Boronia Hawks hosted Jessie Doull from AFL Victoria and Troy Swainston from Eastern Football League last night for the presentation of AFL funding for the outstanding new sports light installation at Tormore Reserve.
Jessie is AFL Victoria’s Facilities and Planning Manager and was instrumental in the success of our submission for funding under the AFL’s Facilities Development Reserve. This funding was in addition to the federal funding from the Australian Sports Commission with the great support of Alan Tudge MP.

Club Chairman, Scott Nicholas said “Thanks to everyone at the Club for your contributions to this project, large or small. It was a great example of a number of people across the Club coming together to make it happen!”
“Particular thanks to Kerryn Westcott for the initial application, David Nicholas for his assistance in crunching the numbers and making the financials work, and Kristan Wood for his work in managing the project. Finally Greg “Flash” Hannon for his work behind the scenes to bring this all together!”
“Great work team, with an outcome that will benefit the club for many years to come!”