Boronia Hawks FNC is very pleased to announce that Ye Jeffries has accepted the position as the Club’s Child Safety Officer for 2020. Ye is a primary school teacher, a member of our Senior Committee and is in her second year as a member of our Women’s Football Squad.

In response to new legislation Boronia Hawks Football Netball Club has committed to having a nominated Child Safety Officer. Any grievances or incident reports regarding child safety, or suspected or known child abuse, will be directed initially to the CSO. Ye will be responsible for leading the Club towards safer practices, a more robust plan for the protection of the children at the Club, and establishing a culture of safety and growth for children.
Ye will take on this important role with guidance and support from the Club’s Board in accordance with the the requirements of AFL, AFL Victoria and EFNL.
The Club’s Child Safe Policy may be accessed here. Please join us all in thanking and congratulating Ye for taking on this very important role. Ye may be contacted on