and groups. “Hawka Talk” will continue every Wednesday night at 7:00pm on Facebook for the foreseeable future. Please tune in!
Please take care of yourselves, family and friends. Do the right thing and we will all be able to come together again as a Club.
Scott Nicholas, Chairman, Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club Inc.