Contact Details

Clubrooms: Tormore Reserve, Tormore Road, Boronia and Miller Park Reserve, Mountain Highway, Boronia.

Primary E-mail Address:

Senior Secretary:

Junior Secretary:

Postal Address: PO Box 491, Boronia, VIC 3155

Key Contacts: 

  • Senior President: Greg Hannon
  • Junior President: Kristan Wood
  • Football Development Manager: Wayne Judge
  • Football Operations Manager (Men): Ash Johnston
  • Football Operations Manager (Women): Candyce Wright
  • Netball Operations Manager: Alisha Clark
  • Junior Registrar: Carolyn Wood
  • Junior Female Football Co-ordinator: Alex Toomey
  • Corporate Sponsorships / Revenue: Wayne Preston
  • Community Partnerships: Samantha Dunkinson 
  • Senior Men’s Coach: Matt Clark
  • Senior Women’s Coach: Sean Buncle
  • Veterans Coach: Mark O’Neill
  • Masters Coach: Ray Lacey
  • Auskick Co-ordinator: Samantha Dunkinson 
  • Director of Communications: Position Vacant

Please send us a message if you have any questions!