Many thanks once again to Hon. Heidi Victoria MP, the Member for Bayswater District, who is supporting Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club in 2018 as a Bronze Sponsor. As recognition of her long standing support of the Hawks, Heidi is also our No.1 Ticket Holder in 2018.
Heidi has been the local member for over ten years now and is currently: the Shadow Minister for Tourism and Major Events; Shadow Minister for Arts and Culture; and Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs. Despite all these responsibilities, Heidi is a regular attendee at Boronia’s popular Chairman’s Lunches.

How to contact Heidi:
through her Electoral Office at Suite 2, Mountain High Centre, 7 High St, Bayswater Vic 3153
by e-mail at;
her Facebook page; Twitter @heidivic; Instagram @heidivictoriamp;
Phone (03) 9729 1622;
her website or