The growth in our Club, particularly in Junior Girls’ football and Women’s netball and football teams, despite a pandemic and missing an entire season in 2020, has been phenomenal. Thank you to everyone who has worked hard to create a Club environment that attracts and retains players.
Our Gender Equity Plan was launched to the Club and we’ve been making steady progress on a number of key actions. These included balanced gender representation on our Board and Committees, issue of a Pregnancy and Sporting Participation policy, initiatives to strengthen the connection between our Men’s and Women’s football squads and the inclusion of a netball team which was open to any female regardless of age and playing experience. The plan will continue to evolve over time as key actions are completed and as the needs of the Club change.
Candyce Wright became our Club’s first female Senior Coach and we’re delighted that she’ll be returning for season 2022. Thank you to all of our wonderful Senior Women and Men and Vet’s footballers who connected with our Junior teams through coaching, right from Auskick through to our older age groups. The connection between our footballers at different stages of our football pathway is so important in creating a Club community that is supportive of our One Club culture.
During the season we were able to hold mental health training by Outside the Locker Room for our Men’s and Women’s football squads, netballers, members and volunteers. For the first time we were able to hold a session for our Junior players and parents. Following the completion of training by Mental Health Australia, our Youth Mental Health team was established and I thank those who are part of this initiative in committing to support the young people at our Club.
It has been a privilege to be on the Board, to work with wonderful people who are committed to the success of our Club and to have had a portfolio that I care deeply about. I look forward to new challenges knowing that this space is in very capable hands.
Karen Little, (outgoing) Director of Community and Inclusion