Safe Transport Policy

Reviewed by the Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club Board and updated February 2020.


The Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club Inc (BHFNC) recognises the importance of holding a Liquor Licence in the value it adds to the Club, enabling it to generate income and hold social functions.

We however also recognise that drink-driving is illegal and hazardous to both the wider community and potential offenders.  As providers of alcohol under Liquor Licencing laws, the BHFNC understands and accepts it’s duty of care and as a Club we are responsible for the safety of our members and guests.

The BHFNC Safe Transport Policy aims to provide a basis for the responsible consumption of alcohol by members and guests to avoid any incidents as people travel to or from the Club and its events.

Serving Alcohol

The conditions under which the BFC can sell alcohol to its members and guests is contained in the BFC’s Alcohol Management Policy (separate document).

Transport Arrangements

Telephone calls will be made free of charge to persons wanting to arrange a taxi or other transport.  Contact telephone numbers for taxi services will be clearly displayed at all club functions.  Contact telephone numbers for taxi services common to the area are:

  1. 13CABS
  2. Yellow cabs 13 22 27
  3. Melbourne Eastern Taxis 9762 2522
  4. Black cabs 13 22 27
  5. Uber via Mobile Phone app.

Bar staff and / or Committee members shall encourage members and visitors to make alternate safe transport arrangements if they are considered to exceed .05 blood alcohol concentration (or .00 if a probationary driver).

Car-pooling will be encouraged to ensure a nominated and designated driver is identified.

In specific cases, and where all other options have been exhausted, the Club will offer alternative transport and arrange someone to drive others home safely if a patron is believed to have exceeded .05 blood alcohol concentration.

Committee will pre-order taxis if necessary to arrive at the venue at the conclusion of the function.

Policy Review

To ensure this policy remains current and relevant to club operations and reflects community expectations, it will be reviewed annually.  Any alterations or amendments will be taken to the next Board meeting for approval.


Signed: Scott Nicholas

Position: CHAIRMAN
Date: 9 February 2020
The next policy review date will be February 2021.