Building on the success from 2018 and 2019 seasons, Boronia Hawks intends to expand our program to have Senior Womens and Development teams in 2020. Come and have a kick at our Come and Try Night, meet some of the players and learn more about the 2020 season;
- Thursday 19 September, 6pm to 7:30pm
- Tormore Reserve, Tormore Road, Boronia.
Boronia is a perfect destination club:
• If you’ve previously played football or other sports and want to develop your football skills, knowledge fitness and take your game to another level
• If you’re new to the game and are looking to learn new skills, get active, meet new friends and be part of a team.

All ages and abilities welcome (16+), no prior football or sporting experience is required.
Come and be part of a fun, welcoming and inclusive club where men’s and women’s programs are embedded into the club.

Coaching and volunteer positions also available. Female applicants are encouraged to apply, support is also available to undertake training or coaching accreditation.
For more information please contact:
Ray Lacey 0429 511 509
Scott Nicholas 0403 238 494
Kat McMahon 0428 116 640